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| It is Not Enough that God Know Us to Be Chaste: We Must Seem So Before Men. Especially in These Times of Persecution We Must Inure Our Bodies to the Hardships Which They May Not Improbably Be Called to Suffer. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XIII.—It
is Not Enough that God Know Us to Be Chaste: We Must Seem So
Before Men. Especially in These Times of Persecution We Must
Inure Our Bodies to the Hardships Which They May Not Improbably Be
Called to Suffer.
Perhaps some (woman) will say: “To me
it is not necessary to be approved by men; for I do not require the
testimony of men:261 God is the
inspector of the heart.”262
262 Comp. 1 Sam. xvi. 7; Jer. xvii. 10; Luke xvi.
15. | (That) we all
know; provided, however, we remember what the same (God) has said
through the apostle: “Let your probity appear before
263 See Phil. iv. 5, 8; Rom. xii. 17; 2 Cor. viii.
21. | For what
purpose, except that malice may have no access at all to you, or that
you may be an example and testimony to the evil? Else, what is
(that): “Let your works shine?”264 Why, moreover, does the Lord call us
the light of the world; why has He compared us to a city built upon a
mountain;265 if we do not shine in
(the midst of) darkness, and stand eminent amid them who are sunk
down? If you hide your lamp beneath a bushel,266
266 Matt. v. 15; Mark iv. 21; Luke viii. 16;
xi. 33. |
you must necessarily be left quite in darkness, and be run against by
many. The things which make us luminaries of the world are
these—our good works. What is good, moreover,
provided it be true and full, loves not darkness: it joys in
being seen,267 and exults over the
very pointings which are made at it. To Christian modesty it is
not enough to be so, but to seem so too. For so
great ought its plenitude to be, that it may flow out from the mind to
the garb, and burst out from the conscience to the outward appearance;
so that even from the outside it may gaze, as it were, upon its own
furniture,268 —(a furniture)
such as to be suited to retain faith as its inmate perpetually.
For such delicacies as tend by their softness and effeminacy to unman
the manliness269 of faith are to be
discarded. Otherwise, I know not whether the wrist that has been
wont to be surrounded with the palmleaf-like bracelet will endure till
it grow into the numb hardness of its own chain! I know not
whether the leg that has rejoiced in the anklet will suffer itself to
be squeezed into the gyve! I fear the neck, beset with pearl and
emerald nooses, will give no room to the broadsword! Wherefore,
blessed (sisters), let us meditate on hardships, and we shall not feel
them; let us abandon luxuries, and we shall not regret them. Let
us stand ready to endure every violence, having nothing which we may
fear to leave behind. It is these things which are the bonds
which retard our hope. Let us cast away earthly ornaments if we
desire heavenly. Love not gold; in which (one substance) are
branded all the sins of the people of Israel. You ought to
hate what ruined your fathers; what was adored by them who were
forsaking God.270 Even
then (we find) gold is food for the fire.271 But Christians always, and now more
than ever, pass their times not in gold but in iron: the stoles
of martyrdom are (now) preparing: the angels who are to carry us
are (now) being awaited! Do you go forth (to meet them) already
arrayed in the cosmetics and ornaments of prophets and apostles;
drawing your whiteness from simplicity, your ruddy hue from modesty;
painting your eyes with bashfulness, and your mouth with silence;
implanting in your ears the words of God; fitting on your necks the
yoke of Christ. Submit your head to your husbands, and you will
be enough adorned. Busy your hands with spinning; keep your feet
at home; and you will “please” better than (by arraying
yourselves) in gold. Clothe yourselves with the silk of
uprightness, the fine linen of holiness, the purple of modesty.
Thus painted, you will have God as your Lover!E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH