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Chapter V.—Those in Nicomedia.2515
2515 Nicomedia, the capital city of Bithynia, became Diocletian’s
chief place of residence, and was made by him the Eastern capital of
the empire. |
1. Immediately on the publication of the decree against the
churches in Nicomedia,2516
2516 The
great church of Nicomedia was destroyed on Feb. 23, 303, and the First
Edict was published on the following day (see above, chap. 2, note
3). | a certain man,
not obscure but very highly honored with distinguished temporal
dignities, moved with zeal toward God, and incited with ardent faith,
seized the edict as it was posted openly and publicly, and tore it to
pieces as a profane and impious thing;2517
2517 Lactantius relates this account in his De mort. pers. chap.
13, and expresses disapproval of the act, while admiring the spirit of
the man. He, too, is silent in regard to the name of the man, though,
living as he did in Nicomedia, he can hardly have been ignorant of it.
We may perhaps imagine that he did not care to perpetuate the name of a
man whom he considered to have acted rashly and illegally. The old
martyrologies give the man’s name as John. That he deserved death
is clear enough. He was not a martyr to the faith, but a criminal, who
was justly executed for treasonable conduct. The first edict
contemplated no violence to the persons of the Christians. If they
suffered death, it was solely in consequence of their own rashness, as
in the present case. It is clear that such an incident as this would
anger Diocletian and increase his suspicions of Christians as a class,
and thus tend to precipitate a regular persecution. It must have seemed
to the authorities that the man would hardly commit such a foolhardy
act unless he was conscious of the support of a large body of the
populace, and so the belief in the wide extension of the plot which had
caused the movement on the part of the emperors must have been
confirmed. See below, p. 398 sq. |
and this was done while two of the sovereigns were in the same city,—the
oldest of all, and the one who held the fourth place in the government
after him.2518
2518 i.e. Diocletian and Galerius. |
2. But this man, first in that
place, after distinguishing himself in such a manner suffered those
things which were likely to follow such daring, and kept his spirit
cheerful and undisturbed till death.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH