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to olympias.
Why do you lament? why do
you belabour yourself, and demand of yourself a punishment which
your enemies were not able to demand from you, having thus
abandoned your soul to the tyranny of dejection? For the letters
which you sent to me by the hands of Patricius have discovered to
me the wounds which have been inflicted on your mind. Wherefore
also I am very sorrowful and much distressed that when you ought to
be using every exertion and making it your business to expel
dejection from your soul, you go about collecting distressing
thoughts, even inventing things (so you say) which do not exist,
and tearing yourself to pieces for no purpose, and to your very
great injury. For why are you grieved because you could not remove
me from Cucusus? Yet indeed, as far as you were concerned, you did
remove me, having made every exertion and endeavour for this
purpose. And even if it has not been actually accomplished you
ought not to be vexed on
that account. For perhaps it seemed good to
God that I should be set to run the longer double course,950
950 The single course in the Grecian games was the
stadium, so called because it was a stade in length. In the double
course the runner had to turn the post at the extremity of the
stadium and run back again. | in order
that the garland of victory might be rendered more glorious. Why
then are you vexed on account of these things, in consequence of
which my fame is spread abroad, when you ought to leap and dance
for joy and bind wreaths upon your brow, because I have been deemed
worthy of so great an honour which far exceeds my merits? Is it the
desolation of this place which grieves you? Yet what can be
pleasanter than my sojourn here? I have quietness, and
tranquillity, plenty of leisure and good bodily health. For
although the town has neither market-place nor market that is
nothing to me. For all things are poured abundantly upon me as out
of a flowing spring. I find my lord the Bishop here and my lord
Dioscorus are constantly employed in providing for my refreshment.
And the good Patricius will tell you that as far as my sojourn here
is concerned I pass my time cheerfully and gladly, surrounded by
attention. But if you lament the events which occurred in Cæsarea,
here again your conduct is unworthy of yourself. For there also
bright garlands of victory were woven for me, inasmuch as all were
proclaiming and publishing my praises, and expressing wonder and
astonishment at the ill-treatment to which I had been subjected
followed by expulsion. Meanwhile however do not let any one know
these things, although they are the theme of much gossip. For my
lord Pœanius has disclosed to me that the presbyters of Pharetrius
951 Pharetrius was Bishop of Cæsarea, and, as the
sequel shows, a malicious enemy of Chrysostom. | have arrived
on the spot, who declare that they were in communion with me and
had no communication or intercourse or partnership with my
adversaries. Therefore to avoid upsetting them do not let any one
know these things. For certainly the things which befell me were
very grievous: and if I had not suffered any other distress the
events which happened there would have sufficed to procure
innumerable rewards for me: so extreme was the danger which I
encountered. Now I beseech you to keep these matters secret, and so
I will give you a short account of them, not in order to grieve you
but rather to make you glad. For herein consists the material of my
gain, herein consists my wealth, herein the means of getting rid of
my sins—that my journey is continually encompassed by trials of
this kind, and that they are inflicted upon me by persons from whom
they were quite unexpected. For when I was about to enter the
region of Cappadocia, having escaped from that man of Galatia, who
nearly threatened me with death,952 many persons met me on the way
saying “the lord Pharetrius is awaiting you, and going about in
all directions for fear of missing the pleasure of meeting you, and
making every possible endeavour to see you, and embrace you, and
show you all manner of affectionate regard; and he has set the
monasteries of men and women in motion for this purpose.” Now
when I heard these things I did not expect that any of them would
really take place, but formed an impression in my own mind
precisely the reverse: but of this I said nothing to any of those
who brought me this message.
2. Now when I arrived late one evening at
Cæsarea, in an exhausted and worn-out condition, being in the very
height of a burning fever, faint and suffering to the last degree,
I lighted upon an inn situated just at the outskirts of the city,
and took great pains to find some physicians and allay this fiery
fever; for it was now the height of my tertian malady. And in
addition to this there was the fatigue of the journey, the toil,
the strain, the total absence of attendants, the difficulty of
getting supplies, the want of a physician, the wasting effects of
toil, and heat and sleeplessness; thus I was well nigh a dead man
when I entered the city. Then indeed I was visited by the whole
body of the clergy, and the people, monks, nuns, physicians, and I
had the benefit of great attention, as all paid me every kind of
ministration and assistance. Yet even thus, being oppressed by the
lethargy arising from the feverish heat I was in an extremely
distressed condition. At length by degrees the malady was coming to
an end and abating. Pharetrius however nowhere appeared; but waited
for my departure, I know not with what purpose in view. When then I
saw that my disorder had slightly abated I began to form plans for
my journey so as to reach Cucusus, and enjoy a little repose after
the calamities of the way. And whilst I was thus situated it was
suddenly announced that the Isaurians953
953 A predatory race of barbarians who inhabited the
fastnesses of Mount Taurus. | in countless multitudes were
overrunning the district of Cæsarea, and had burnt a large
village, and were most violently disposed. The tribune, having
heard this, took the soldiers which he had and went out. For they
were afraid lest the enemy should make an assault also upon
the city, and all were in
terror, and in an agony of alarm the very soil of their country
being in jeopardy, so that even the old men undertook the defence
of the walls. While affairs were in this condition suddenly towards
dawn a rabble954
954 There are many instances in the early history of
the Eastern Church of similar fanatical fury on the part of
monks. | of monks
(for so I must call them, indicating their frenzy by the
expression) rushed up to the house where we were, threatening to
set fire to it, and to treat us with the utmost violence unless we
turned out of it. And neither the fear of the Isaurians, nor my own
infirmity which was so grievously afflicting me, nor anything else
made them more reasonable, but they pressed on, animated by such
fierce rage that even the proconsular soldiers were terrified. For
they kept threatening them with blows and boasted that they had
shamefully beaten many of the proconsular soldiers. The soldiers
having heard these things, sought refuge with me, and entreated and
beseeched me, saying “even if we are to fall into the hands of
the Isaurians deliver us from these wild beasts.” When the
governor heard this he hastened down to the house intending to
succour me. But the monks would not pay any heed to his
exhortations, and in fact he was powerless. Perceiving the great
strait in which affairs were placed and not daring to advise me
either to go out to certain death, or on the other hand to stay
indoors, owing to the excessive fury of these men, he sent to
Pharetrius beseeching him to grant a few days respite on account of
my infirmity and the impending danger. But even then nothing was
effected, and on the morrow the monks arrived even fiercer than
before, and none of the presbyters dared to stand by me and help
me, but covered with shame and blushes (for they said that these
things were done by the instructions of Pharetrius) they concealed
themselves and lay hid, not responding even when I called them.
What need to make a long story? Although such great terrors were
imminent, and death well nigh a certainty, and the fever was
oppressing me (for I had not yet got relief from the troubles
arising from that cause) I flung myself at high noon into the
litter, and was carried out thence, all the people shrieking and
howling, and imprecating curses on the perpetrator of these deeds,
whilst every one wailed and lamented. But when I got outside the
city, some of the clergy also gradually came out and escorted me,
mourning as they went. And having heard some persons say “Where
are you leading him away to manifest death?” one of those who was
warmly attached to me said to me “Depart I entreat you; fall into
the hands of the Isaurians, provided you get clear away from us.
For wherever you may fall, you will fall into a place of security,
if only you escape our hands.” Having heard and seen these things
the good Seleucia, the generous wife of my lord Ruffinus (a most
attentive friend she was to me), exhorted and entreated me to lodge
at her suburban house which was about five miles from the city and
she sent some men to escort me, and so I departed
3. But not even there was this plot against me to
come to an end. For as soon as Pharetrius knew what she had done,
he published, as she said, many threats against her. But when she
received me into her suburban villa I knew nothing of these things;
for when she came out to meet me she concealed these things from
me, but disclosed them to her steward who was there, and ordered
him to afford me every possible means of repose, and if any of the
monks should make an assault, wishing to insult or maltreat me, he
was to collect the labourers from her other farms, and thus marshal
a force against them. Moreover she besought me to take refuge in
her house, which had a fortress and was impregnable, that I might
escape the hands of the bishop and monks. This however I could not
be induced to do, but remained in the villa, knowing nothing of the
plans which were devised after these things. For even then they
were not content to desist from their fury against me but
Pharetrius beset the lady as she says, straitly threatening her,
constraining and forcing her to expel me even from the suburbs, so
that at midnight, I knowing nothing of these things, the lady being
unable to endure his annoyance, announced, without my knowledge,
that the barbarians were at hand, for she was ashamed to mention
the compulsion which she had undergone. So in the middle of the
night Evethius the presbyter came to me, and having roused me from
sleep, exclaimed with a loud voice “Get up, I pray you, the
barbarians are upon us, they are close at hand.” Imagine my
condition on hearing this! Then, when I said to him what must we
do? we cannot take refuge in the city lest we suffer worse things
than what the Isaurians are going to do to us, he compelled me to
go out. It was midnight, a dark, murky night without a moon—a
circumstance which filled up the measure of our perplexity—we had
no companion, no assistant, for all had deserted us. Nevertheless
under the pressure of fear and in the expectation of immediate
death, I got up, suffering as I was, having ordered torches to be lit. These however the
presbyter ordered to be put out, for fear as he said lest the
barbarians should be attracted by the light and attack us; so the
torches were extinguished. Then the mule which carried my litter
fell on its knees, the road being rugged, and steep and stony, and
I who was inside was thrown down and narrowly escaped destruction,
after which I dismounted, and was dragged along on foot, being held
fast by Evethius the presbyter (for he also had alighted from his
mule), and so I plodded on, led, or rather hauled by the hand, for
to walk was impossible through such a difficult country, and
amongst steep mountains in the middle of the night. Imagine what my
sufferings must have been, encompassed as I was by such calamities,
and oppressed by the fever, ignorant of the plans which had been
made, but in terror of the barbarians and trembling. with the
expectation of falling into their hands. Do you not think that
these sufferings alone, even if nothing else besides had befallen
me, would avail to blot out many of my sins, and afford ample
material for obtaining praise with God? Now the reason of all this,
at least as I suppose, was, that as soon as I arrived in Cæsarea,
those who were in official positions, the learned men who were
ex-vicars, and ex-governors, the ex-tribunes and indeed the whole
people visited me every day, paid me great attention, and treated
me as the apple of their eye; I suppose these things irritated
Pharetrius and that the envy which drove me from Constantinople did
not refrain from pursuing me even here. This at least is what I
suppose, for I do not positively declare it but only suspect it to
be the fact.
And what is one to say about the other events which
happened on the way, the fears and the perils? as I recall them day
by day, and continually bear them in mind, I am elated with
pleasure, I leap for joy as one who has a great treasure laid up in
store for him; for such is my position and feeling about them.
Wherefore also I beseech your Honour to rejoice at these things, to
be glad, and leap for joy, and to glorify God who has counted me
worthy to suffer such things. And I beseech you to keep these
matters to yourself, and not to divulge them to any one, although
for the most part the proconsular soldiers can fill all the city
(with the story) as they themselves have undergone extreme
4. Nevertheless do not let any one know this from
your prudence, but rather put down those who talk about it. But if
you are distressed lest the consequences of my ill-treatment should
remain, know for certain that I have shaken myself entirely free
from them, and that I am in better bodily health than when I was
sojourning in Cæsarea. And why do you dread the cold? for a
suitable dwelling has been prepared for me, and my lord Dioscorus
does and arranges everything so as to prevent my having the least
sensation of cold. And if I may form a conjecture from the outset
of my experience, the climate now seems to me oriental in
character, no less than that of Antioch. So great is the warmth, so
pleasant is the temperature. But you have grieved me much by
saying, “perhaps you are annoyed with me as having neglected
you,” yet I despatched a letter many days ago to your honour
begging you not to move me from this place. Now I have had occasion
to consider that you need a strong defence and much toil and labour
to be able to make a satisfactory apology for this expression. But
perhaps you have made a partial apology, by saying “I am
generally occupied in thinking how to increase my affliction.”
But I in my turn reckon it as the greatest accusation that you
should say “I take a pride in increasing my sorrow by thinking
over it:” for when you ought to make every possible effort to
dispel your affliction you do the devil’s will, by increasing
your despondency and sorrow. Are you not aware how great an evil
despondency is?
As to the Isaurians, dismiss your fears in future
concerning them: for they have returned into their own country: and
the governor has done everything necessary in this respect; and I
am in far greater security here than when I was in Cæsarea. For in
future I have no one to fear so much as the bishops, with a few
exceptions. On account of the Isaurians then fear nothing: for they
have retreated, and when winter has set in they are confined to
their own homes, although they may possibly come out after
Whitsuntide. And what do you mean by saying that you have not the
benefit of letters from me? I have already sent you three long
letters, one by the proconsular soldiers, one by Antonius, and the
third by Anatolius my servant; two of them were a salutary medicine
capable of reviving any one who was desponding or stumbling, and
conducting him into a healthy state of serenity. When you have
received these letters then go over them constantly and thoroughly,
and you will perceive their force and enjoy experience of their
healing power, and benefit, and will inform me that you have
derived much advantage therefrom. I have also a third letter ready,
similar to these, which I do not choose to send at the present
time having been
exceedingly vexed at your saying “I accumulate sorrowful
thoughts, even inventing things which do not exist,” an utterance
unworthy of yourself, which makes me hide my head for shame. But
read those letters which I have sent, and you will no longer say
these things, even if you are infinitely bent on being
955 A short passage is omitted here in the translation.
It refers to the transaction of some business between Olympias and
an unknown bishop, Heracleides. The exact meaning is obscure, in
the absence of any clue from historical knowledge of the
incident. | I at least
have not ceased, and will not cease saying that sin is the only
thing which is really distressing; and that all other things are
but dust and smoke. For what is there grievous in inhabiting a
prison and wearing a chain? or in being ill-treated when it is the
occasion of so much gain? or why should exile be grievous or
confiscation of goods? These are mere words, destitute of any
terrible reality, words void of sorrow. For if you speak of death
you only mention that which is the debt of nature: a thing which
must in any case be undergone even if no one hastens it: and if you
speak of exile you mention that which only involves a change of
country and the sight of many cities: or if you speak of
confiscation of goods you mention what is only freedom and
emancipation from care.
5. Do not cease to pay attention to Maruthas
the Bishop, as far as it concerns you, so as to lift him up out of
the pit.956
956 He means, “to detach him from the influence of
the hostile party.” Maruthas was Bishop of Martyropolis in
Persia. He had taken part in one of the synods at Constantinople
which condemned Chrysostom; had returned to Persia, and after doing
good work there had revisited Constantinople, and Chrysostom seems
to have hopes of reclaiming him to his side. | For I have
special need of him on account of the affairs in Persia. And
ascertain from him, if you can, what has been accomplished there
through his agency, and for what purpose he has come home, and let
me know whether you have delivered the two epistles which I sent to
him: and if he is willing to write to me, I will write again to
him: but if he should not be willing let him at least signify to
your prudence whether any thing more has taken place there, and
whether he is likely to accomplish anything by going thither again.
For on this account I was anxious to have an interview with him.
Nevertheless let all things which depend on you be done, and take
care to fulfill your own part, even if all men are rushing headlong
to ruin. For your reward will thus be perfected. By all means
therefore make friends with him as far as it is possible. I beseech
you not to neglect what I am about to say, but to pay diligent heed
to it. The Marsian and Gothic monks where the Bishop Serapion has
constantly been concealed have informed me that Moduarius the
deacon has come bringing word that Unilas, that excellent bishop
whom I lately ordained and sent into Gothia, has been laid to rest,
after achieving many great exploits: and the deacon was the bearer
of a letter from the king of the Goths begging that a bishop might
be sent to them. Since then I see no other means of meeting the
threatened catastrophe with a view to its correction save delay and
postponement (as it is impossible for them to sail into the
Bosporus or into those parts at the present time), take measures to
put them off for a time on account of the winter season: and do not
by any means neglect this: for it is a matter of the greatest
importance. For there are two things which would specially distress
me if they were to happen, which God forbid: one is that a bishop
should be appointed by these men who have wrought such great
957 i.e., the party at Constantinople hostile to
Chrysostom, and the Archbishop Atticus whom they had placed in the
See after the death of Arsacius the first intruder. | and who have
no right to appoint, and the other is that any one should be made
without consideration. For you know yourself that they are not
anxious to create some worthy man bishop, and if this should take
place, which heaven forbid, you are aware what will follow. Use all
diligence therefore to prevent either of these things happening:
but if it were possible for Moduarius quietly and secretly to
hasten out to me it would be of the greatest advantage. But if this
is not possible let what is practicable under the circumstances be
done. For that which takes place in the case of money, and actually
occurred in the case of the widow in the gospel, also holds good in
the case of practical affairs. For as that poor woman when she had
cast two mites into the treasury surpassed all those who had cast
in more, because she used up her whole substance: even so they who
devote themselves to the work in hand with all their might
discharge it completely, so far as they are concerned, even if
nothing results from it, and they have their reward
I am very grateful to Hilarius the bishop: for he
wrote to me asking to be allowed to depart to his own country, and
to set things in order there, and then to come back again. As his
presence therefore is of great service (for he is a devout,
inflexible, and zealous man) I have urged him to depart and to
return speedily. Take care then that the letter is quickly and
safely delivered to him and not cast on one side: for he eagerly
and earnestly begged for letters from me, and his presence is a
great benefit. By all means
therefore have a care of the letters; and if
Helladius the presbyter be not on the spot see that they are
delivered to my friends by the hands of some discreet man who has a
head on his shoulders. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH