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| The Famous Martyrs of God, who filled Every Place with their Memory and won Various Crowns in behalf of Religion. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
IV.—The Famous Martyrs of God, who
filled Every Place with their Memory and won Various Crowns in behalf
of Religion.
1. For
we might tell of many who showed admirable zeal for the religion of the
God of the universe, not only from the beginning of the general
persecution, but long before that time, while yet peace
2. For though he who had
received power was seemingly aroused now as from a deep sleep, yet from
the time after Decius and Valerian, he had been plotting secretly and
without notice against the churches. He did not wage war against all of
us at once, but made trial at first only of those in the army. For he
supposed that the others could be taken easily if he should first
attack and subdue these. Thereupon many of the soldiers were seen most
cheerfully embracing private life, so that they might not deny their
piety toward the Creator of the universe.
3. For when the commander,2511
whoever he was,2512
2512 In
the Chron. we are told of a commander by name Veturius, who is
doubtless to be identified with the one referred to here. Why Eusebius
does not give his name in the History, we do not know. There seems to
be contempt in the phrase, “whoever he was,” and it may be
that he did not consider him worth naming. In Jerome’s version of
the Chron. (sixteenth year of Diocletian) we read: Veturius
magister militiæ Christianos milites persequitur, paulatim ex illo
jam tempore persecutione adversum nos incipiente; in the Armenian
(fourteenth year): Veturius magister militiæ eos qui in
exercitu Christiani erant, clanculum opprimebat atque ex hoc inde
tempore ubique locorum persecutio se extendit. Evidently the
occurrence took place a few years before the outbreak of the regular
persecution, but the exact date cannot be determined. It is probable,
moreover, from the way in which Eusebius refers to the man in the
History that he was a comparatively insignificant commander, who took
the course he did on his own responsibility. At least, there is no
reason to connect the act with Diocletian and to suppose it ordered by
him. All that we know of his relation to the Christians forbids such a
supposition. There may have been some particular occasion for such a
move in the present instance, which evidently affected only a small
part of the army, and resulted in only a few deaths (see the next
paragraph). Perhaps some insubordination was discovered among the
Christian soldiers, which led the commander to be suspicious of all of
them, and hence to put the test to them,—which was always in
order,—to prove their loyalty. It is plain that he did not intend
to put any of them to death, but only to dismiss such as refused to
evince their loyalty by offering the customary sacrifices. Some of the
Christian soldiers, however, were not content with simple dismission,
but in their eagerness to evince their Christianity said and did things
which it was impossible for any commander to overlook (cf. the
instances given by Mason, p. 41 sq.). It was such soldiers as these
that suffered death; and they of course were executed, not because they
were Christians, but because they were insubordinate. Their death was
brought on themselves by their foolish fanaticism; and they have no
claim to be honored as martyrs, although Eusebius evidently regarded
them as such. |
began to persecute the soldiers, separating into tribes and purging
those who were enrolled in the army, giving them the choice either by
obeying to receive the honor which belonged to them, or on the other
hand to be deprived of it if they disobeyed the command, a great many
soldiers of Christ’s kingdom, without hesitation, instantly
preferred the confession of him to the seeming glory and prosperity
which they were enjoying.
4. And one and another of them
occasionally received in exchange, for their pious constancy,2513
2513 We
should rather say “for their rash and unjustifiable
fanaticism.” | not only the loss of position, but death.
But as yet the instigator of this plot proceeded with moderation, and
ventured so far as blood only in some instances; for the multitude of
believers, as it is likely, made him afraid, and deterred him from
waging war at once against all.
5. But when he made the attack
more boldly, it is impossible to relate how many and what sort of
martyrs of God could be seen, among the inhabitants of all the cities
and countries.2514
2514 In
this sentence reference is made to the general persecution, which did
not begin until some time after the events recorded in the previous
paragraphs. | E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH