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| Another Method of Fixing the Horoscope at Birth; Equally Futile; Use of the Clepsydra in Astrology; The Predictions of the Chaldeans Not Verified. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter V.—Another
Method of Fixing the Horoscope at Birth; Equally Futile; Use of the
Clepsydra in Astrology; The Predictions of the Chaldeans Not
In this way, the art practised by the Chaldeans
will be shown to be unstable. Should any one, however, allege
that, by questions put to him who inquires from the Chaldeans,171
171 The text
is corrupt, but the above seems probably the meaning, and agrees with
the rendering of Schneidewin and Cruice. | the birth can be ascertained, not even by
this plan is it possible to arrive at the precise period. For if,
supposing any such attention on their part in reference to their art to
be on record, even these do not attain—as we have
proved—unto accuracy either, how, we ask, can an unsophisticated
individual comprehend precisely the time of parturition, in order that
the Chaldean acquiring the requisite information from this person may
set172 the horoscope
correctly? But neither from the appearance of the horizon will
the rising star seem the same everywhere; but in one place its
declination will be supposed to be the horoscope, and in another the
ascension (will be thought) the horoscope, according as the places come
into view, being either lower or higher. Wherefore, also, from
this quarter an accurate prediction will not appear, since many may be
born throughout the entire world at the same hour, each from a
different direction observing the stars.
But the supposed comprehension (of the period of
parturition) by means of clepsydras173
173 The
clepsydra, an instrument for measuring duration, was, with the
sun-dial, invented by the Egyptians under the Ptolemies. It was
employed not only for the measurement of time, but for making
astronomic calculations. Water, as the name imports, was the
fluid employed, though mercury has been likewise used. The
inherent defect of an instrument of this description is mentioned by
Hippolytus. | is likewise futile. For the
contents of the jar will not flow out in the same time when it is full
as when it is half empty; yet, according to their own account, the pole
itself by a single impulse is whirled along at an equable
velocity. If, however, evading the argument,174
Literally, “twisting, tergiversating.” | they should affirm that they do not take
the time precisely, but as it happens in any particular
175 This
seems the meaning, as deducible from a comparison of Hippolytus with
the corresponding passage in Sextus Empiricus. | they will be
refuted almost by the sidereal influences themselves. For those
who have been born at the same time do not spend the same life, but
some, for example, have been made kings, and others have grown old in
fetters. There has
been born none equal, at all events, to Alexander the Macedonian,
though many were brought forth along with him throughout the earth;
(and) none equal to the philosopher Plato. Wherefore the
Chaldean, examining the time of the birth in any particular latitude,
will not be able to say accurately, whether a person born at this time
will be prosperous. Many, I take it, born at this time, have been
unfortunate, so that the similarity according to dispositions is
Having, then, by different reasons and various
methods, refuted the ineffectual mode of examination adopted by the
Chaldeans, neither shall we omit this, namely, to show that their
predictions will eventuate in inexplicable difficulties. For if,
as the mathematicians assert, it is necessary that one born under the
barb of Sagittarius’ arrow should meet with a violent death, how
was it that so many myriads of the Barbarians that fought with the
Greeks at Marathon or Salamis176
were simultaneously slaughtered? For unquestionably there was not
the same horoscope in the case, at all events, of them all. And
again, it is said that one born under the urn of Aquarius will suffer
shipwreck: (yet) how is it that so many177
The Abbe Cruice observes, in regard of some verbal difference
here in the text from that of Sextus, that the ms. of The Refutation was probably executed by one
who heard the extracts from other writers read to him, and frequently
mistook the sound. The transcriber of the ms. was one Michael, as we learn from a marginal note at
the end. | of the Greeks that returned from Troy
were overwhelmed in the deep around the indented shores of
Eubœa? For it is incredible that all, distant from one
another by a long interval of duration, should have been born under the
urn of Aquarius. For it is not reasonable to say, that
frequently, for one whose fate it was to be destroyed in the sea, all
who were with him in the same vessel should perish. For why
should the doom of this man subdue the (destinies) of all? Nay,
but why, on account of one for whom it was allotted to die on land,
should not all be preserved?E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH