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| In Every Style the Orator Should Aim at Perspicuity, Beauty, and Persuasiveness. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter 26.—In Every Style the
Orator Should Aim at Perspicuity, Beauty, and
55. Now in regard to the three
conditions I laid down a little while ago2007
2007 Chaps. xv. and xvii. | as necessary to be fulfilled by
any one who wishes to speak with wisdom and eloquence, viz.,
perspicuity, beauty of style, and persuasive power, we are not to
understand that these three qualities attach themselves
respectively to the three several styles of speech, one to each, so
that perspicuity is a merit peculiar to the subdued style, beauty
to the temperate, and persuasive power to the majestic. On the
contrary, all speech, whatever its style, ought constantly to aim
at, and as far as possible to display, all these three merits.
For we do not like even what we say in the subdued style to pall
upon the hearer; and therefore we would be listened to, not with
intelligence merely, but with pleasure as well. Again, why do we
enforce what we teach by divine testimony, except that we wish to
carry the hearer with us, that is, to com
pel his
assent by calling in the assistance of Him of whom it is said,
“Thy testimonies are very sure”?2008 And when any one narrates a
story, even in the subdued style, what does he wish but to be
believed? But who will listen to him if he do not arrest
attention by some beauty of style? And if he be not intelligible,
is it not plain that he can neither give pleasure nor enforce
conviction? The subdued style, again, in its own naked
simplicity, when it unravels questions of very great difficulty,
and throws an unexpected light upon them; when it worms out and
brings to light some very acute observations from a quarter whence
nothing was expected; when it seizes upon and exposes the falsity
of an opposing opinion, which seemed at its first statement to be
unassailable; especially when all this is accompanied by a natural,
unsought grace of expression, and by a rhythm and balance of style
which is not ostentatiously obtruded, but seems rather to be called
forth by the nature of the subject: this style, so used, frequently
calls forth applause so great that one can hardly believe it to be
the subdued style. For the fact that it comes forth without
either ornament or defense, and offers battle in its own naked
simplicity, does not hinder it from crushing its adversary by
weight of nerve and muscle, and overwhelming and destroying the
falsehood that opposes it by the mere strength of its own right
arm. How explain the frequent and vehement applause that waits
upon men who speak thus, except by the pleasure that truth so
irresistibly established, and so victoriously defended, naturally
affords? Wherefore the Christian teacher and speaker ought, when
he uses the subdued style, to endeavor not only to be clear and
intelligible, but to give pleasure and to bring home conviction to
the hearer.
57. Eloquence of the temperate
style, also, must, in the case of the Christian orator, be neither
altogether without ornament, nor unsuitably adorned, nor is it to
make the giving of pleasure its sole aim, which is all it professes
to accomplish in the hands of others; but in its encomiums and
censures it should aim at inducing the hearer to strive after or
avoid or renounce what it condemns. On the other hand, without
perspicuity this style cannot give pleasure. And so the three
qualities, perspicuity, beauty, and persuasiveness, are to be
sought in this style also; beauty, of course, being its primary
58. Again, when it becomes
necessary to stir and sway the hearer’s mind by the majestic
style (and this is always necessary when he admits that what you
say is both true and agreeable, and yet is unwilling to act
accordingly), you must, of course, speak in the majestic style.
But who can be moved if he does not understand what is said? and
who will stay to listen if he receives no pleasure? Wherefore, in
this style, too, when an obdurate heart is to be persuaded to
obedience, you must speak so as to be both intelligible and
pleasing, if you would be heard with a submissive mind. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH