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| How God Also is Light, But in a Different Way; And How Life Came Before Light. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
18. How God Also is
Light, But in a Different Way; And How Life Came Before
The Saviour is here called simply light. But in
the Catholic Epistle of this same John4722 we
read that God is light. This, it has been maintained, furnishes a
proof that the Son is not in substance different from the Father.
Another student, however, looking into the matter more closely and with
a sounder judgment, will say that the light which shines in darkness
and is not overtaken by it, is not the same as the light in which there
is no darkness at all. The light which shines in darkness comes
upon this darkness, as it were, and is pursued by it, and, in spite of
attempts made upon it, is not overtaken. But the light in which
there is no darkness at all neither shines on darkness, nor is at first
pursued by it, so as to prove victor and to have it recorded that it
was not overtaken by its pursuer. The third designation was
“the true light.” But in proportion as God, since He
is the Father of truth, is more and greater than truth, and since He is
the Father of wisdom is greater and more excellent than wisdom, in the
same proportion He is more than the true light. We may learn,
perhaps, in a more suggestive manner, how the Father and the Son are
two lights, from David, who says in the thirty-fifth Psalm,4723 “In Thy light we shall see
light.” This same light of men which shines in darkness,
the true light, is called, further on in the Gospel, the light of the
world; Jesus says,4724 “I am the
light of the world.” Nor must we omit to notice that
whereas the passage might very well have run, “That which was made was in Him the
light of men, and the light of men was life,” he chose the
opposite order. He puts life before the light of men, even if
life and the light of men are the same thing; in thinking of those who
have part in life, though that life is also the light of men, we are to
come first to the fact that they are living the divine life spoken of
before; then we come to their enlightenment. For life must come
first if the living person is to be enlightened; it would not be a good
arrangement to speak of the illumination of one not yet conceived as
living, and to make life come after the illumination. For though
“life” and “the light” of men are the same
thing, the notions are taken separately. This light of men is
also called, by Isaiah, “the light of the Gentiles,” where
he says,4725 “Behold I
have set Thee for a covenant of the generation, for a light of the
Gentiles;” and David, placing his confidence in this light, says
in the twenty-sixth Psalm,4726 “The Lord is
my illumination and my Saviour; whom shall I fear?”E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH