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| Of the Runaway Gladiators Whose Power Became Like that of Royal Dignity. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter 5.—Of the Runaway
Gladiators Whose Power Became Like that of Royal
I shall not therefore stay to
inquire what sort of men Romulus gathered together, seeing he
deliberated much about them,—how, being assumed out of that life
they led into the fellowship of his city, they might cease to think
of the punishment they deserved, the fear of which had driven them
to greater villainies; so that henceforth they might be made more
peaceable members of society. But this I say, that the Roman
empire, which by subduing many nations had already grown great and
an object of universal dread, was itself greatly alarmed, and only
with much difficulty avoided a disastrous overthrow, because a mere
handful of gladiators in Campania, escaping from the games, had
recruited a great army, appointed three generals, and most widely
and cruelly devastated Italy. Let them say what god aided these
men, so that from a small and contemptible band of robbers they
attained to a kingdom, feared even by the Romans, who had such
great forces and fortresses. Or will they deny that they were
divinely aided because they did not last long?165
165 It was extinguished by Crassus in
its third year. | As if, indeed, the life of any
man whatever lasted long. In that case, too, the gods aid no one
to reign, since all individuals quickly die; nor is sovereign power
to be reckoned a benefit, because in a little time in every man,
and thus in all of them one by one, it vanishes like a vapor. For
what does it matter to those who worshipped the gods under Romulus,
and are long since dead, that after their death the Roman empire
has grown so great, while they plead their causes before the powers
beneath? Whether
those causes are good or bad, it
matters not to the question before us. And this is to be
understood of all those who carry with them the heavy burden of
their actions, having in the few days of their life swiftly and
hurriedly passed over the stage of the imperial office, although
the office itself has lasted through long spaces of time, being
filled by a constant succession of dying men. If, however, even
those benefits which last only for the shortest time are to be
ascribed to the aid of the gods, these gladiators were not a little
aided, who broke the bonds of their servile condition, fled,
escaped, raised a great and most powerful army, obedient to the
will and orders of their chiefs and much feared by the Roman
majesty, and remaining unsubdued by several Roman generals, seized
many places, and, having won very many victories, enjoyed whatever
pleasures they wished, and did what their lust suggested, and,
until at last they were conquered, which was done with the utmost
difficulty, lived sublime and dominant. But let us come to
greater matters.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH