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| Of Christ’s Session at the Father’s Right Hand. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter 7.—Of Christ’s
Session at the Father’s Right Hand.
14. We believe also that He Sitteth at the Right Hand of the Father.
This, however, is not to lead us to suppose that
God the Father is, as it were, circumscribed by a human form, so
that, when we think of Him, a right side or a left should suggest
itself to the mind. Nor, again, when it is thus said in express
terms that the Father sitteth, are we to fancy that this is done
with bended knees; lest we should fall into that profanity, in
[dealing with] which an apostle execrates those who “changed the
glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of corruptible
man.”1582 For it is
unlawful for a Christian to set up any such image for God in a
temple; much more nefarious is it, [therefore], to set it up in the
heart, in which truly is the temple of God, provided it be purged
of earthly lust and error. This expression, “at the right
hand,” therefore, we must understand to signify a position in
supremest blessedness, where righteousness and peace and joy are;
just as the kids are set on the left hand,1583 that is to say, in misery, by
reason of unrighteousness, labors, and torments.1584
1584 Reading propter iniquitates,
labores atque cruciatus. Several mss.
give propter iniquitatis labores, etc. = by reason of the
labors and torments of unrighteousness. | And in accordance with this, when
it is said that God “sitteth,” the expression indicates not a
posture of the members, but a judicial power, which that Majesty
never fails to possess, as He is always awarding deserts as men
deserve them (digna dignis tribuendo); although at the last
judgment the unquestionable brightness of the only-begotten Son of
God, the Judge of the living and the dead, is destined yet to be1585
1585 Reading futura sit; for
which fulsura sit also occurs = is destined to shine much
more manifestly, etc. | a thing
much more manifest among men.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH