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Chapter IX.
Celsus quotes another saying of Plato to the
following effect: “It has occurred to me to speak once more
upon these subjects at greater length, as perhaps I might express
myself about them more clearly than I have already done for there is a
certain ‘real’ cause, which proves a hindrance in the way
of him who has ventured, even to a slight extent, to write on such
topics; and as this has been frequently mentioned by me on former
occasions, it appears to me that it ought to be stated now. In
each of existing things, which are necessarily employed in the
acquisition of knowledge, there are three elements; knowledge itself is
the fourth; and that ought to be laid down as the fifth which is both
capable of being known and is true. Of these, one is
‘name;’ the second is ‘word;’ the third,
‘image;’ the fourth,
4323 ὧν ἓν
μὲν ὄνομα·
δεύτερον δὲ
λόγος· τὸ δὲ
εἴδωλον· τὸ
τέταρτον δὲ
ἐπιστήμη. | Now,
according to this division, John is introduced before Jesus as the
voice of one crying in the wilderness, so as to correspond with the
“name” of Plato; and the second after John, who is pointed
out by him, is Jesus, with whom agrees the statement, “The Word
became flesh;” and that corresponds to the “word” of
Plato. Plato terms the third “image;” but we, who
apply the expression “image” to something different, would
say with greater precision, that the mark of the wounds which is made
in the soul by the word is the Christ which is in each one of us and
this mark is impressed by Christ the Word.4324
4324 τρανότερον
φήσομεν ἐν τῇ
μετὰ τὸν
λόγον τῶν
τύπον, τοῦτον
εἶναι τὸν ἑν
Χριστὸν, ἀπὸ
Λόγου. | And whether Christ, the wisdom which
is in those of us who are perfect, correspond to the
“fourth” element—knowledge—will become known to
him who has the capacity to ascertain it.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH