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    BIBLE: -Divine approval of #2SA 22:35 -Civil #JUD 12:1-6; 20; 2SA 2:12-31; 3:1; 20; 1KI 14:30; 16:21; ISA 2 19:2 -Forbidden #2CH 11:4 -Averted #JOS 22:11-34 -Enemy harangued by the general of the opposing side #2KI 18:19-36; 2CH 13:4-12 -Of extermination #NU 31:7-17; DE 2:33,34; 3:6; 20:13-18; JOS 6:21,24; 8:24,25; 10:2-40; 11:11-23; 1SA 15:3-9; 27:8-11 -God in #EX 14:13,14; DE 1:30; 3:21,22; 7:17-24; 20:1,4; 31:6-8,23; 32:29,30; JOS 1:1,5-7,9; JUD 1:2; 6:16; 7:9; 11:29; 1SA 45 17:45-47; 19:5; 30:7,8; 2SA 5:22-24; 22:18; 1KI 20:28; PS 34 18:34; 76:3; JER 46:15; AM 5:8,9; Z5 EC 10:5 -God uses, as a judgment #EX 23:24; LE 26:17,31-39; DE 28:25-68; 32:30; JUD 2:14; 2KI 37 15:37; 1CH 5:22,26; 21:12; 2CH 15:6; 12:1-12; 24:23,24; 33:11; 36; Job 29 19:29; PS 44:9-16; 60:1-3; 105:25; ISA 1 5:1-8,25-30; 9:8-12; 13:3,4,9; 19:2; 34:2-6; 43:28; 45:7; JER 12:7,12; 46:15-17,21; 47:6,7; 48:10; 49:5; 50:25; EZE 22 23:22-25; AM 3:6; 4:11; ZEP 1:7-18; Z10 EC 8:10; 14:2 -Repugnant to God #1CH 22:8,9; PS 68:30; 120:6,7; RE 13:10 -God sends panic in #EX 15:14-16 -Threatens defeat in #DE 32:25; 1SA 2:10; 2CH 18:12-16; ISA 30:15-17; EZE 15:6-8; 21:9-17 -Inflicts defeat in #JOS 7:12,13; 2CH 12:5-8; 24:23,24; PS 76:3; 78:66; 79:10; ISA 5:25; JER 46:15,16 -Counsels of #JOS 22:10-34; JUD 7:10,11; 2SA 16:20; 17:1-15; PS 48:4-7; PR 11:14; 20:18 -Wisdom required in #PR 21:22; 24:6; EC 9:14-18; LU 14:31,32 -Tumult of #AM 2:2 -Killed in, neglected #ISA 14:19; 18:6 -Evils of #2SA 2:26; PS 46:8; 79:1-3; 137:9; ISA 3:5,25,26; 5:29,30; 6:11,12; 9:5,19-21; 13:15,16; 15; 16:9,10; 18:6; 19:2-16; 32:13,14; 33:8,9; 34:7-15; JER 4:19-31; 5:16,17; 6:24-26; 7:33,34; 8:16,17; 9:10-21; 10:20; 13:14; 14:18; 15:8,9; 19:7-9; 25:33; 46:3-12; 47:3; 48:28,33; 51:30-58; LA 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; EZE 33:27; 39:17-19; HO 10:14; 13:16; JOE 2:2-10; AM 1:13; 6:9,10; 8:3; NA 2:10; 3:3,10; Z2 EC 14:2; LU 20 21:20-26; RE 19:17,18 -To cease #PS 46:9; ISA 2:4; MIC 4:3 -Wars and rumors of #MT 24:6; MR 13:7; LU 21:9 -See ARMIES Ż 0391 -See ARMS Ż 0396 -See FORT Ż 1878 -See SOLDIERS Ż 4638 -See STRATEGY Ż 4717 -See TOWER Ż 4971 -See WATCHMAN Ż 5115 -FIGURATIVE .Warfare of saints .Is not after the flesh #2CO 10:3 .Is a good warfare #1TI 1:18,19 .Called the good fight of faith #1TI 6:12 .Is against .The Devil #GE 3:15; 2CO 2:11; EPH 1:12; JAS 7 4:7; 1PE 5:8; Re 17 12:17 .The flesh #RO 7:23; 1CO 9:25-27; 2CO 12:7; GA 5:17; 1PE 2:11 .Enemies #PS 38:19; 56:2; 59:3 .The world #JOH 16:33; 1JO 5:4,5 .Death #1CO 15:26; with HEB 2:14,15 .Often arises from the opposition of friends or relatives #MIC 7:6; MT 10:35,36 .To be carried on .Under Christ, as our Captain #HEB 2:10 .Under the Lord's banner #PS 60:4 .With faith #1TI 1:18,19 .With a good conscience #1TI 1:18,19 .With steadfastness in the faith #1CO 16:13; 1PE 5:9; with HEB 10:23 .With earnestness #Jude 3 1:3 .With watchfulness #1CO 16:13; 1PE 5:8 .With sobriety #1TH 5:6; 1PE 5:8 .With endurance of hardness #2TI 2:3,10 .With self-denial #1CO 9:25-27 .With confidence in God #PS 27:1-3 .With prayer #PS 35:1-3; EPH 6:18 .Without earthly entanglements #2TI 2:4 .Mere professors do not maintain #JER 9:3 .Saints are all engaged in #PHP 1:30 .Must stand firm in #EPH 6:13,14 .Exhorted to diligence in #1TI 6:12; Jude 3 1:3 .Encouraged in #ISA 41:11,12; 51:12; MIC 7:8; 1JO 4:4 .Helped by God in #PS 118:13; ISA 41:13,14 .Protected by God in #PS 140:7 .Comforted by God in #2CO 7:5,6 .Strengthened by God in #PS 20:2; 27:14; ISA 41:10 .Strengthened by Christ in #2CO 12:9; 2TI 4:17 .Delivered by Christ in #2TI 4:18 .Thank God for victory in #RO 7:25; 1CO 15:57 .Armor for .The belt of truth #EPH 6:14 .The breastplate of righteousness #EPH 6:14 .The preparation of the gospel #EPH 6:15 .The shield of faith #EPH 6:16 .The helmet of salvation #EPH 6:17; 1TH 5:8 .The sword of the Spirit #EPH 6:17 .Called "the armor of God," #EPH 6:11 .Called "the armor of righteousness," #2CO 6:7 .Called "the armor of light," #RO 13:12 .Not carnal #2CO 10:4 .Mighty through God #2CO 10:4,5 .The whole, is required #EPH 6:13 .Must be put on #RO 13:12; EPH 6:11 .To be on the right hand and left, an idiom meaning: "to attack and to defend." #2CO 6:7 .Victory in, is from God #1CO 15:57; 2CO 2:14 .Through Christ #RO 7:25; 1CO 15:57; 2CO 12:9; RE 12:11 .By faith #HEB 11:33-37; 1JO 5:4,5 .Over the Devil #RO 16:20; 1JO 2:14 .Over the flesh #RO 7:24,25; GA 5:24 .Over the world #1JO 5:4,5 .Over all that exalts itself #2CO 10:5 .Over death and the grave #ISA 25:8; 26:19; HO 13:14; 1CO 15:54,55 .Triumphant #RO 8:37; 2CO 10:5 .Those who overcome in, will eat of the hidden manna #RE 2:17 .Eat from the Tree of Life #RE 2:7 .Be clothed in white clothing #RE 3:5 .Be pillars in the temple of God #RE 3:12 .Sit with Christ on his throne #RE 3:21 .Have a white stone, and in it a new name written #RE 2:17 .Have power over the nations #RE 2:26 .Have the name of God written upon them by Christ #RE 3:12 .Have God as their God #RE 21:7 .Have the Morning Star #RE 2:28 .Inherit all things #RE 21:7 .Be confessed by Christ in the presence of God the Father #RE 3:5 .Be sons of God #RE 21:7 .Not be hurt by the Second Death #RE 2:11 .Not have their names blotted out of the Book of Life #RE 3:5 .Symbolized by a red horse #RE 6:4 -IN HEAVEN .SYMBOLICAL #RE 12:7


    1. Book of Martyrs Ch. 16c
    2. Book of Martyrs Ch. 6c
    3. Book of Martyrs Ch. 6d
    4. Book of Martyrs Ch. 22
    5. Book of Martyrs Ch. 2c
    6. Book of Martyrs Ch. 17c
    1. Flavius Book 22 Chapter 16
    2. Flavius Vs. Apion 3
    3. Flavius Book 27 Chapter 8
    4. Flavius Vs. Apion 1
    5. Flavius War
    6. Flavius Book 13 Chapter 16
    7. Flavius Book 5 Chapter 1
    8. Flavius Book 22 Chapter 22
    9. Flavius Book 18 Chapter 8
    10. Flavius Book 4 Chapter 8b
    11. Flavius Book 25 Chapter 9
    12. Flavius Book 15 Chapter 11
    13. Flavius Vs. Apion 6
    14. Flavius Book 8 Chapter 15
    15. Flavius Book 26 Chapter 1
    16. Flavius Book 20 Chapter 11
    17. Flavius Book 18 Chapter 9
    18. Flavius Book 15 Chapter 5
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    25. Flavius Book 6 Chapter 14
    26. Flavius Book 24 Chapter 1
    27. Flavius Book 22 Chapter 17
    28. Flavius Book 17 Chapter 13
    29. Life of Flavius 13
    30. Flavius Book 3 Chapter 15
    31. Flavius Book 23 Chapter 8
    32. Flavius Book 10 Chapter 11
    33. Flavius Vs. Apion 4
    34. Flavius Book 3 Chapter 2
    35. Flavius Book 25 Chapter 1
    36. Flavius Book 13 Chapter 5
    37. Flavius Book 23 Chapter 5
    38. Flavius Book 17 Chapter 10
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    40. Flavius Book 27 Chapter 11
    41. Flavius Book 26 Chapter 6
    42. Flavius Book 25 Chapter 13
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    46. Flavius Book 22 Chapter 20
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    54. Flavius Book 22 Chapter 21
    55. Flavius Book 22 Chapter 19
    56. Flavius Book 21 Chapter 21
    57. Flavius Book 1 Chapter 22
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    60. Flavius Book 14 Chapter 15
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    62. Flavius Book 13 Chapter 6
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    64. Flavius Antiquities
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    3. Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 10
    4. Edersheim The Temple 16b
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    24. Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 11
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    30. Edersheim Book 5 Chapter 13
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    35. Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 18
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    2. Clarke's Commentary Exodus 40
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    1. Naves Topical Bible 129
    2. Naves Topical Bible 205
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    1. Eastons Bible Dictionary 119
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