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| The Events which happened at this Time to Dionysius and those in Egypt. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XI.—The Events
which happened at this Time to Dionysius and those in
1. But
as regards the persecution which prevailed so fiercely in his reign,
and the sufferings which Dionysius with others endured on account of
piety toward the God of the universe, his own words shall show, which
he wrote in answer to Germanus,2227
2227 On Germanus, and Dionysius’ epistle to him, see above, Bk.
VI. chap. 40, note 2. | a
contemporary bishop who was endeavoring to slander him. His statement
is as follows:
2. “Truly I am in danger
of falling into great folly and stupidity through being forced to
relate the wonderful providence of God toward us. But since it is
2228 Literally “it says” (φησί), a common
formula in quoting from Scripture. | that ‘it is good to keep close
the secret of a king, but it is honorable to reveal the works of
God,’2229 I will join issue with the
violence of Germanus.
3. I went not alone to
2230 This Æmilianus, prefect of Egypt, under whom the persecution
was carried on in Alexandria during Valerian’s reign, later,
during the reign of Gallienus, was induced (or compelled) by the troops
of Alexandria to revolt against Gallienus, and assume the purple
himself. He was defeated, however, by Theodotus, Gallienus’
general, and was put to death in prison, in what year we do not know.
Cf. Tillemont’s Hist. des Emp. III. p. 342 sq. | but my
fellow-presbyter, Maximus,2231
2231 Maximus is mentioned a number of times in this chapter in
connection with the persecution. After the death of Dionysius he
succeeded him as bishop of Alexandria, and as such is referred to
below, in chaps. 28, 30, and 32. For the dates of his episcopate, see
chap. 28, note 10. | and the deacons
2232 On Faustus, see above, Bk. VI. chap. 40, note 10. | Eusebius,2233 and Chæremon,2234
2234 Chæremon is mentioned three times in the present chapter, but
we have no other reliable information in regard to him. | and a brother who was present from
Rome, went with me.
4. But Æmilianus did not at
first say to me: ‘Hold no assemblies;’2235
2235 We may gather from §11, below, that Germanus had accused
Dionysius of neglecting to hold the customary assemblies, and of
seeking safety by flight. Valesius, in his note ad locum,
remarks, “Dionysius was accused by Germanus of neglecting to hold
the assemblies of the brethren before the beginning of the persecution,
and of providing for his own safety by flight. For as often as
persecution arose the bishops were accustomed first to convene the
people, that they might exhort them to hold fast to their faith in
Christ. Then they baptized infants and catechumens, that they might not
depart this life without baptism, and they gave the eucharist to the
faithful, because they did not know how long the persecution might
last.” Valesius refers for confirmation of his statements to an
epistle sent to Pope Hormisdas, by Germanus and others, in regard to
Dorotheus, bishop of Thessalonica (circa a.d.
519). I have not been able to verify the reference. The custom
mentioned by Valesius is certainly a most natural one, and therefore
Valesius’ statements are very likely quite true, though there
seems to be little direct testimony upon which to rest them. | for this was superfluous to him, and the
last thing to one who was seeking to accomplish the first. For he was
not concerned about our assembling, but that we ourselves should not be
Christians. And he commanded me to give this up; supposing if I turned
from it, the others also would follow me.
5. But I answered him, neither
unsuitably nor in many words: ‘We must obey God rather than men.’2236 And I testified openly that I worshiped
the one only God, and no other; and that I would not turn from this nor
would I ever cease to be a Christian. Thereupon he commanded us to go
to a village near the desert, called Cephro.2237
2237 We learn from §10, below, that Cephro was in Libya. Beyond
this nothing is known of the place so far as I am aware. |
6. But listen to the very words
which were spoken on both sides, as they were recorded:
“Dionysius, Faustus, Maximus, Marcellus,2238
2238 This Marcellus, the only one not mentioned in §3, above, is
an otherwise unknown person. | and Chæremon being arraigned,
Æmilianus the prefect said:
7. ‘I have reasoned
verbally with you concerning the clemency which our rulers have shown
to you; for they have given you the opportunity to save yourselves, if
you will turn to that which is according to nature, and worship the
gods that preserve their empire, and forget those that are contrary to
2239 τῶν παρὰ
φύσιν. That
the τῶν refers to “gods” (viz. the gods of the
Christians, Æmilianus thinking of them as plural) seems clear,
both on account of the θεοὺς just
preceding, and also in view of the fact that in §9 we have the
phrase τῶν
κατὰ φύσιν
θεῶν. A contrast,
therefore, is drawn in the present case between the gods of the heathen
and those of the Christians. | What then do you say to this? For
I do not think that you will be ungrateful for their kindness, since
they would turn you to a better course.’
8. Dionysius replied: ‘Not
all people worship all gods; but each one those whom he approves. We
therefore reverence and worship the one God, the Maker of all; who hath
given the empire to the divinely favored and august Valerian and
Gallienus; and we pray to him continually for their empire that it may
remain unshaken.’
9. Æmilianus, the prefect,
said to them: ‘But who forbids you to worship him, if he is a
god, together with those who are gods by nature. For ye have been
commanded to reverence the gods, and the gods whom all know.’
Dionysius answered:
10. ‘We worship no
other.’ Æmilianus, the prefect, said to them: ‘I see
that you are at once ungrateful, and insensible to the kindness of our
sovereigns. Wherefore ye shall not remain in this city. But ye shall be
sent into the regions of Libya, to a place called Cephro. For I have
chosen this place at the command of our sovereigns, and it shall by no
means be permitted you or any others, either to hold assemblies, or to
enter into the so called cemeteries.2240
2240 κοιμητήρια; literally, “sleeping-places.” The word was
used only in this sense in classic Greek; but the Christians, looking
upon death only as a sleep, early applied the name to their burial
places; hence Æmilian speaks of them as the
“so-called (καλούμενα) cemeteries.” |
11. But if any one shall be seen
without the place which I have commanded, or be found in any assembly,
he will bring peril on himself. For suitable punishment shall not fail.
Go, therefore where ye have been ordered.’
“And he hastened me away,
though I was sick, not granting even a day’s respite. What
opportunity then did I have, either to hold assemblies, or not to hold
12. Farther on he says:
“But through the help of the Lord we did not give up the open
assembly. But I called together the more diligently those who were in
the city, as if I were with them; being, so to speak,2242
2242 ὡς εἰπεῖν, a reading approved by Valesius in his notes, and adopted
by Schwegler and Heinichen. This and the readings ὡς
εἶπεν, “as he said” (adopted by Stroth, Zimmermann,
and Laemmer), and ὡς εἶπον, “as
I said” (adopted by Stephanus, Valesius in his text, and Burton),
are about equally supported by ms. authority,
while some mss. read ὡς εἶπεν ὁ
ἀπόστολος, “as the apostle said.” It is impossible to
decide with any degree of assurance between the first three
readings. | ‘absent in body but present in
spirit.’2243 But in Cephro
a large church gathered with us of the brethren that followed us from
the city, and those that joined us from Egypt; and there ‘God
opened unto us a door for the Word.’2244
13. At first we were persecuted
and stoned; but afterwards not a few of the heathen forsook the idols
and turned to God. For until this time they had not heard the Word,
since it was then first sown by us.
14. And as if God had brought us
to them for this purpose, when we had performed this ministry he
transferred us to another place. For Æmilianus, as it appeared,
desired to transport us to rougher and more Libyan-like places;2245
2245 Λιβυκωτέρους
τόπους. Libya
was an indefinite term among the ancients for that part of Africa which
included the Great Desert and all the unexplored country lying west and
south of it. Almost nothing was known about the country, and the desert
and the regions beyond were peopled by the fancy with all sorts of
terrible monsters, and were looked upon as the theater of the most dire
forces, natural and supernatural. As a consequence, the term
“Libyan” became a synonym for all that was most
disagreeable and dreadful in nature. | so he commanded them to assemble from all
quarters in Mareotis,2246
2246 Mareotis, or Mareia, or Maria, was one of the land districts into
which Egypt was divided. A lake, a town situated on the shore of the
lake, and the district in which they lay, all bore the same name. The
district Mareotis lay just south of Alexandria, but did not include it,
for Alexandria and Ptolemais formed an independent sphere of
administration sharply separated from the thirty-six land districts of
the country. Cf. Bk. II. chap. 17, notes 10 and 12, above. Mommsen
(Roman Provinces, Scribner’s ed. Vol. II. p. 255) remarks
that these land districts, like the cities, became the basis of
episcopal dioceses. This we should expect to be the case, but I am not
aware that we can prove it to have been regularly so, at any rate not
during the earlier centuries. Cf. e.g. Wiltsch’s Geography and
Statistics of the Church, London ed., I. p. 192 sq. | and assigned to
them different villages throughout the country. But he ordered us to be
placed nearer the highway that we might be seized first.2247
2247 ἡμᾶς
δὲ μᾶλλον ἐν
ὁδῷ καὶ
žταξεν. | For evidently he arranged and prepared
matters so that whenever he wished to seize us he could take all of us
without difficulty.
15. When I was first ordered to
go to Cephro I did not know where the place was, and had scarcely ever
heard the name; yet I went readily and cheerfully. But when I was told
that I was to remove to the district of Colluthion,2248
2248 τὰ
(sc. μέρη), i.e. the parts
or regions of Colluthion. Of Colluthion, so far as I am aware, nothing
is known. It seems to have been a town, possibly a section of country
in the district of Mareotis. Nicephorus spells the word with a single
l, which Valesius contends is more correct because the word is
derived from Colutho, which was not an uncommon name in Egypt (see
Valesius’ note ad locum). | those who were present know how I
was affected.
16. For here I will accuse
myself. At first I was grieved and greatly disturbed; for though these
places were better known and more familiar to us, yet the country was
said to be destitute of brethren and of men of character, and to be
exposed to the annoyances of travelers and incursions of
17. But I was comforted when the
brethren reminded me that it was nearer the city, and that while Cephro
afforded us much intercourse with the brethren from Egypt, so that we
were able to extend the Church more widely, as this place was nearer
the city we should enjoy more frequently the sight of those who were
truly beloved and most closely related and dearest to us. For they
would come and remain, and special meetings2249
2249 κατὰ μέρος
συναγωγαί, literally, “partial meetings.” It is plain
enough from this that persons living in the suburbs were allowed to
hold special services in their homes or elsewhere, and were not
compelled always to attend the city church, which might be a number of
miles distant. It seems to me doubtful whether this passage is
sufficient to warrant Valesius’ conclusion, that in the time of
Dionysius there was but one church in Alexandria, where the brethren
met for worship. It may have been so, but the words do not appear to
indicate, as Valesius thinks they do, that matters were in a different
state then from that which existed in the time of Athanasius, who, in
his Apology to Constantius, §14 sq., expressly speaks of a
number of church buildings in Alexandria. | could be held, as in the more remote
suburbs. And thus it turned out.” After other matters he writes
again as follows of the things which happened to him:
18. “Germanus indeed
boasts of many confessions. He can speak forsooth of many adversities
which he himself has endured. But is he able to reckon up as many as we
can, of sentences, confiscations, proscriptions, plundering of goods,
loss of dignities, contempt of worldly glory, disregard for the
flatteries of governors and of councilors, and patient endurance of the
threats of opponents, of outcries, of perils and persecutions, and
wandering and distress, and all kinds of tribulation, such as came upon
me under Decius and Sabinus,2250
2250 Sabinus has been already mentioned in Bk. VI. chap. 40, §2,
from which passage we may gather that he held the same position under
Decius which Æmilianus held under Valerian (see note 3 on the
chapter referred to). | and such as
continue even now under Æmilianus? But where has Germanus been
seen? And what account is there of him?
19. But I turn from this great
folly into which I am falling on account of Germanus. And for the same
reason I desist from giving to the brethren who know it an account of
everything which took place.”
20. The same writer also in the
epistle to Domitius and Didymus2251
2251 We
learn from chap. 20, below, that this epistle to Domitius and Didymus
was one of Dionysius’ regular festal epistles (for there is no
ground for assuming that a different epistle is referred to in that
chapter). Domitius and Didymus are otherwise unknown personages.
Eusebius evidently (as we can see both from this chapter and from
chapter 20) supposes this epistle to refer to the persecution, of which
Dionysius has been speaking in that portion of his epistle to Germanus
quoted in this chapter; namely, to the persecution of Valerian. But he
is clearly mistaken in this supposition; for, as we can see from a
comparison of §22, below, with Bk. VI. chap. 40, §6 sq.,
Dionysius is referring in this epistle to the same persecution to which
he referred in that chapter; namely, to the persecution of Decius. But
the present epistle was written (as we learn from §23) while this
same persecution was still going on, and, therefore, some years before
the time of Valerian’s persecution, and before the writing of the
epistle to Germanus (see Bk. VI. chap. 40, note 2), with which Eusebius
here associates it. Cf. Valesius’ note ad locum and
Dittrich’s Dionysius der Grosse, p. 40 sq. | mentions
some particulars of the persecution as follows: “As our people
are many and unknown to you, it would be superfluous to give their
names; but understand that men and women, young and old, maidens and
matrons, soldiers and civilians, of every race and age, some by
scourging and fire, others by the sword, have conquered in the strife
and received their crowns.
21. But in the case of some a
very long time was not sufficient to make them appear acceptable to the
Lord; as, indeed, it seems also in my own case, that sufficient time
has not yet elapsed. Wherefore he has retained me for the time which he
knows to be fitting, saying, ‘In an acceptable time have I heard
thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee.’2252
22. For as you have inquired of
our affairs and desire us to tell you how we are situated, you have
heard fully that when we—that is, myself and Gaius and Faustus
and Peter and Paul2253
2253 See above, Bk. VI. chap. 40, note 10. | —were led
away as prisoners by a centurion and magistrates, with their soldiers
and servants, certain persons from Mareotis came and dragged us away by
force, as we were unwilling to follow them.2254
23. But now I and Gaius and
Peter are alone, deprived of the other brethren, and shut up in a
desert and dry place in Libya, three days’ journey from
2255 Parætonium was an important town and harbor on the
Mediterranean, about 150 miles west of Alexandria. A day’s
journey among the ancients commonly denoted about 180 to 200 stadia (22
to 25 miles), so that Dionysius retreat must have lain some 60 to 70
miles from Parætonium, probably to the south of it. |
24. He says farther on:
“The presbyters, Maximus,2256
2256 On
Maximus, see above, note 5. |
2257 Of Dioscorus we know only what is told us here. He is not to be
identified with the lad mentioned in Bk. VI. chap. 41, §19 (see
note 17 on that chapter). | Demetrius, and Lucius2258
2258 Of Demetrius and Lucius we know only what is recorded
here. | concealed themselves in the city, and
visited the brethren secretly; for Faustinus and Aquila,2259
2259 Faustinus and Aquila are known to us only from this
passage. | who are more prominent in the world, are
wandering in Egypt. But the deacons, Faustus, Eusebius, and
2260 On
these three deacons, see above, notes 6–8. | have survived
those who died in the pestilence. Eusebius is one whom God has
strengthened and endowed from the first to fulfill energetically the
ministrations for the imprisoned confessors, and to attend to the
dangerous task of preparing for burial the bodies of the perfected and
blessed martyrs.
25. For as I have said
unto the present time the governor continues to put to death in a cruel
manner those who are brought to trial. And he destroys some with
tortures, and wastes others away with imprisonment and bonds; and he
suffers no one to go near them, and investigates whether any one does
so. Nevertheless God gives relief to the afflicted through the zeal and
persistence of the brethren.”
26. Thus far Dionysius. But it
should be known that Eusebius, whom he calls a deacon, shortly
afterward became bishop of the church of Laodicea in Syria;2261
2261 See below, chap. 32, §5. | and Maximus, of whom he speaks as being
then a presbyter, succeeded Dionysius himself as bishop of
2262 See chap. 28, note 8. | But the Faustus who was with him,
and who at that time was distinguished for his confession, was
preserved until the persecution in our day,2263
2263 That is, until the persecution of Diocletian, a.d. 303 sq. | when being very old and full of days,
he closed his life by martyrdom, being beheaded. But such are the
things which happened at that time2264
2264 That is, according to Eusebius, in the time of Valerian, but only
the events related in the first part of the chapter took place at that
time; those recorded in the epistle to Domitius and Didymus in the time
of Decius. See above, note 25. | to
Dionysius.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH