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| Water Chosen as a Vehicle of Divine Operation and Wherefore. Its Prominence First of All in Creation. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
III.—Water Chosen as a Vehicle of Divine Operation and Wherefore.
Its Prominence First of All in Creation.
Mindful of this declaration as of a conclusive
prescript, we nevertheless proceed to treat the question,
“How foolish and impossible it is to be formed anew
by water. In what respect, pray, has this material substance merited an
office of so high dignity?” The authority, I suppose, of the
liquid element has to be examined.8551 This8552 however, is found in abundance, and that
from the very beginning. For water is one of those things which,
before all the furnishing of the world, were quiescent with God in a
yet unshapen8553 state. “In
the first beginning,” saith Scripture, “God made the
heaven and the earth. But the earth was invisible, and
unorganized,8554 and darkness was
over the abyss; and the Spirit of the Lord was hovering8555 over the waters.”8556 The first thing, O man, which you have to
venerate, is the age of the waters in that their substance is
ancient; the second, their dignity, in that they were the seat
of the Divine Spirit, more pleasing to Him, no doubt, than all
the other then existing elements. For the darkness was total thus far,
shapeless, without the ornament of stars; and the abyss gloomy; and the
earth unfurnished; and the heaven unwrought: water8557 alone—always a perfect, gladsome,
simple material substance, pure in itself—supplied a worthy
vehicle to God. What of the fact that waters were in some
way the regulating powers by which the disposition of the world
thenceforward was constituted by God? For the suspension of the
celestial firmament in the midst He caused by “dividing the
waters;”8558 the suspension of
“the dry land” He accomplished by “separating the
waters.” After the world had been hereupon set in order through
its elements, when inhabitants were given it, “the
waters” were the first to receive the precept “to bring
forth living creatures.”8559 Water was the first
to produce that which had life, that it might be no wonder in baptism
if waters know how to give life.8560 For was not
the work of fashioning man himself also achieved with the aid of
waters? Suitable material is found in the earth, yet not
apt for the purpose unless it be moist and juicy; which (earth)
“the waters,” separated the fourth day before into their
own place, temper with their remaining moisture to a clayey
consistency. If, from that time onward, I go forward in recounting
universally, or at more length, the evidences of the
“authority” of this element which I can adduce to show how
great is its power or its grace; how many ingenious devices, how many
functions, how useful an instrumentality, it affords the world, I fear
I may seem to have collected rather the praises of water than the
reasons of baptism; although I should thereby teach all the more
fully, that it is not to be doubted that God has made the material
substance which He has disposed throughout all His products8561 and works, obey Him also in His own peculiar
sacraments; that the material substance which governs
terrestrial life acts as agent likewise in the
celestial.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH