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| Relation of the Former Commission Given by Jesus to the Disciples, to His Present Injunction of Silence. Belief and Knowledge Contrasted. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
15. Relation of the Former Commission Given by Jesus to the
Disciples, to His Present Injunction of Silence. Belief and
Knowledge Contrasted.
“Then enjoined He His disciples that they
should tell no man that He was the Christ.”5661 It is written above that Jesus sent
forth these twelve saying unto them, “Go not into any way of the
Gentiles,”5662 and the other words
which are recorded to have been said to them when He sent them to the
apostleship. Did He then wish them when they were already
discharging the function of Apostles to proclaim that He was the
Christ? For, if He wished it, it is fitting to inquire why He now
at all commands the disciples that they should not say that He was the
Christ? Or if He did not wish it, how can the things concerning
the apostleship be safely maintained? And these things also one
may inquire at this place,—whether, when He sent away the Twelve,
He did not send them away with the understanding that He was the
Christ? But if the Twelve had such understanding, manifestly
Peter had it also; how, then, is he now pronounced blessed? For
the expression here plainly indicates that now for the first time Peter
confessed that Christ was the Son of the living God. Matthew
then, according to some of the manuscripts, has written, “Then He
commanded His disciples that they should tell no man that He was the
Christ,” but5663 Mark says,
“He charged them that they should tell no man of
Him;”5664 and Luke, “He
charged them and commanded them to tell this to no man.”5665 But what is the
“this”? Was it that also according to him, Peter
answered and said to the question, “Who say ye that I
am.”—“The Christ, the Son of the living
God?”5666 You must
know, however, that some manuscripts of the Gospel according to Matthew
have, “He charged.”5667 The
difficulty thus started seems to me a very real difficulty; but let a
solution which cannot be impugned be sought out, and let the finder of
it bring it forward before all, if it be more credible than that which
shall be advanced by us as a fairly temperate view.5668
5668 Or, which he
may regard as mediocre. | Consider, then, if you can say, that
the belief that Jesus is the Christ is inferior to the knowledge of
that which is believed. And perhaps also there is a difference in
the knowledge of Jesus as the Christ, as every one who knows does not
know Him alike. From the words in John, “If ye abide in My
word, ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you
free,”5669 it is plain that
belief without knowledge is inferior to knowing; but that there is a
difference in the knowledge of Jesus as the Christ, as all who know Him
do not know Him equally, is a fact self-evident to any one who gives
even a very little consideration to the matter. For who would not
acknowledge, for example, that Timothy, though he knew that Jesus was
the Christ, had not been enlightened to such an extent in the knowledge
of Him as the Apostle had been enlightened? And who would not
also admit this—that though many, speaking the truth, say about God, “He has given to me
a true knowledge of things that are,” yet they will not say this
with equal insight and apprehension of the things known, nor as knowing
the same number of things? But it is not only in respect of the
difference of knowing that those who know do not know alike, but also
according to that which is the source of the knowledge; so that
according to this he who knows the Son by the revelation of the
Father,5670 as Peter is
testified to have known, has the highest beatitude. Now, if these
views of ours are sound, you will consider whether the Twelve formerly
believed but did not know; but, after believing, they gained also the
rudiments of knowledge and knew a few things about Him; and afterwards
they continued to advance in knowledge so that they were able to
receive the knowledge from the Father who reveals the Son; in which
position Peter was, when he was pronounced blessed; for also he is
pronounced blessed not merely because he said, “Thou art the
Christ,” but with the addition, “the Son of the living
God.” Accordingly Mark and Luke who have recorded that
Peter answered and said, “Thou art the Christ,” but have
not given the addition found in Matthew, have not recorded that he was
declared blessed for what had been said, nor the blessing which
followed the declaration of blessedness, “Thou art
Peter,”5671 etc.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH