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| Again He Proves from the Gospel that Christ is God. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XV.5116
According to Pamelius, ch. xxiii. | Argument.—Again He
Proves from the Gospel that Christ is God.
If Christ is only man, how is it that He says,
“Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true:
because I know whence I came, and whither I go; ye know not whence I
came, and whither I go. Ye judge after the flesh?”5117 Behold,
also He says, that He shall return thither whence He bears witness that
He came before, as being sent,—to wit, from heaven. He came
down therefore from whence He came, in the same manner as He goes
thither from whence He descended. Whence if Christ were only man,
He would not have come thence, and therefore would not depart thither,
because He would not have come thence. Moreover, by coming
thence, whence as man He could not have come, He shows Himself to have
come as God. For the Jews, ignorant and untaught in the matter of
this very descent of His, made these heretics their successors, seeing
that to them it is said, “Ye know not whence I come, and whither
I go: ye judge after the flesh.” As much they as the
Jews, holding that the carnal birth of Christ was the only one,
believed that Christ was nothing else than man; not considering this
point, that as man could not come from heaven, so as that he might
return thither, He who descended thence must be God, seeing that man
could not come thence. If Christ is only man, how does He say,
“Ye are from below, I am from above; ye are of this world, I am
not of this world?”5118 But therefore if every man is of
this world, and Christ is for that reason in this world, is He only
man? God forbid! But consider what He says: “I
am not of this world.” Does He then speak falsely when He
says “of this world,” if He is only man? Or if He
does not speak falsely, He is not of this world; He is therefore not
man only, because He is not of this world. But that it should not
be a secret who He was, He declared whence He was:
“I,” said He, “am from above,” that is, from
heaven, whence man cannot come, for he was not made in heaven. He
is God, therefore, who is from above, and therefore He is not of this
world; although, moreover, in a certain manner He is of this
world: wherefore Christ is not God only, but man also. As
reasonably in the way in which He is not of this world according to the
divinity of the Word, so He is of this world according to the frailty
of the body that He has taken upon Him. For man is joined with
God, and God is linked with man. But on that account this Christ
here laid more stress on the one aspect of His sole divinity, because
the Jewish blindness contemplated in Christ the aspect alone of the
flesh; and thence in the present passage He passed over in silence the
frailty of the body, which is of the world, and spoke of His divinity
alone, which is not of the world: so that in proportion as they
had inclined to believe Him to be only man, in that proportion Christ
might draw them to consider His divinity, so as to believe Him to be
God, desirous to overcome their incredulity concerning His divinity by
omitting in the meantime any mention of His human condition, and by
setting before them His divinity alone. If Christ is man only,
how does He say, “I proceeded forth and came from
God,”5119 when it is
evident that man was made by God, and did not proceed forth from
Him? But in the way in which as man He proceeded not from God,
thus the Word of God proceeded, of whom it is said, “My heart
hath uttered forth a good Word;”5120 which, because it is from God, is with
reason also with God. And this, too, since it was not uttered
without effect, reasonably makes all things: “For all
things were made by Him, and without Him was nothing
made.”5121 But this
Word whereby all things were made (is God). “And
God,” says he, “was the Word.”5122 Therefore God proceeded from God,
in that the Word which proceeded is God, who proceeded forth from
God. If Christ is only man, how does He say, “If any man
shall keep my word, he shall not see death for ever?”5123 Not to
see death for ever! what is this but immortality? But immortality
is the associate of divinity, because both the divinity is immortal,
and immortality is the fruit of divinity. For every man is
mortal; and immortality cannot be from that which is mortal.
Therefore from Christ, as a mortal man, immortality cannot arise.
“But,” says He, “whosoever keepeth my word, shall not
see death for ever;” therefore the word of Christ affords
immortality, and by immortality affords divinity. But although it
is not possible to maintain that one who is himself mortal can make
another immortal, yet this word of Christ not only sets forth, but
affords immortality: certainly He is not man only who gives
immortality, which if He were only man He could not give; but by giving
divinity by immortality, He proves Himself to be God by offering
divinity, which if He were not God He could not give. If Christ
was only man, how did He say, “Before Abraham was,
I Am?”5124 For no
man can be before Him from whom he himself is; nor can it be that any
one should have been prior to him of whom he himself has taken his
origin. And yet Christ, although He is born of Abraham, says that
He is before Abraham. Either, therefore, He says what is not
true, and deceives, if He was not before Abraham, seeing that He was of
Abraham; or He does not deceive, if He is also God, and was before
Abraham. And if this were not so, it follows that, being of
Abraham, He could not be before Abraham. If Christ was only man,
how does He say, “And I know them, and my sheep follow me; and I
give unto them eternal life, and they shall never
perish?”5125 And
yet, since every man is bound by the laws of mortality, and therefore
is unable to keep himself for ever, much more will he be unable to keep
another for ever. But Christ promises to give salvation for ever,
which if He does not give, He is a deceiver; if He gives, He is
God. But He does not deceive, for He gives what He
promises. Therefore He is God who proffers eternal salvation,
which man, being unable to keep himself for ever, cannot be able
to give to another. If Christ is only man, what is that which He
says, “I and the Father are one?”5126 For how can it be that “I
and the Father are one,” if He is not both God and the
Son?—who may therefore be called one, seeing that He is of
Himself, being both His Son, and being born of Him, being declared to
have proceeded from Him, by which He is also God; which when the Jews
thought to be hateful, and believed to be blasphemous, for that He had
shown Himself in these discourses to be God, and therefore rushed at
once to stoning, and set to work passionately to hurl stones, He
strongly refuted His adversaries by the example and witness of the
Scriptures. “If,” said He, “He called them gods
to whom the words of God were given, and the Scriptures cannot be
broken, ye say of Him whom the Father sanctified, and sent into this
world, Thou blasphemest, because I said, I am the Son of
God.”5127 By
which words He did not deny Himself to be God, but rather He confirmed
the assertion that He was God. For because, undoubtedly, they are
said to be gods unto whom the words of God were given, much more is He
God who is found to be superior to all these. And nevertheless He
refuted the calumny of blasphemy in a fitting manner with lawful
“Dispositione,” scil. οἰκονομίᾳ
.—Jackson. | For He
wishes that He should be thus understood to be God, as the Son of God,
and He would not wish to be understood to be the Father Himself.
Thus He said that He was sent, and showed them that He had
manifested many good works from the Father; whence He desired that He
should not be understood to be the Father, but the Son. And in
the latter portion of His defence He made mention of the Son, not the
Father, when He said, “Ye say, Thou blasphemest, because I said,
I am the Son of God.” Thus, as far as pertains to the guilt
of blasphemy, He calls Himself the Son, not the Father; but as
pertaining to His divinity, by saying, “I and the Father are
one,” He proved that He was the Son of God. He is God,
therefore, but God in such a manner as to be the Son, not the