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| Impossibility of Fixing the Horoscope; Failure of an Attempt to Do This at the Period of Birth. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter IV.—Impossibility of Fixing the Horoscope; Failure
of an Attempt to Do This at the Period of Birth.
For this reason it is impossible to fix the
horoscope from the (period of) conception. But neither can this
be done from (that of) birth. For, in the first place, there
exists the difficulty as to when it can be declared that there is a
birth; whether it is when the fœtus begins to incline towards the
165 Or,
“the cold atmosphere.” | or when it may
project a little, or when it may be borne to the ground. Neither is it in each of
these cases possible to comprehend the precise moment of
parturition,166 or to define the
time. For also on account of disposition of soul, and on account
of suitableness of body, and on account of choice of the parts, and on
account of experience in the midwife, and other endless causes, the
time is not the same at which the fœtus inclines towards the
orifice, when the membranes are ruptured, or when it projects a little,
or is deposited on the ground; but the period is different in the case
of different individuals. And when the Chaldeans are not able
definitely and accurately to calculate this, they will fail, as they
ought, to determine the period of emergence.
That, then, the Chaldeans profess to be acquainted
with the horoscope at the periods of birth,167 but in reality do not know it, is evident
from these considerations. But that neither is their horoscope
infallible, it is easy to conclude. For when they allege that the
person sitting beside the woman in travail at the time of parturition
gives, by striking a metallic rim, a sign to the Chaldean, who from an
elevated place is contemplating the stars, and he, looking towards
heaven, marks down the rising zodiacal sign; in the first place, we
shall prove to them, that when parturition happens indefinitely, as we
have shown a little before, neither is it easy168 to signify this (birth) by striking the
metallic rim. However, grant that the birth is comprehensible,
yet neither is it possible to signify this at the exact time; for as
the noise of the metallic plate is capable of being divided by a longer
time and one protracted, in reference to perception, it happens that
the sound is carried to the height (with proportionate delay).
And the following proof may be observed in the case of those felling
timber at a distance. For a sufficiently long time after the
descent of the axe, the sound of the stroke is heard, so that it takes
a longer time to reach the listener. And for this reason,
therefore, it is not possible for the Chaldeans accurately to take the
time of the rising zodiacal sign, and consequently the time when one
can make the horoscope with truth. And not only does more time
seem to elapse after parturition, when he who is sitting beside the
woman in labour strikes the metallic plate, and next after the sound
reaches the listener, that is, the person who has gone up to the
elevated position; but also, while he is glancing around and looking to
ascertain in which of the zodiacal signs is the moon, and in which
appears each of the rest of the stars, it necessarily follows that
there is a different position in regard of the stars, the
169 Or,
“but the motion…is whirled on with velocity.” | of the pole
whirling them on with incalculable velocity, before what is seen in the
170 This
rendering of the passage may be deduced from Sextus Empiricus. | is carefully
adjusted to the moment when the person is born.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH