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| While the Emperor Theodosius is engaged in Military Preparations against Maximus, his Son Honorius is born. He then proceeds to Milan in Order to encounter the Usurper. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XII.—While the
Emperor Theodosius is engaged in Military Preparations against Maximus,
his Son Honorius is born. He then proceeds to Milan in Order to
encounter the Usurper.
But the Emperor Theodosius was
filled with great solicitude, and levied a powerful army against the
usurper, fearing lest he should meditate the assassination of the young
Valentinian also. While engaged in this preparation, an embassy arrived
from the Persians, requesting peace from the emperor. Then also the
empress Flaccilla bore him a son named Honorius, on the 9th of
September, in the consulate of Richomelius and Clearchus.725
725384 a.d. Honorius
afterwards shared the empire with Arcadius, reigning in the West from
398 to 423 a.d. But although the whole of this
period comes within the time of Socrates’ history, he does not
mention Honorius but once again before his death.
Under the same consulate, and a little previously, Agelius bishop of
the Novatians died.726
726Having been bishop of the Novatians for forty years;
see chap. 21.
In the year following, wherein Arcadius Augustus bore his first
consulate in conjunction with Baudon,727
Timothy bishop of Alexandria died, and was succeeded in the episcopate
by Theophilus. About a year after this, Demophilus the Arian prelate
having departed this life, the Arians sent for Marinus a leader of
their own heresy out of Thrace, to whom they entrusted the bishopric:
but Marinus did not long occupy that position, for under him that sect
was divided into two parties, as we shall hereafter explain;728
for they invited Dorotheus729
729Being in the ninety-eighth year of his age as
appears from VII. 6.
to come to them from Antioch in Syria, and constituted him their
bishop. Meanwhile the emperor Theodosius proceeded to the war against
Maximus, leaving his son Arcadius with imperial authority at
Constantinople. Accordingly arriving at Thessalonica he found
Valentinian and those about him in great anxiety, because through
compulsion they had acknowledged the usurper as emperor. Theodosius,
however, gave no expression to his sentiments in public; he neither
rejected nor admitted730
730Zosimus, however, says (IV. 37) that the embassy of
Maximus was received by Theodosius.
the embassy of Maximus: but unable to endure tyrannical domination over
the Roman empire, under the assumption of an imperial name, he hastily
mustered his forces and advanced to Milan,731
731Rather Aquileja as appears from Zosimus and other
whither the usurper had already gone.