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| The Rebuke of Peter and the Answer of Jesus. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
21. The Rebuke of Peter and the Answer of Jesus.
“And Peter took Him and began to rebuke Him,
saying, God be propitious to Thee. Lord, this shall never be unto
thee.”5694 To whom He
said, “Get thee behind Me, Satan; thou art a stumbling-block
unto Me; for thou mindest not the things of God but the things of
men.”5695 Since Jesus
had begun to show unto His disciples that He must go unto Jerusalem,
and suffer many things, Peter up to this point learned the beginnings
of those things which were shown.5696
5696 These three
sentences are supplied from the old Latin version, as at this point
there is a hiatus in the mss. | But
since he thought that the sufferings were unworthy of Christ the Son of
the living God, and below the dignity of the Father who had revealed to
him so great things about Christ,—for the things that concerned
His coming suffering had not been revealed to him,—on this
account he took Him, and as one forgetful of the honour due to the
Christ, and that the Son of the living God neither does nor says
anything worthy of rebuke, he began to rebuke Him; and as to one who
needed propitiation,—for he did not yet know that “God had
set Him forth to be a propitiation through faith in His
blood,”5697 he said, “God
be propitious to thee, O Lord.”5698 Approving his purpose, indeed, but
rebuking his ignorance, because of the purpose being right, He says to
him, “Get thee behind Me,”5699 as
to one who, by reason of the things of which he was ignorant and spake
not rightly, had abandoned the following of Jesus; but because of his
ignorance, as to one who had something antagonistic to the things of
God, He said, “Satan,” which in the Hebrew means
“adversary.” But, if Peter had not spoken from
ignorance, nor rebuked the Son of the living God, saying unto Him,
“God be propitious to thee, Lord, this shall never be unto
Thee,” Christ would not have said to him, “Get thee behind
Me,” as to one who had given up being behind Him and following
Him; nor would He have said as to one who had spoken things adverse to
what He had said, “Satan.” But now Satan prevailed
over him who had followed Jesus and was going behind Him, to turn aside
from following Him and from being behind the Son of God, and to make
him, by reason of the words which he spoke in ignorance, worthy
of being called “Satan”
and a stumbling-block to the Son of God, and “as not minding the
things of God but the things of men.” But that Peter was
formerly behind the Son of God, before he committed this sin, is
manifest from the words, “Come ye behind Me, and I will make you
fishers of men.”5700