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    BIBLE: -Creations of GE 1:24; 2:19; JER 27:5 -Food of GE 1:30 -Named GE 2:20 -Ordained as food for man GE 9:2,3; LE 11:3,9,21,22; DE 14:4-6,9,11,20 -God's care of GE 9:9,10; DE 25:4; Job 41 38:41; PS 36:6; 104:11,21; 147:9; JON 4:11; MT 6:26; 10:29; LU 12:6,24; 1CO 9:9 -Under the curse GE 3:14; 6:7,17 -Suffer under divine judgments, sent upon man JER 7:20; 12:4; 21:6; EZE 14:13,17,19-21; JOE 1:18-20 -Two of every sort preserved in the ark GE 6:19,20; 7:2,3,5,9,11; 8:19 -Suffered the plagues of Egypt EX 8:17; 9:9,10,19; 11:5 -Perish at death EC 3:21; 12:7 -Possessed of devils MT 8:31,32; MR 5:13; LU 8:33 -Clean and unclean GE 8:20; LE 7:21; 11; 20:25; DE 14:3-20; AC 10:11-15; 1TI 3 4:3-5 -Offered in sacrifice GE 4:4; 7:2-8; 8:20 -See OFFERINGS ¯ 3632 -God's control of PS 91:13; ISA 11:6,8; 35:9; LU 10:19 -Instruments of God's will EX 8; 9; 10:1-20; NU 21:6; 22:28; JOS 24:12; JER 8:17; JOE 4 1:4 -Belong to God PS 50:10-12 -Sent in judgment LE 26:22; NU 21:6,7; DE 8:15; 28:26; EZE 5:17; 14:15; 32:4; RE 6:8 -Paul contends with 1CO 15:32 -Nature of Job 39; PS 32:9; 49:12; EC 3:18-21 -Habits of Job 7 12:7,8; 37:8; 39; 40:20; PS 29:9; 104:20-25; ISA 21 13:21,22; 34:14; JAS 7 3:7 -Menstruation of JER 2:24 -Facts about breeding GE 30:35-43; 31:8,9 -Instincts of DE 32:11; Job 11 35:11; 39; 40; 41; PS 59:6; 104; PR 6:6-8; 30:25-28; JER 8:7; MT 24:28 -Homes of Job 5 24:5; 37:8; 39; PS 104:20-25; ISA 34:14; JER 2:24; 50:39; MR 1:13 -See BIRDS ¯ 0804 -See CATTLE ¯ 0997 -See FISH ¯ 1840 -BEASTS SYMBOLICAL ISA 30:6; DA 7:11,17,19; 8:4; AC 10:12; RE 4:6-9; 5:6-14; 6:1-7; 7:11; 11:7; 13; 14:3,9,11; 15:2; 16:2,10-13; 17; 19:4,19,20; 20:4,10 -CRUELTY TO .INSTANCES OF .Balaam NU 22:22-33 .Houghing horses 2SA 8:4; 1CH 18:4 .See HOUGHING ¯ 2407 -KINDNESS TO: INSTANCES OF .Jacob, in erecting booths for his cattle GE 33:17 .People of Gerar, in providing tents for cattle 2CH 14:15 -LAWS CONCERNING EX 20:10; 21:28-36; 22:1-4; 23:5,12; LE 19:19; DE 5:14; 22:4,6,7,10; 25:4; PR 12:10; 1TI 5:18 -Firstlings of .See FIRSTBORN ¯ 1837 .Man's dominion over .See MAN, DOMINION OF ¯ 3187 .See ADDER ¯ 0093 .See ANT ¯ 0311 .See ANTELOPE ¯ 0313 .See APE ¯ 0323 .See ASP ¯ 0456 .See ASS ¯ 0460 .See BADGER ¯ 0565 .See BAT ¯ 0619 .See BEAR ¯ 0637 .See BEHEMOTH ¯ 0664 .See BIRDS ¯ 0804 .See BOAR ¯ 0836 .See CAMEL ¯ 0950 .See CHAMELEON ¯ 1024 .See CHAMOIS ¯ 1025 .See CHICKENS ¯ 1072 .See COCKATRICE ¯ 1147 .See CONEY ¯ 1184 .See DEER ¯ 1367 .See DOG ¯ 1451 .See DRAGON ¯ 1467 .See DROMEDARY ¯ 1476 .See ELEPHANT ¯ 1558 .See FERRET ¯ 1815 .See FISH ¯ 1840 .See FOX ¯ 1886 .See FROGS ¯ 1899 .See GOAT ¯ 2039 .See GREYHOUND ¯ 2088 .See HARE ¯ 2184 .See HART ¯ 2201 .See HIND ¯ 2340 .See HIPPOPOTAMUS ¯ 2342 .See HORNET ¯ 2389 .See HORSE ¯ 2392 .See KINE ¯ 2933 .See LEOPARD ¯ 3039 .See LEVIATHAN ¯ 3046 .See LION ¯ 3068 .See LIZARD ¯ 3073 .See MOLE ¯ 3422 .See MOUSE ¯ 3453 .See PYGARG ¯ 4008 .See RAM ¯ 4048 .See ROE ¯ 4184 .See SATYR ¯ 4266 .See SCORPION ¯ 4281 .See SERPENT ¯ 4348 .See SHEEP ¯ 4424 .See SWINE ¯ 4759 .See UNICORN ¯ 5034 .See VIPER ¯ 5090 .See WEASEL ¯ 5121 .See WHALE ¯ 5130 .See WOLF ¯ 5161 .See WORM ¯ 5172 .See INSECTS ¯ 2518


    1. Book of Martyrs Ch. 2
    2. Book of Martyrs Ch. 2c
    3. Book of Martyrs Ch. 6
    4. Book of Martyrs Ch. 2b
    1. Flavius Book 10 Chapter 11
    2. Flavius Book 6 Chapter 9
    3. Flavius Book 4 Chapter 8b
    4. Flavius Book 4 Chapter 8
    5. Flavius Book 2 Chapter 3
    6. Flavius Book 21 Chapter 32
    7. Flavius Book 15 Chapter 8
    8. Flavius Vs. Apion 6
    9. Flavius Book 8 Chapter 13
    10. Flavius Book 6 Chapter 4
    11. Flavius Book 4 Chapter 4
    12. Flavius Book 3 Chapter 5
    13. Flavius Book 25 Chapter 9
    14. Flavius Book 23 Chapter 5
    15. Flavius Book 21 Chapter 30
    16. Flavius Book 1 Chapter 2
    17. Flavius Book 18 Chapter 9
    18. Flavius Book 17 Chapter 5
    19. Flavius Book 14 Chapter 16
    20. Flavius Vs. Apion 5
    1. Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 6
    2. Edersheim Book 1 Chapter 7
    3. Edersheim The Temple 9
    4. Edersheim Book 5 Chapter 11
    5. Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 19
    6. Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 7
    7. Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 11
    8. Edersheim Book 1 Chapter 6
    9. Edersheim Book 1 Chapter 5


    1. Clarke's Commentary Revelation 13
    2. Clarke's Commentary Revelation 17
    3. Clarke's Commentary Daniel 7
    4. Clarke's Commentary Ecclesiastes 3
    5. Clarke's Commentary Psalms 49
    6. Clarke's Commentary Exodus 11
    7. Clarke's Commentary 1 Corinthians 15
    8. Clarke's Commentary Psalms 104
    9. Clarke's Commentary Job 40
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    12. Clarke's Commentary Numbers 18
    13. Clarke's Commentary Leviticus 27
    14. Clarke's Commentary Isaiah 56
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    35. Clarke's Commentary Psalms 57
    36. Clarke's Commentary Psalms 36
    37. Clarke's Commentary Psalms 148
    38. Clarke's Commentary Psalms 119
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    44. Clarke's Commentary Job 39
    45. Clarke's Commentary Job 38
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    49. Clarke's Commentary Isaiah 34
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    1. Finney's Sermons 23b


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    1. Naves Topical Bible 203
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    1. Torreys Topical Textbook 28
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    1. Eastons Bible Dictionary 15
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