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IX.—The Times of
1. The
historian already mentioned agrees with the evangelist in regard to the
fact that Archelaus162
162 Archelaus was a son of Herod the Great, and own brother of the
Tetrarch Herod Antipas, with whom he was educated at Rome. Immediately
after the death of Antipater he was designated by his father as his
successor in the kingdom, and Augustus ratified the will, but gave him
only the title of ethnarch. The title of King he never really received,
although he is spoken of as king in Matt. ii. 22, the word being
used in a loose sense. His dominion consisted of Idumea, Judea,
Samaria, and the cities on the coast, comprising a half of his
father’s kingdom. The other half was divided between Herod
Antipas and Philip. He was very cruel, and was warmly hated by most of
his subjects. In the tenth year of his reign (according to Josephus,
Ant. XVII. 13. 2), or in the ninth (according to B. J.
II. 7. 3), he was complained against by his brothers and subjects on
the ground of cruelty, and was banished to Vienne in Gaul, where he
probably died, although Jerome says that he was shown his tomb near
Bethlehem. Jerome’s report, however, is too late to be of any
value. The exact length of his reign it is impossible to say, as
Josephus is not consistent in his reports. The difference may be due to
the fact that Josephus reckoned from different starting-points in the
two cases. He probably ruled a little more than nine years. His
condemnation took place in the consulship of M. Æmilius Lepidus
and L. Arruntius (i.e. in 6 a.d.) according to
Dion Cassius, LV. 27. After the deposition of Archelaus Judea was made
a Roman province and attached to Syria, and Coponius was sent as the
first procurator. On Archelaus, see Josephus, Ant. XVII. 8, 9,
11 sq., and B. J. I. 33. 8 sq.; II. 6 sq. | succeeded to the
government after Herod. He records the manner in which he received the
kingdom of the Jews by the will of his father Herod and by the decree
of Cæsar Augustus, and how, after he had reigned ten years, he
lost his kingdom, and his brothers Philip163
163 Philip, a son of Herod the Great by his wife Cleopatra, was
Tetrarch of Batanea, Trachonitis, Aurinitis, &c., from b.c. 4 to a.d. 34. He was
distinguished for his justice and moderation. He is mentioned only once
in the New Testament, Luke iii. 1. On Philip, see
Josephus, Ant. XVII. 8. 1; 11. 4; XVIII. 4. 6. |
and Herod the younger,164
164 Herod
Antipas, son of Herod the Great by his wife Malthace, was Tetrarch of
Galilee and Perea from b.c. 4 to a.d. 39. In 39 a.d. he went to
Rome to sue for the title of King, which his nephew Herod Agrippa had
already secured. But accusations against him were sent to the emperor
by Agrippa, and he thereby lost his tetrarchy and was banished to
Lugdunum (Lyons) in Gaul, and died (according to Josephus, B. J.
II. 9. 6) in Spain. It was he who beheaded John the Baptist, and to him
Jesus was sent by Pilate. His character is plain enough from the New
Testament account. For further particulars of his life, see Josephus,
Ant. XVII. 8. 1; 11. 4; XVIII. 2. 1; 5 and 7; B. J. II.
9. | with Lysanias,165
165 The
Lysanias referred to here is mentioned in Luke iii. 1 as Tetrarch of
Abilene. Eusebius, in speaking of Lysanias here, follows the account of
Luke, not that of Josephus, for the latter nowhere says that Lysanias
continued to rule his tetrarchy after the exile of Archelaus. Indeed he
nowhere states that Lysanias ruled a tetrarchy at this period. He only
refers (Ant. XVIII. 6. 10; XIX. 5. 1; XX. 7. 1; and B. J.
II. 12. 8) to “the tetrarchy of Lysanias,” which he says
was given to Agrippa I. and II. by Caligula and Claudius. Eusebius thus
reads more into Josephus than he has any right to do, and yet we cannot
assume that he is guilty of willful deception, for he may quite
innocently have interpreted Josephus in the light of Luke’s
account, without realizing that Josephus’ statement is of itself
entirely indefinite. That there is no real contradiction between the
statements of Josephus and Luke has been abundantly demonstrated by
Davidson, Introduction to the New Testament, I. p. 215
sq. | still ruled their own tetrarchies. The same
writer, in the eighteenth book of his Antiquities,166
166 Josephus, Ant. XVIII. 2. 2 and 4. 2. | says that about the twelfth year of the
reign of Tiberius,167 who had succeeded
to the empire after Augustus had ruled fifty-seven years,168
168 Josephus dates the beginning of Augustus’ reign at the time
of the death of Julius Cæsar (as Eusebius also does in chap. 5,
§2), and calls him the second emperor. But Augustus did not
actually become emperor until 31 b.c., after
the battle of Actium. | Pontius Pilate was entrusted with the
government of Judea, and that he remained there ten full years, almost
until the death of Tiberius.
2. Accordingly the forgery of
those who have recently given currency to acts against our Saviour169
169 Eusebius refers here, not to the acts of Pilate written by
Christians, of which so many are still extant (cf. Bk. II. chap. 2,
note 1), but to those forged by their enemies with the approval of the
emperor Maximinus (see below, Bk. IX. chap. 5). | is clearly proved. For the very date given
in them170
170 ὁ τῆς
“In this place παρασ. is the
superscription or the designation of the time which was customarily
prefixed to acts. For judicial acts were thus drawn up: Consulatu
Tiberii Augusti Septimo, inducto in judicium Jesu, &c.”
(Val.) | shows the falsehood of their
3. For the things which they
have dared to say concerning the passion of the Saviour are put into
the fourth consulship of Tiberius, which occurred in the seventh year
of his reign; at which time it is plain that Pilate was not yet ruling
in Judea, if the testimony of Josephus is to be believed, who clearly
shows in the above-mentioned work171
171 Ant.XVIII. 2. 2. Compare §1,
above. | that Pilate
was made procurator of Judea by Tiberius in the twelfth year of his