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| Serapion, Bishop of Antioch. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Westcott, Canon, p. 444. Lardner, Credib.,
ii. 264, 417. | Bishop of Antioch.
[a.d. circa
190–200–211.] He was the eighth bishop of Antioch, a
diligent writer and exemplary pastor. Little as we have of his
remains, Lardner shows how very useful is that little. (1) He
testifies to the Apostles as delivering the words of Christ Himself;
(2) to the jealousy of the early Christians in sifting inspired
writings from those of no authority as Scriptures; (3) to their
methods, as in the case of the pseudo-gospel of Peter; and (4) to the
utterly apocryphal character
of that book, which Grabe and others suppose to be the work of Leucius,
a noted forger and falsifier. It had never been heard of in the
great See of Antioch, and this famous bishop could only get sight of it
by fishing it out of the dirty pool of the Docetæ.
From the Epistle to Caricus and
3788 In
Eusebius, Hist. Eccl., v. 19. |
That ye may see also that
the proceedings of this lying confederacy,3789 to which is given the name of New
Prophecy, is abominated among the whole brotherhood throughout the
world, I have sent you letters of the most blessed Claudius
Apollinarius, who was made bishop of Hierapolis in Asia.
From the Book Concerning the Gospel of
3790 In Eusebius,
Hist. Eccl., v. 12. |
For we, brethren, receive both Peter and the rest
of the apostles as Christ Himself. But those writings
which are falsely inscribed with their name,3791
3791 The reading of
Migne, ὀνόματι, is adopted
instead of ὁνόματα. | we as experienced persons reject,
knowing that no such writings have been handed down to us.3792
3792 Τὰ τοιαῦτα
παρελάβομεν. | When, indeed, I came to see you,
I supposed that all were in accord with the orthodox faith; and,
although I had not read through the Gospel inscribed with the name of
Peter which was brought forward by them, I said: If this is the
only thing which threatens3793 to produce
ill-feeling among you, let it be read. But, now that I have
learnt from what has been told me that their mind was secretly
cherishing some heresy,3794
3794 Αἱρέσει
τινὶ ὁ νοῦς
ἐνεφώλευεν. | I will make
all haste to come to you again. Expect me therefore, brethren,
shortly. Moreover, brethren, we, having discovered to what kind
of heresy Marcion adhered, and seen how he contradicted himself, not
understanding of what he was speaking, as you will gather from what has
been written to you3795
3795 The construction
is not again resumed. | —for,
having borrowed this said Gospel from those who were familiar with it
from constant perusal, namely from the successors of those who were his
leaders in the heresy, whom we call Docetæ (for most of the
opinions held by him are derived from their teaching), we were able to
read it through; and while we found most of its contents to agree with
the orthodox account of the Saviour, we found some things inconsistent
with that, and these we have set down below for your