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| Concerning Those Who Asked Him to Show Them a Sign from Heaven. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Book XII.
1. Concerning Those Who Asked Him
to Show Them a Sign from Heaven.
“And the Sadducees and Pharisees came, and
tempting Him kept asking Him to shew them a sign from
heaven.”5553 The Sadducees
and Pharisees who disagreed with each other in regard to the most
essential truths,—for the Pharisees champion the doctrine of the
resurrection of the dead, hoping that there will be a world to come,
while the Sadducees know nothing after this life in store for a man
whether he has been advancing towards virtue, or has made no effort at
all to come out from the mountains of wickedness,—these, I say,
agree that they may tempt Jesus. Now, a similar thing, as Luke
has narrated,5554 happened in the
case of Herod and Pilate, who became friends with one another that they
might kill Jesus; for, perhaps, their hostility with one another would
have prevented Herod from asking that He should be put to death, in
order to please the people, who said, “Crucify Him, Crucify
Him,”5555 and would have
influenced Pilate, who was somewhat inclined against His condemnation,
his hostility with Herod giving fresh impulse to the inclination which
he previously cherished to release Jesus. But their apparent
friendship made Herod stronger in his demand against Jesus with Pilate, who
wished, perhaps, also because of the newly-formed friendship to do
something to gratify Herod and all the nation of the Jews. And
often even now you may see in daily life those who hold the most
divergent opinions, whether in the philosophy of the Greeks or in other
systems of thought, appearing to be of one mind that they may scoff at
and attack Jesus Christ in the person of His disciples. And from
these things I think you may go on by rational argument to consider,
whether when forces join in opposition which are in disagreement with
one another, as of Pharaoh with Nebuchadnezzar,5556
and of Tirhakah, king of the Ethiopians, with Sennacherib,5557 a combination then takes place against Jesus
and His people. So perhaps, also, “The kings of the earth
set themselves and the rulers were gathered together,”5558 though not at all before at harmony with one
another, that having taken counsel against the Lord and His Christ,
they might slay the Lord of glory.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH