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| Origen's Earnest Study of the Divine Scriptures. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
XVI.—Origen’s Earnest Study of
the Divine Scriptures.
1. So
earnest and assiduous was Origen’s research into the divine words
that he learned the Hebrew language,1884
1884 Origen’s study of the Hebrew, which, according to Jerome
(de vir. ill. chap. 54), was “contrary to the custom of
his day and race,” is not at all surprising. He felt that he
needed some knowledge of it as a basis for his study of the Scriptures
to which he had devoted himself, and also as a means of comparing the
Hebrew and Greek texts of the Old Testament, a labor which he regarded
as very important for polemical purposes. As to his familiarity with
the Hebrew it is now universally conceded that it was by no means so
great as was formerly supposed. He seems to have learned only about
enough to enable him to identify the Hebrew which corresponded with the
Greek texts which he used, and even in this he often makes mistakes. He
sometimes confesses openly his lack of critical and independent
knowledge of the Hebrew (e.g. Hom. in Num. XIV. 1; XVI. 4). He
often makes blunders which seem absurd, and yet in many cases he shows
considerable knowledge in regard to peculiar forms and idioms. His
Hebrew learning was clearly fragmentary and acquired from various
sources. Cf. Redepenning, I. p. 365 sq. | and
procured as his own the original Hebrew Scriptures which were in the
hands of the Jews. He investigated also the works of other translators
of the Sacred Scriptures besides the Seventy.1885
1885 On the LXX, see Bk. V. chap. 8, note 31. | And in addition to the well-known
translations of Aquila,1886
1886 Aquila is first mentioned by Irenæus (Adv. Hær.
III. 21. 1, quoted by Eusebius, Bk. V. chap. 8, above), who calls him a
Jewish proselyte of Pontus; Epiphanius says of Sinope in Pontus.
Tradition is uniform that he was a Jewish proselyte, and that he lived
in the time of Hadrian, or in the early part of the second century
according to Rabbinic tradition. He produced a Greek translation of the
Old Testament, which was very slavish in its adherence to the original,
sacrificing the Greek idiom to the Hebrew without mercy, and even
violating the grammatical structure of the former for the sake of
reproducing the exact form of the latter. Because of its faithfulness
to the original, it was highly prized by the Rabbinic authorities, and
became more popular among the Jews in general than the LXX. (On the
causes of the waning popularity of the latter, see note 8, below.)
Neither Aquila’s version, nor the two following, are now extant;
but numerous fragments have been preserved by those Fathers who saw and
used Origen’s Hexapla. | Symmachus,1887
1887 Symmachus is said by Eusebius, in the next chapter, to have been
an Ebionite; and Jerome agrees with him (Comment. in Hab., lib.
II. c. 3), though the testimony of the latter is weakened by the fact
that he wrongly makes Theodotion also an Ebionite (see next note). It
has been claimed that Symmachus was a Jew, not a Christian; but
Eusebius’ direct statement is too strong to be set aside, and is
corroborated by certain indications in the version itself, e.g.
in Dan. ix. 26, where the word χριστός, which Aquila avoids, is used. The composition of his version is
assigned by Epiphanius and the Chron. paschale to the reign of
Septimius Severus (193–211); and although not much reliance is to
be placed upon their statements, still they must be about right in this
case, for that Symmachus’ version is younger than Irenæus is
rendered highly probable by the latter’s omission of it where he
refers to those of Theodotion and Aquila; and, on the other hand, it
must of course have been composed before Origen began his
Hexapla. Symmachus’ version is distinguished from
Aquila’s by the purity of its Greek and its freedom from
Hebraisms. The author’s effort was not slavishly to reproduce the
original, but to make an elegant and idiomatic Greek translation, and
in this he succeeded very well, being excellently versed in both
languages, though he sometimes sacrificed the exact sense of the
Hebrew, and occasionally altered it under the influence of dogmatic
prepossessions. The version is spoken very highly of by Jerome, and was
used freely by him in the composition of the Vulgate. For further
particulars in regard to Symmachus’ version, see the Dict. of
Christ. Biog. III. p. 19 sq. | and Theodotion,1888
1888 It has been disputed whether Theodotion was a Jew or a Christian.
Jerome (de vir. ill. 54, and elsewhere) calls him an Ebionite;
in his Ep. ad Augustin. c. 19 (Migne’s ed. Ep.
112), a Jew; while in the preface to his commentary on Daniel he says
that some called him an Ebionite, qui altero genere Judæus
est. Irenæus (Adv. Hær. III. 21. 1) and Epiphanius
(de mens. et pond. 17) say that he was a Jewish proselyte, which
is probably true. The reports in regard to his nationality are
conflicting. The time at which he lived is disputed. The Chron.
paschale assigns him to the reign of Commodus, and Epiphanius may
also be urged in support of that date, though he commits a serious
blunder in making a second Commodus, and is thus led into great
confusion. But Theodotion, as well as Aquila, is mentioned by
Irenæus, and hence must be pushed back well into the second
century. It has been discovered, too, that Hermas used his version (see
Hort’s article in the Johns Hopkins University Circular,
December, 1884), which obliges us to throw it back still further, and
Schürer has adduced some very strong reasons for believing it
older than Aquila’s version (see Schürer’s Gesch.
d. Juden im Zeitalter Jesu, II. p. 709). Theodotion’s
version, like Aquila’s, was intended to reproduce the Hebrew more
exactly than the LXX did. It is based upon the LXX, however, which it
corrects by the Hebrew, and therefore resembles the former much more
closely than Theodotion’s does. We have no notices of the use of
this version by the Jews. Aquila’s version (supposing it younger
than Theodotion’s) seems to have superseded it entirely.
Theodotion’s translation of Daniel, however, was accepted by the
Christians, instead of the LXX Daniel, and replacing the latter in all
the mss. of the LXX, has been preserved
entire. Aside from this we have only such fragments as have been
preserved by the Fathers that saw and used the Hexapla. It will
be seen that the order in which Eusebius mentions the three versions
here is not chronological. He simply follows the order in which they
stand in Origen’s Hexapla (see below, note 8). Epiphanius
is led by that order to make Theodotion’s version later than the
other, which is quite a mistake, as has been seen.
For further particulars
in regard to the versions of Aquila and Theodotion, and for the
literature of the subject, see Schürer, ibid. p. 704
sq. | he discovered certain others which
had been concealed from remote times,—in what out-of-the-way
corners I know not,—and by his search he brought them to light.1889
1889 We know very little about these anonymous Greek versions of the
Old Testament. Eusebius’ words (“which had been concealed
from remote times,” τὸν π€λαι
χρόνον) would
lead us to think them older than the versions of Aquila, Theodotion,
and Symmachus. One of them, Eusebius tells us, was found at Nicopolis
near Actium, another in a jar at Jericho, but where the third was
discovered he did not know. Jerome (in his Prologus in expos. Cant.
Cant. sec. Originem; Origen’s works, ed. Lommatzsch, XIV.
235) reports that the “fifth edition” (quinta
editio) was found in Actio litore; but Epiphanius, who seems
to be speaking with more exact knowledge than Jerome, says that the
“fifth” was discovered at Jericho and the
“sixth” in Nicopolis, near Actium (De mens. et
pond. 18). Jerome calls the authors of the “fifth” and
“sixth” Judaïcos translatores, which according
to his own usage might mean either Jews or Jewish Christians (see
Redepenning, p. 165), and at any rate the author of the
“sixth” was a Christian, as is clear from his rendering
of Heb. iii. 13: ἐξῆλθες
τοῦ σῶσαι τὸν
λαὸν σου διὰ
᾽Ιησοῦ τοῦ
The “fifth” is quoted by Origen on the Psalms, Proverbs,
Song of Songs, minor prophets, Kings, &c.; the “sixth,”
on the Psalms, Song of Songs, and Habakkuk, according to Field, the
latest editor of the Hexapla. Whether these versions were
fragmentary, or were used only in these particular passages for special
reasons, we do not know. Of the “seventh” no clear traces
can be discovered, but it must have been used for the Psalms at any
rate, as we see from this chapter. As to the time when these versions
were found we are doubtless to assign the discovery of the one at
Nicopolis near Actium to the visit made by Origen to Greece in 231 (see
below, p. 396). Epiphanius, who in the present case seems to be
speaking with more than customary accuracy, puts its discovery into the
time of the emperor Alexander (222–235). The other one, which
Epiphanius calls the “fifth,” was found, according to him,
in the seventh year of Caracalla’s reign (217) “in jars at
Jericho.” We know that at this time Origen was in Palestine (see
chap. 19, note 23), and hence Epiphanius’ report may well be
correct. If it is, he has good reason for calling the latter the
“fifth,” and the former the “sixth.” The place
and time of the discovery of the “seventh” are alike
unknown. For further particulars in regard to these versions, see the
prolegomena to Field’s edition of the Hexapla, the article
Hexapla in the Dict. of Christ. Biog., and Redepenning,
II. 164 sq. |
2. Since he did not know the authors, he
simply stated that he had found this one in Nicopolis near Actium1890
1890 Nicopolis near Actium, so designated to distinguish it from a
number of other cities bearing the same name, was a city of Epirus,
lying on the northern shore of the Ambracian gulf, opposite the
promontory of Actium. | and that one in some other
3. In the Hexapla1891
1891 Origen’s Hexapla (τὰ ἑξαπλᾶ,
τὸ ἑξαπλοῦν,
ἑξασέλιδον, the first form being used by Eusebius in this chapter)
was a polyglot Old Testament containing the Hebrew text, a
transliteration of it in Greek letters (important because the Hebrew
text was unpointed), the versions of Aquila, of Symmachus, of the LXX,
and of Theodotion, arranged in six columns in the order named, with the
addition in certain places of a fifth, sixth, and even seventh Greek
version (see Jerome’s description of it, in his Commentary on
Titus, chap. 3, ver. 9). The parts which contained these latter
versions were sometimes called Octapla (they seem never to have
borne the name nonapla.) The order of the columns was determined
by the fact that Aquila’s version most closely resembled the
Hebrew, and hence was put next to it, followed by Symmachus’
version, which was based directly upon the Hebrew, but was not so
closely conformed to it; while Theodotion’s version, which was
based not upon the Hebrew, but upon the LXX, naturally followed the
latter. Origen’s object in undertaking this great work was not
scientific, but polemic; it was not for the sake of securing a correct
Hebrew text, but for the purpose of furnishing adequate means for the
reconstruction of the original text of the LXX, which in his day was
exceedingly corrupt. It was Origen’s belief, and he was not alone
in his opinion (cf. Justin Martyr’s Dial. with Trypho,
chap. 71), that the Hebrew Old Testament had been seriously altered by
the Jews, and that the LXX (an inspired translation, as it was commonly
held to be by the Christians) alone represented the true form of
Scripture. For two centuries before and more than a century after
Christ the LXX stood in high repute among the Jews, even in Palestine,
and outside of Palestine had almost completely taken the place of the
original Hebrew. Under the influence of its universal use among the
Jews the Christians adopted it, and looked upon it as inspired
Scripture just as truly as if it had been in the original tongue. Early
in the second century (as Schürer points out) various causes were
at work to lessen its reputation among the Jews. Chief among these were
first, the growing conservative reaction against all non-Hebraic
culture, which found its culmination in the Rabbinic schools of the
second century; and second, the ever-increasing hostility to
Christianity. The latter cause tended to bring the LXX into disfavor
with the Jews, because it was universally employed by the Christians,
and was cited in favor of Christian doctrines in many cases where it
differed from the Hebrew text, which furnished less support to the
particular doctrine defended. It was under the influence of this
reaction against the LXX, which undoubtedly began even before the
second century, that the various versions already mentioned took their
rise. Aquila especially aimed to keep the Hebrew text as pure as
possible, while making it accessible to the Greek-speaking Jews, who
had hitherto been obliged to rely upon the LXX. It will be seen that
the Christians and the Jews, who originally accepted the same
Scriptures, would gradually draw apart, the one party still holding to
the LXX, the other going back to the original; and the natural
consequence of this was that the Jews taunted the Christians with using
only a translation which did not agree with the original, and therefore
was of no authority, while the Christians, on the other hand, accused
the Jews of falsifyng their Scriptures, which should agree with the
more pure and accurate LXX. Under these circumstances, Origen conceived
the idea that it would be of great advantage to the Christians, in
their polemics against the Jews, to know more accurately than they did
the true form of the LXX text, and the extent and nature of its
variations from the Hebrew. As the matter stood everything was
indefinite, for no one knew to exactly what extent the two differed,
and no one knew, in the face of the numerous variant texts, the precise
form of the LXX itself (cf. Redepenning, II. p. 156 sq.). The Hebrew
text given by Origen seems to have been the vulgar text, and to have
differed little from that in use to-day. With the LXX it was different.
Here Origen made a special effort to ascertain the most correct text,
and did not content himself with giving simply one of the numerous
texts extant, for he well knew that all were more or less corrupt. But
his method was not to throw out of the text all passages not well
supported by the various witnesses, but rather to enrich the text from
all available sources, thus making it as full as possible. Wherever,
therefore, the Hebrew contained a passage omitted in the LXX, he
inserted in the latter the translation of the passage, taken from one
of the other versions, marking the addition with “obeli”;
and wherever, on the other hand, the fullest LXX text which he had
contained more than the Hebrew and the other versions combined, he
allowed the redundant passage to stand, but marked it with asterisks.
The Hexapla as a whole seems never to have been reproduced, but
the LXX text as contained in the fifth column was multiplied many
times, especially under the direction of Pamphilus and Eusebius (who
had the original ms. at Cæsarea), and
this recension came into common use. It will be seen that
Origen’s process must have wrought great confusion in the text of
the LXX; for future copyists, in reproducing the text given by Origen,
would be prone to neglect the critical signs, and give the whole as the
correct form of the LXX; and critical editors to-day find it very
difficult to reach even the form of the LXX text used by Origen. The
Hexapla is no longer extant. When the Cæsarean ms. of it perished we do not know. Jerome saw it, and made
large use of it, but after his time we have no further trace of it, and
it probably perished with the rest of the Cæsarean library before
the end of the seventh century, perhaps considerably earlier. Numerous
editions have been published of the fragments of the Hexapla,
taken from the works of the Fathers, from Scholia in mss. of the LXX, and from a Syriac version of the Hexaplar
LXX, which is still in large part extant. The best edition is that of
Field, in two vols., Oxford, 1875. His prolegomena contain the fullest
and most accurate information in regard to the Hexapla. Comp.
also Taylor’s article in the Dict. of Christ. Biog., and
Redepenning, II. p. 156 sq. Origen seems to have commenced his great
work in Alexandria. This is implied by the account of Eusebius, and is
stated directly by Epiphanius (Hær. LXIV. 3), who says that
this was the first work which he undertook at the solicitation of
Ambrose (see chap. 18). We may accept this as in itself quite probable,
for there could be no better foundation for his exegetical labors than
just such a piece of critical work, and the numerous scribes furnished
him by Ambrose (see chap. 18) may well have devoted themselves largely
to this very work, as Redepenning remarks. But the work was by no means
completed at once. The time of his discovery of the other versions of
the Old Testament (see above, note 6) in itself shows that he continued
his labor upon the great edition for many years (the late discovery of
these versions may perhaps explain the fact that he did not use them in
connection with all the books of the Old Testament?); and Epiphanius
(de mens. et pond. 18) says that he was engaged upon it for
twenty-eight years, and completed it at Tyre. This is quite likely, and
will explain the fact that the ms. of the work
remained in the Cæsarean library. Field, however, maintains that
our sources do not permit us to fix the time or place either of the
commencement or of the completion of the work with any degree of
accuracy (see p. xlviii. sq.). | of the Psalms, after the four prominent
translations, he adds not only a fifth, but also a sixth and seventh.1892
1892 Valesius remarks that there is an inconsistency here, and that it
should be said “not only a fifth and sixth, but also a
seventh.” All the mss. and versions,
however, support the reading of the text, and we must therefore suppose
the inconsistency (if there is one, which is doubtful) to be
Eusebius’ own, not that of a scribe. | He states of one of these that he found
it in a jar in Jericho in the time of Antoninus, the son of
4. Having collected all of
these, he divided them into sections, and placed them opposite each
other, with the Hebrew text itself. He thus left us the copies of the
so-called Hexapla. He arranged also separately an edition of Aquila and
Symmachus and Theodotion with the Septuagint, in the Tetrapla.1893
1893 Greek: ἐν τοῖς
ἐπικατασκευ€σας. The last word indicates that the Tetrapla was
prepared after, not before, the Hexapla (cf. Valesius in hoc
loco), and Redepenning (p. 175 sq.) gives other satisfactory
reasons for this conclusion. The design seems to have been simply to
furnish a convenient abridgment of larger work, fitted for those who
did not read Hebrew; that is, for the great majority of Christians,
even scholars. | E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH