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| The Bishops of Rome in those Times. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter II.—The Bishops of Rome in those Times.
2165 On
Cornelius, see Bk. VI. chap. 39, note 3. | having held the episcopate in the
city of Rome about three years, was succeeded by Lucius.2166
2166 Eusebius makes Cornelius’ episcopate a year too long (see
Bk. VI. chap. 39, note 3), and hence puts the accession of Julius too
late. Jerome puts him in the second year of Gallus (see the same note)
and gives the duration of his episcopate as eight months, agreeing with
Eusebius in the present passage. The Armenian Chron. puts Lucius
in the seventh year of Philip, and assigns only two months to his
episcopate. But it is far out of the way, as also in regard to
Cornelius. The Liberian catalogue assigns three years and eight months
to Lucius’ episcopate, putting his death in 255; but Lipsius has
shown conclusively that this must be incorrect, and concludes that he
held office eight months, from June, 253, to March, 254. He was
banished while bishop of Rome, but returned very soon, and died in a
short time, probably a natural death. The strife in regard to the
lapsed, begun while Cornelius was bishop, continued under him, and he
followed the liberal policy of his predecessor. One letter of Cyprian
addressed to him is extant (Ep. 57; al. 61). | He died in less than eight months, and
transmitted his office to Stephen.2167
2167 Lipsius puts the accession of Stephen on the twelfth of May, 254,
and his death on the second of August, 257, assigning him an episcopate
of three years, two months and twenty-one days. The dates given by the
chief authorities vary greatly. The Liberian catalogue gives four
years, two months and twenty-one days, which Lipsius corrects simply by
reading three instead of four years, for the latter figure is
impossible (see chap. 5, note 5). Eusebius, in chap. 5, tells us that
Stephen held office two years. Jerome’s version of the
Chron. says three years, but puts his accession in the second
year of Gallus, which is inconsistent with his own statement that
Cornelius became bishop in the first year of Gallus. The Armenian
Chron. agrees with Eusebius’ statement in chap. 5, below,
in assigning two years to the episcopate of Stephen, but puts his
accession in the seventh year of Philip, which, like his notices of
Cornelius and Lucius is far out of the way.
The discussion in regard
to the lapsed still continued under Stephen. But the chief controversy
of the time was in regard to the re-baptism of heretics, which caused a
severe rupture between the churches of Rome and Carthage. Stephen held,
in accordance with ancient usage and the uniform custom of the Roman
church (though under Callistus heretics were re-baptized according to
Hippolytus, Phil. IX. 7), that baptism, even by heretics and
schismatics, is valid; and that one so baptized is not to be
re-baptized upon entering the orthodox church, but is to be received by
the imposition of hands. Cyprian, on the other hand, supported by the
whole of the Asiatic and African church, maintained the invalidity of
such baptism and the necessity of re-baptism. The controversy became
very sharp, and seems to have resulted in Stephen’s hurling an
excommunication against the Asiatic and African churches. Compare the
epistle of Firmilian to Cyprian (Ep. 75), and that of Dionysius,
quoted by Eusebius in chap. 5, below. Stephen appears to have been a
man of very dictatorial and overbearing temper, if our authorities are
to be relied upon, and seems to have made overweening claims in regard
to Rome’s prerogatives; to have been the first in fact to assume
that the bishop of Rome had the right of exercising control over the
whole Church (see especially the epistle of Firmilian to Cyprian;
Cyprian’s Epistles, No. 74, al. 75). It must be
remembered, however, that we know Stephen only through the accounts of
his opponents. It had been the practice in the churches of Asia for a
long time before Cyprian to re-baptize heretics and schismatics (cf.
the epistle of Firmilian to Cyprian, and the epistle of Dionysius,
quoted by Eusebius in chap. 5, below), and the custom prevailed also in
Africa, though it seems to have been a newer thing there. Cyprian, in
his epistle to Jubaianus (Ep. 72, al. 73), does not trace
it back beyond Agrippinus, bishop of Carthage, under whom the practice
was sanctioned by a council (186–187 or 215–217 a.d.). Under Cyprian himself the practice was
confirmed by a council at Carthage, in 255 a.d. The more liberal view of the Roman church, however,
in time prevailed and was confirmed with some limitations by the
Council of Arles, in 314. Stephen figures in tradition as a martyr, but
there is no reason to think that he was one, for the Church was
enjoying comparative peace at the time of his death. Two epistles are
extant, addressed to him by Cyprian (Nos. 66 and 71, al. 68 and
72). A number of Cyprian’s epistles refer to Stephen. |
wrote to him the first of his letters on baptism,2168
2168 Six epistles by Dionysius on the subject of baptism are mentioned
by Eusebius (see below, chap. 5, note 6). It is clear that Dionysius,
so far as Eusebius knew, wrote but one to Stephen on this subject, for
he calls the one which he wrote to Xystus the second (in chap. 5).
Dionysius’ own opinion on the subject of re-baptism is plain
enough from Eusebius’ words in this chapter, and also from
Dionysius’ own words in chap. 5, below. He sided with the entire
Eastern and African church in refusing to admit the validity of
heretical baptism, and in requiring a convert from the heretics to be
“washed and cleansed from the filth of the old and impure
leaven” (see chap. 5, §5). | as no small controversy had arisen as
to whether those who had turned from any heresy should be purified by
baptism. For the ancient custom prevailed in regard to such, that they
should receive only the laying on of hands with prayers.2169