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| Events at Antioch in Connection with Paulinus and Meletius. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter V.—Events at
Antioch in Connection with Paulinus and Meletius.
About this time a serious
contest was excited at Antioch in Syria, on account of Melitius. We
have already observed688
688Cf. III. 9, and IV. 2.
that Paulinus, bishop of that city, because of his eminent piety was
not sent into exile: and that Melitius after being restored by Julian,
was again banished by Valens, and at length recalled in Gratian’s
On his return to Antioch, he found Paulinus greatly enfeebled by old
age; his partisans therefore immediately used their utmost endeavors to
get him associated with that bishop in the episcopal office. And when
Paulinus declared that ‘it was contrary to the canons690
690In its eighth canon the Council of Nicæa,
looking forward to the reconciliation of such Novatians or
Cathari as might desire to return to the Catholic Church,
enjoins that ‘when in villages or in cities there are found only
clergy of their own sect (Cathari), the oldest of these clerics
shall remain among the clergy, and in their position; but if a Catholic
priest or bishop be found among them, it is evident that the bishop of
the Catholic Church should preserve the episcopal dignity whilst any
one who has received the title of bishop from the so-called
Cathari would only have a right to the honors accorded to
priests, unless the bishop thinks it right to let him enjoy the honor
of the title. If he does not desire to do so let him give him the place
of rural bishop (chorepiscopus) or priest, in order that he may
appear to be altogether a part of the clergy, and that there may not be
two bishops in the same city.’ Cf. Hefele, Hist. of the
Councils, Vol. I. p. 410; Bingham, Christ. Antiq. II. 13. 1
and 2.
to take as a coadjutor one who had been ordained by the Arians,’
the people had recourse to violence, and caused him to be consecrated
in one of the churches without the city. When this was done, a great
disturbance arose; but afterwards the people were brought to unite on
the following stipulations. Having assembled such of the clergy as
might be considered worthy candidates for the bishopric, they found
them six in number, of whom Flavian was one. All these they bound by an
oath, not to use any effort to get themselves ordained, when either
of the two bishops should die, but
to permit the survivor to retain undisturbed possession of the see of
the deceased.691
691Theodoret (H. E. V. 3) gives a different
account of the way in which the dispute between Melitius and Paulinus
came to an end, giving the glory to Melitius for the eirenic overture
above described, and representing Paulinus as constrained to accept it
against his will by the political head of the community.
Thus pledges were given, and the people had peace and so no longer
quarreled with one another. The Luciferians,692
692Cf. III. 9; Sozom. III. 15, and V. 12.
however, separated themselves from the rest, because Melitius who had
been ordained by the Arians was admitted to the episcopate. In this
state of the Antiochian church, Melitius was under the necessity of
going to Constantinople.