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| The Bishops in Jerusalem. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XII.—The Bishops in
1. At
this time Narcissus1530
1530 The
date of Narcissus’ accession to the see of Jerusalem is not known
to us. The Chron. affords us no assistance; for although it
connects him among other bishops with the first (Armen.) or third
(Jerome) year of Severus, it does not pretend to give the date of
accession, and in one place says expressly that the dates of the
Jerusalem bishops are not known (non potuimus discernere tempora
singulorum). But from chap. 22 we learn that he was already bishop
in the tenth year of Commodus (189 a.d.); from
chap. 23, that he was one of those that presided at a Palestinian
council, called in the time of Bishop Victor, of Rome, to discuss the
paschal question (see chap. 23, §2); from Bk. VI. chap. 8, that he
was alive at the time of the persecution of Severus (202 sq.); and from
the fragment of one of Alexander’s epistles given in Bk. VI.
chap. 11, that he was still alive in his 116th year, sometime after 212
a.d. (see Bk. VI. chap. 11, note 1).
Epiphanius (Hær. LXVI. 20) reports that he lived until the
reign of Alexander Severus (222 a.d.), and
this in itself would not be impossible; for the epistle of Alexander
referred to might have been written as late as 222. But Epiphanius is a
writer of no authority; and the fact is, that in connection with
Origen’s visit in Palestine, in 216 (see Bk. VI. chap. 19),
Alexander is mentioned as bishop of Jerusalem; and Narcissus is not
referred to. We must, therefore, conclude that Narcissus was dead
before 216. We learn from Bk. VI. chap. 9 that Narcissus had the
reputation of being a great miracle-worker, and he was a man of such
great piety and sanctity as to excite the hatred of a number of
evil-doers, who conspired against him to blacken his character. In
consequence of this he left Jerusalem, and disappeared entirely from
the haunts of men, so that it became necessary to appoint another
bishop in his place. Afterward, his slanderers having suffered the
curses imprecated upon themselves in their oaths against him, Narcissus
returned, and was again made bishop, and was given an assistant,
Alexander (see Bk. VI. chaps. 10 and 11). A late tradition makes
Narcissus a martyr (see Nicephorus, H. E. IV. 19), but there is
no authority for the report. | was the bishop of
the church at Jerusalem, and he is celebrated by many to this day. He
was the fifteenth in succession from the siege of the Jews under
Adrian. We have shown that from that time first the church in Jerusalem
was composed of Gentiles, after those of the circumcision, and that
Marcus was the first Gentile bishop that presided over them.1531
1531 Upon the so-called bishops of Jerusalem down to the destruction of
the city under Hadrian, see Bk. IV. chap. 5. Upon the destruction of
Jerusalem under Hadrian, and the founding of the Gentile Church in
Ælia Capitolina, and upon Marcus the first Gentile bishop, see Bk.
IV. chap. 6.
The list given here by
Eusebius purports to contain fifteen names, Marcus being the sixteenth,
and Narcissus being the thirtieth; but only thirteen names are given.
In the Chron., however, and in Epiphanius (Hær.
LXVI. 20) the list is complete, a second Maximus and a Valentinus being
inserted, as 26th and 27th, between Capito and Valens. The omission
here is undoubtedly due simply to the mistake of some scribe. The
Chron. puts the accession of Cassianus into the 23d year of
Antoninus Pius (160 a.d.), and the accession
of the second Maximus into the sixth year of Commodus (185 a.d.), but it is said in the Chron. itself that the
dates of the various bishops are not known, and hence no reliance can
be placed upon these figures. Epiphanius puts the accession of the
first Gaius into the tenth year of Antoninus Pius, which is thirteen
years earlier than the date of the Chron. for the fourth bishop
preceding. He also puts the death of the second Gaius in the eighth
year of Marcus Aurelius (168 a.d.) and the
death of the second Maximus in the sixteenth year of the same reign,
thus showing a variation from the Chron. of more than nine
years. The episcopate of Dolichianus is brought down by him to the
reign of Commodus (180 a.d.). As shown in note
1, however, the date given by him for Narcissus is quite wrong, and
there is no reason for bestowing any greater credence upon his other
dates. Syncellus assigns five years to Cassianus, five to Publius, four
to Maximus, two to Julian, three to the first Gaius, two to Symmachus,
three to the second Gaius, four to the second Julian, two to an Elias
who is not named by our other authorities, four to Capito, four to the
second Maximus, five to Antoninus, three to Valens, four to Narcissus
the first time, and ten the second time. His list, however, is
considerably confused,—Dolichianus being thrown after Narcissus
with an episcopate of twelve years,—and at any rate no reliance
can be placed upon the figures given. We must conclude that we have no
means of ascertaining the dates of these various bishops until we reach
Narcissus. We know nothing about any of them (Narcissus excepted)
beyond the fact that they were bishops. |
2. After him the succession in
the episcopate was: first Cassianus; after him Publius; then Maximus;1532
1532 Called Maximinus by the Armenian Chron., but all our other
authorities call him Maximus. | following them Julian; then Gaius;1533
1533 The name is given Γ€ιος in this
chapter, and by Syncellus; but Jerome and the Armenian give Gaianus,
and Epiphanius Γαιανός. All the authorities agree upon the name of the next Gaius (who
is, however, omitted by Rufinus). | after him Symmachus and another Gaius,
and again another Julian; after these Capito1534
1534 Eusebius has Καπίτων, so also Epiphanius, with whom Jerome agrees, writing
Capito. The Armenian, however, has Apion, and Syncellus
says ᾽Απίων, οἱ δὲ
Καπίτων. |
and Valens and Dolichianus; and after all of them Narcissus, the
thirtieth in regular succession from the apostles.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH