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XI.—Clement of
1. At
this time Clement,1516
1516 Of
the place and time of Titus Flavius Clement’s birth we have no
certain knowledge, though it is probable that he was an Athenian by
training at least, if not by birth, and he must have been born about
the middle of the second century. He received a very extensive
education, and became a Christian in adult years, after he had tried
various systems of philosophy, much as Justin Martyr had. He had a
great thirst for knowledge, and names six different teachers under whom
he studied Christianity (see below, §4). Finally he became a pupil
of Pantænus in Alexandria, whom he afterward succeeded as the head
of the catechetical school there. It is at this time (about 190 a.d.) that he comes out clearly into the light of
history, and to this period (190–202) belongs his greatest
literary activity. He was at the head of the school probably until 202,
when the persecution of Severus having broken out, he left Alexandria,
and we nave no notice that he ever returned. That he did not leave
Alexandria dishonorably, through fear, may be gathered from his
presence with Alexander during his imprisonment, and from the letters
of the latter (see below, Bk. VI. chaps. 11 and 14, and cf. Bk. VI.
chap. 6, notes). This is the last notice that we have of him (a.d. 212); and of the place and time of his death we
know nothing, though he cannot have lived many years after this. He was
never a bishop, but was a presbyter of the Alexandrian church, and was
in ancient times commemorated as a saint, but his name was dropped from
the roll by Clement VIII. on account of suspected heterodoxy. He lived
in an age of transition, and his great importance lies in the fact that
he completed the bond between Hellenism and Christianity, and as a
follower of the apologists established Christianity as a philosophy,
and yet not as they had done in an apologetic sense. He was the teacher
of Origen, and the real father of Greek theology. He published no
system, as did Origen; his works were rather desultory and fragmentary,
but full of wide and varied learning, and exhibit a truly broad and
catholic spirit. Upon his works, see Bk. VI. chap. 13. Upon Clement,
see especially Westcott’s article in Smith and Wace, I.
559–567, and Schaff, II. 781–785, where the literature is
given with considerable fullness. For an able and popular presentation
of his theology, see Allen’s Continuity of Christian
Thought, p. 38–70. | being trained with
him1517 in the divine Scriptures at Alexandria,
became well known. He had the same name as the one who anciently was at
the head of the Roman church, and who was a disciple of the apostles.1518
1518 Upon Clement of Rome and his relation to the apostles, see Bk.
III. chap. 4, note 19. |
2. In his Hypotyposes1519
1519 On
Clement’s Hypotyposes, see Bk. VI. chap. 13, note 3. The
passage in which he mentions Pantænus by name has not been
preserved. Eusebius repeats the same statement in Bk. VI. chap. 13,
§1. | he speaks of Pantænus by name as his
teacher. It seems to me that he alludes to the same person also in the
first book of his Stromata, when, referring to the more conspicuous of
the successors of the apostles whom he had met,1520
1520 τοὺς
ἐπισημαινόμενος. Rufinus reads apostolicæ prædicationis
instead of successionis. And so Christophorsonus and Valesius
adopt διδαχῆς instead of διαδοχῆς, and translate doctrinæ. But διαδοχῆς is too well supported by ms.
authority to be rejected; and though the use of the abstract
“succession,” instead of the concrete
“successors,” seems harsh, it is employed elsewhere in the
same sense by Eusebius (see Bk. I. chap. 1, §1). | he
3. “This work1522 is not a writing artfully constructed for
display; but my notes are stored up for old age, as a remedy against
forgetfulness; an image without art, and a rough sketch of those
powerful and animated words which it was my privilege to hear, as well
as of blessed and truly remarkable men.
4. Of these the one—the
1523 This is hardly a proper name, although many have so considered it,
for Clement gives no other proper name in this connection, and it is
much more natural to translate “the Ionian.” Various
conjectures have been made as to who these teachers were, but none are
more than mere guesses. Philip of Side tells us that Athenagoras was a
teacher of Clement, but, as we have seen, no confidence can be placed
in his statement. It has been conjectured also that Melito may be the
person referred to as “the Ionian,” for Clement mentions
his works, and wrote a book on the paschal question in reply to
Melito’s work on the same subject (see above, Bk. IV. chap. 26,
note 23). This too, however, is mere conjecture. | —was in Greece, the other in Magna
1524 The
lower part of the peninsula of Italy was called Magna Græcia,
because it contained so many Greek colonies. | the one of them was from
Cœle-Syria,1525 the other from
Egypt. There were others in the East, one of them an Assyrian,1526
1526 This has been conjectured to be Tatian. But in the first place,
Clement, in Strom. III. 12, calls Tatian a Syrian instead of an
Assyrian (the terms are indeed often used interchangeably, but we
should nevertheless hardly expect Clement to call his own teacher in
one place a Syrian, in another an Assyrian). And again, in II. 12, he
speaks very harshly of Tatian, and could hardly have referred to him in
this place in such terms of respect and affection. | the other a Hebrew in Palestine.1527
1527 Various conjectures have been made as to the identity of this
teacher,—for instance, Theophilus of Cæsarea (who, however,
was never called a Hebrew, according to Valesius), and Theodotus (so
Valesius). | But when I met with the last,1528
1528 Pantænus. There can be no doubt as to his identity, for
Clement says that he remained with him and sought no further. Eusebius
omits a sentence here in which Clement calls Pantænus the
“Sicilian bee,” from which it is generally concluded that
he was a native of Sicily (see the previous chapter, note
1). | —in ability truly he was
first,—having hunted him out in his concealment in Egypt, I found
5. These men, preserving the
true tradition of the blessed doctrine, directly from the holy
apostles, Peter and James and John and Paul, the son receiving it from
the father (but few were like the fathers), have come by God’s
will even to us to deposit those ancestral and apostolic
1529 This entire passage is very important, as showing not only the
extensiveness of Clement’s own acquaintance with Christians, but
also the close intercourse of Christians in general, both East and
West. Clement’s statement in regard to the directness with which
he received apostolic tradition is not definite, and he by no means
asserts that his teachers were hearers of the apostles (which in itself
would not be impossible, but Clement would certainly have spoken more
clearly had it been a fact), nor indeed that they were hearers of
disciples of the apostles. But among so many teachers, so widely
scattered, he could hardly have failed to meet with some who had at
least known those who had known the apostles. In any case he considers
his teachers very near the apostles as regards the accuracy of their
The passage is also
interesting, as showing the uniformity of doctrine in different parts
of Christendom, according to Clement’s view, though this does not
prove much, as Clement himself was so liberal and so much of an
eclectic. It is also interesting, as showing how much weight Clement
laid upon tradition, how completely he rested upon it for the truth,
although at the same time he was so free and broad in his
speculation. | E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH