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Chapter 9.—The Same Argument Continued.
He did not say, I and they are one
thing;496 although, in
that He is the head of the church which is His body,497 He might
have said, and they are, not one thing,498 but one person,499 because the head and the body is
one Christ; but in order to show His own Godhead consubstantial
with the Father (for which reason He says in another place, “I
and my Father are one”500 ), in His own kind, that is, in the
consubstantial parity of the same nature, He wills His own to be
one,501 but in
Himself; since they could not be so in themselves, separated as
they are one from another by divers pleasures and desires and
uncleannesses of sin; whence they are cleansed through the
Mediator, that they may be one502 in Him, not only through the same
nature in which all become from mortal men equal to the angels, but
also through the same will most harmoniously conspiring to the same
blessedness, and fused in some way by the fire of charity into one
spirit. For to this His words come, “That they may be one, even
as we are one;” namely, that as the Father and Son are one, not
only in equality of substance, but also in will, so those also may
be one, between whom and God the Son is mediator, not only in that
they are of the same nature, but also through the same union of
love. And then He goes on thus to intimate the truth itself, that
He is the Mediator, through whom we are reconciled to God, by
saying, “I in them, and Thou in me, that they may be made perfect
in one.”503