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| Of the Idea that the Angels Were Meant Where the Separation of the Waters by the Firmament is Spoken Of, and of that Other Idea that the Waters Were Not Created. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter 34.—Of the Idea that the
Angels Were Meant Where the Separation of the Waters by the
Firmament is Spoken Of, and of that Other Idea that the Waters Were
Not Created.
521 Augustin himself published this
idea in his Conf. xiii. 32 but afterwards retracted it, as
“said without sufficient consideration” (Retract. II.
vi. 2). Epiphanius and Jerome ascribe it to Origen. | however, have supposed that the
angelic hosts are somehow referred to under the name of waters, and
that this is what is meant by “Let there be a firmament in the
midst of the waters:”522 that the waters above should be
understood of the angels, and those below either of the visible
waters, or of the multitude of bad angels, or of the nations of
men. If this be so, then it does not here appear when the angels
were created, but when they were separated. Though there have not
been wanting men foolish and wicked enough523
523 Namely, the Audians and
Sampsæans, insignificant heretical sects mentioned by Theodoret
and Epiphanius. | to deny that the waters were made
by God, because it is nowhere written, “God said, Let there be
waters.” With equal folly they might say the same of the earth,
for nowhere do we read, “God said, Let the earth be.” But,
say they, it is written, “In the beginning God created the heaven
and the earth.” Yes, and there the water is meant, for both are
included in one word. For “the sea is His,” as the psalm
says, “and He made it; and His hands formed the dry land.”524 But those
who would understand the angels by the waters above the skies have
a difficulty about the specific gravity of the elements, and fear
that the waters, owing to their fluidity and weight, could not be
set in the upper parts of the world. So that, if they were to
construct a man upon their own principles, they would not put in
his head any moist humors, or “phlegm” as the Greeks call it,
and which acts the part of water among the elements of our body.
But, in God’s handiwork, the head is the seat of the phlegm, and
surely most fitly; and yet, according to their supposition, so
absurdly that if we were not aware of the fact, and were informed
by this same record that God had put a moist and cold and therefore
heavy humor in the uppermost part of man’s body, these
world-weighers would refuse belief. And if they were confronted
with the authority of Scripture, they would maintain that something
else must be meant by the words. But, were we to investigate and
discover all the details which are written in this divine book
regarding the creation of the world, we should have much to say,
and should widely digress from the proposed aim of this work.
Since, then, we have now said what seemed needful regarding these
two diverse and contrary communities of angels, in which the origin
of the two human communities (of which we intend to speak anon) is
also found, let us at once bring this book also to a
conclusion.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH