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| The Higher Powers are Men; And Christ is Their Light Also. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
17. The Higher Powers are
Men; And Christ is Their Light Also.
Another, again, appeals to the text, “Let us make
man according to our image and likeness,4718 ” and maintains that whatever is made
according to God’s image and likeness is man. To support
this, numberless instances are adduced to show that in Scripture
“man” and “angel” are used indifferently, and
that the same subject is entitled both angel and man. This is
true of the three who were entertained by Abraham, and of the two who
came to Sodom; in the whole course of Scripture, persons are styled
sometimes men, sometimes angels. Those who hold this view will
say that since persons are styled angels who are manifestly men, as
when Zechariah says,4719
4719 Zechar. i.; Hagg. i. 13. | “The
messenger of the Lord, I am with you, saith the Lord Almighty,”
and as it is written of John the Baptist,4720
“Behold I send My messenger before thy face,” the angels
(messengers) of God are so called on account of their office, and are
not here called men on account of their nature. It confirms this
view that the names applied to the higher powers are not those of
species of living beings, but those of the orders, assigned by God to
this and to that reasonable being. “Throne” is not a
species of living being, nor “dominion,” nor
“principality,” nor “power”; these are names of
the businesses to which those clothed with the names have been
appointed; the subjects themselves are nothing but men, but the subject
has come to be a throne, or a dominion, or a principality, or a
power. In Joshua, the son of Nun, we read4721
that in Jericho there appeared to Joshua a man who said, “I am
captain of the Lord’s host, now am I come.” The
outcome of this is that the light of men must be held to be the same as
the light of every being endowed with reason; for every reasonable
being is man, since it is according to the image and likeness of
God. It is spoken of in three different ways, “the light of
men,” and simply “the light,” and “the true
light.” It is the light of men either, as we showed before,
because there is nothing to prevent us from regarding it as the light
of other beings besides men, or because all beings endowed with reason
are called men because they are made in the image of God.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH