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    Chapter 32.—61.  Victoricus of Thabraca1708

    1708 Thabraca was on the coast of Numidia, in ecclesiastical province of that name, the frontier town towards Zeugitana, at the mouth of the Tucca.  The name of a Victoricus occurs in Cypr. Epp. lvii., lxvii.

    said:  "If heretics may baptize, and give remission of sins, why do we destroy their credit, and call them heretics?"1709

    1709 Conc. Carth. sec. 25.

    62.  What if another were to say:  If the unrighteous may baptize, and give remission of sins, why do we destroy their credit, and call them unrighteous?  The answer which we should give to such an one concerning the unrighteous may also be given to the other concerning heretics,—that is, in the first place, that the baptism with which they baptize is not theirs; and secondly, that it does not follow that whosoever has the baptism of Christ is also certain of the remission of his sins if he has this only in the outward sign, and is not converted with a true conversion of the heart, so that he who gives remission should himself have remission of his sins.


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