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| The Gospel Contains the Ill Deeds Also Which Were Done to Jesus. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
12. The Gospel Contains
the Ill Deeds Also Which Were Done to Jesus.
It ought not to be forgotten that in such a Gospel as this there is embraced every good
deed which was done to Jesus; as, for example, the story of the
woman4513 who had been a sinner and had repented, and
who, having experienced a genuine recovery from her evil state, had
grace to pour her ointment over Jesus so that every one in the house
smelt the sweet savour. Hence, too, the words, “Wherever
this Gospel shall be preached among all the nations, there also this
that she has done shall be spoken of, for a memorial of
her.” And it is clear that whatever is done to the
disciples of Jesus is done to Him. Pointing to those of them who
met with kind treatment, He says to those who were kind to
them,4514 “What ye did to these, ye did to
Me.” So that every good deed we do to our neighbours is
entered in the Gospel, that Gospel which is written on the heavenly
tablets and read by all who are worthy of the knowledge of the whole of
things. But on the other side, too, there is a part of the Gospel
which is for the condemnation of the doers of the ill deeds which have
been done to Jesus. The treachery of Judas and the shouts of the
wicked crowd when it said,4515 “Away with
such a one from the earth,” and “Crucify Him, crucify
Him,” the mockings of those who crowned Him with thorns, and
everything of that kind, is included in the Gospels. And as a
consequence of this we see that every one who betrays the disciples of
Jesus is reckoned as betraying Jesus Himself. To Saul,4516 when still a persecutor it is said,
“Saul Saul, why persecutest thou Me?” and, “I am
Jesus whom thou persecutest.” There are those who still
have thorns with which they crown and dishonour Jesus, those, namely,
who are choked by the cares, and riches, and pleasures of life, and
though they have received the word of God, do not bring it to
perfection.4517 We must
beware, therefore, lest we also, as crowning Jesus with thorns of our
own, should be entered in the Gospel and read of in this character by
those who learn the Jesus, who is in all and is present in all rational
and holy lives, learn how He is anointed with ointment, is entertained,
is glorified, or how, on the other side, He is dishonoured, and mocked,
and beaten. All this had to be said; it is part of our
demonstration that our good actions, and also the sins of those who
stumble, are embodied in the Gospel, either to everlasting life or to
reproach and everlasting shame.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH