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| Whether the Fire that Came Down Out of Heaven and Devoured Them Refers to the Last Punishment of the Wicked. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter 12.—Whether the Fire that
Came Down Out of Heaven and Devoured Them Refers to the Last
Punishment of the Wicked.
The words, “And fire came down
out of heaven and devoured them,” are not to be understood of the
final punishment which shall be inflicted when it is said,
“Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire;”1378 for then
they shall be cast into the fire, not fire come down out of heaven
upon them. In this place “fire out of heaven” is well
understood of the firmness of the saints, wherewith they refuse to
yield obedience to those who rage against them. For the firmament
is “heaven,” by whose firmness these assailants shall be pained
with blazing zeal, for they shall be impotent to draw away the
saints to the party of Antichrist. This is the fire which shall
devour them, and this is “from God;” for it
is by
God’s grace the saints become unconquerable, and so torment their
enemies. For as in a good sense it is said, “The zeal of Thine
house hath consumed me,”1379 so in a bad sense it is said,
“Zeal hath possessed the uninstructed people, and now fire shall
consume the enemies.”1380 “And now,” that is to say,
not the fire of the last judgment. Or if by this fire coming down
out of heaven and consuming them, John meant that blow wherewith
Christ in His coming is to strike those persecutors of the Church
whom He shall then find alive upon earth, when He shall kill
Antichrist with the breath of His mouth,1381 then even this is not the last
judgment of the wicked; but the last judgment is that which they
shall suffer when the bodily resurrection has taken