-Divine approval of
#2SA 22:35
#JUD 12:1-6; 20; 2SA 2:12-31; 3:1; 20; 1KI 14:30; 16:21; ISA
2 19:2
#2CH 11:4
#JOS 22:11-34
-Enemy harangued by the general of the opposing side
#2KI 18:19-36; 2CH 13:4-12
-Of extermination
#NU 31:7-17; DE 2:33,34; 3:6; 20:13-18; JOS 6:21,24;
8:24,25; 10:2-40; 11:11-23; 1SA 15:3-9; 27:8-11
-God in
#EX 14:13,14; DE 1:30; 3:21,22; 7:17-24; 20:1,4; 31:6-8,23;
32:29,30; JOS 1:1,5-7,9; JUD 1:2; 6:16; 7:9; 11:29; 1SA
45 17:45-47; 19:5; 30:7,8; 2SA 5:22-24; 22:18; 1KI 20:28; PS
34 18:34; 76:3; JER 46:15; AM 5:8,9; Z5 EC 10:5
-God uses, as a judgment
#EX 23:24; LE 26:17,31-39; DE 28:25-68; 32:30; JUD 2:14; 2KI
37 15:37; 1CH 5:22,26; 21:12; 2CH 15:6; 12:1-12; 24:23,24;
33:11; 36; Job 29 19:29; PS 44:9-16; 60:1-3; 105:25; ISA
1 5:1-8,25-30; 9:8-12; 13:3,4,9; 19:2; 34:2-6; 43:28; 45:7;
JER 12:7,12; 46:15-17,21; 47:6,7; 48:10; 49:5; 50:25; EZE
22 23:22-25; AM 3:6; 4:11; ZEP 1:7-18; Z10 EC 8:10; 14:2
-Repugnant to God
#1CH 22:8,9; PS 68:30; 120:6,7; RE 13:10
-God sends panic in
#EX 15:14-16
-Threatens defeat in
#DE 32:25; 1SA 2:10; 2CH 18:12-16; ISA 30:15-17; EZE 15:6-8;
-Inflicts defeat in
#JOS 7:12,13; 2CH 12:5-8; 24:23,24; PS 76:3; 78:66; 79:10;
ISA 5:25; JER 46:15,16
-Counsels of
#JOS 22:10-34; JUD 7:10,11; 2SA 16:20; 17:1-15; PS 48:4-7;
PR 11:14; 20:18
-Wisdom required in
#PR 21:22; 24:6; EC 9:14-18; LU 14:31,32
-Tumult of
#AM 2:2
-Killed in, neglected
#ISA 14:19; 18:6
-Evils of
#2SA 2:26; PS 46:8; 79:1-3; 137:9; ISA 3:5,25,26; 5:29,30;
6:11,12; 9:5,19-21; 13:15,16; 15; 16:9,10; 18:6; 19:2-16;
32:13,14; 33:8,9; 34:7-15; JER 4:19-31; 5:16,17; 6:24-26;
7:33,34; 8:16,17; 9:10-21; 10:20; 13:14; 14:18; 15:8,9;
19:7-9; 25:33; 46:3-12; 47:3; 48:28,33; 51:30-58; LA 1; 2;
3; 4; 5; EZE 33:27; 39:17-19; HO 10:14; 13:16; JOE 2:2-10;
AM 1:13; 6:9,10; 8:3; NA 2:10; 3:3,10; Z2 EC 14:2; LU
20 21:20-26; RE 19:17,18
-To cease
#PS 46:9; ISA 2:4; MIC 4:3
-Wars and rumors of
#MT 24:6; MR 13:7; LU 21:9
Ż 0391
Ż 0396
Ż 1878
Ż 4638
Ż 4717
Ż 4971
Ż 5115
.Warfare of saints
.Is not after the flesh
#2CO 10:3
.Is a good warfare
#1TI 1:18,19
.Called the good fight of faith
#1TI 6:12
.Is against
.The Devil
#GE 3:15; 2CO 2:11; EPH 1:12; JAS 7 4:7; 1PE 5:8; Re
17 12:17
.The flesh
#RO 7:23; 1CO 9:25-27; 2CO 12:7; GA 5:17; 1PE 2:11
#PS 38:19; 56:2; 59:3
.The world
#JOH 16:33; 1JO 5:4,5
#1CO 15:26; with HEB 2:14,15
.Often arises from the opposition of friends or relatives
#MIC 7:6; MT 10:35,36
.To be carried on
.Under Christ, as our Captain
#HEB 2:10
.Under the Lord's banner
#PS 60:4
.With faith
#1TI 1:18,19
.With a good conscience
#1TI 1:18,19
.With steadfastness in the faith
#1CO 16:13; 1PE 5:9; with HEB 10:23
.With earnestness
#Jude 3 1:3
.With watchfulness
#1CO 16:13; 1PE 5:8
.With sobriety
#1TH 5:6; 1PE 5:8
.With endurance of hardness
#2TI 2:3,10
.With self-denial
#1CO 9:25-27
.With confidence in God
#PS 27:1-3
.With prayer
#PS 35:1-3; EPH 6:18
.Without earthly entanglements
#2TI 2:4
.Mere professors do not maintain
#JER 9:3
.Saints are all engaged in
#PHP 1:30
.Must stand firm in
#EPH 6:13,14
.Exhorted to diligence in
#1TI 6:12; Jude 3 1:3
.Encouraged in
#ISA 41:11,12; 51:12; MIC 7:8; 1JO 4:4
.Helped by God in
#PS 118:13; ISA 41:13,14
.Protected by God in
#PS 140:7
.Comforted by God in
#2CO 7:5,6
.Strengthened by God in
#PS 20:2; 27:14; ISA 41:10
.Strengthened by Christ in
#2CO 12:9; 2TI 4:17
.Delivered by Christ in
#2TI 4:18
.Thank God for victory in
#RO 7:25; 1CO 15:57
.Armor for
.The belt of truth
#EPH 6:14
.The breastplate of righteousness
#EPH 6:14
.The preparation of the gospel
#EPH 6:15
.The shield of faith
#EPH 6:16
.The helmet of salvation
#EPH 6:17; 1TH 5:8
.The sword of the Spirit
#EPH 6:17
.Called "the armor of God,"
#EPH 6:11
.Called "the armor of righteousness,"
#2CO 6:7
.Called "the armor of light,"
#RO 13:12
.Not carnal
#2CO 10:4
.Mighty through God
#2CO 10:4,5
.The whole, is required
#EPH 6:13
.Must be put on
#RO 13:12; EPH 6:11
.To be on the right hand and left, an idiom meaning: "to
attack and to defend."
#2CO 6:7
.Victory in, is from God
#1CO 15:57; 2CO 2:14
.Through Christ
#RO 7:25; 1CO 15:57; 2CO 12:9; RE 12:11
.By faith
#HEB 11:33-37; 1JO 5:4,5
.Over the Devil
#RO 16:20; 1JO 2:14
.Over the flesh
#RO 7:24,25; GA 5:24
.Over the world
#1JO 5:4,5
.Over all that exalts itself
#2CO 10:5
.Over death and the grave
#ISA 25:8; 26:19; HO 13:14; 1CO 15:54,55
#RO 8:37; 2CO 10:5
.Those who overcome in, will eat of the hidden manna
#RE 2:17
.Eat from the Tree of Life
#RE 2:7
.Be clothed in white clothing
#RE 3:5
.Be pillars in the temple of God
#RE 3:12
.Sit with Christ on his throne
#RE 3:21
.Have a white stone, and in it a new name written
#RE 2:17
.Have power over the nations
#RE 2:26
.Have the name of God written upon them by Christ
#RE 3:12
.Have God as their God
#RE 21:7
.Have the Morning Star
#RE 2:28
.Inherit all things
#RE 21:7
.Be confessed by Christ in the presence of God the Father
#RE 3:5
.Be sons of God
#RE 21:7
.Not be hurt by the Second Death
#RE 2:11
.Not have their names blotted out of the Book of Life
#RE 3:5
.Symbolized by a red horse
#RE 6:4
#RE 12:7
- Book of Martyrs Ch. 16c
- Book of Martyrs Ch. 6c
- Book of Martyrs Ch. 6d
- Book of Martyrs Ch. 22
- Book of Martyrs Ch. 2c
- Book of Martyrs Ch. 17c
- Flavius Book 22 Chapter 16
- Flavius Vs. Apion 3
- Flavius Book 27 Chapter 8
- Flavius Vs. Apion 1
- Flavius War
- Flavius Book 13 Chapter 16
- Flavius Book 5 Chapter 1
- Flavius Book 22 Chapter 22
- Flavius Book 18 Chapter 8
- Flavius Book 4 Chapter 8b
- Flavius Book 25 Chapter 9
- Flavius Book 15 Chapter 11
- Flavius Vs. Apion 6
- Flavius Book 8 Chapter 15
- Flavius Book 26 Chapter 1
- Flavius Book 20 Chapter 11
- Flavius Book 18 Chapter 9
- Flavius Book 15 Chapter 5
- Flavius Book 12 Chapter 3
- Life of Flavius 11
- Flavius Book 4 Chapter 8
- Flavius Book 23 Chapter 7
- Flavius Book 23 Chapter 10
- Flavius Book 5 Chapter 2
- Flavius Book 6 Chapter 14
- Flavius Book 24 Chapter 1
- Flavius Book 22 Chapter 17
- Flavius Book 17 Chapter 13
- Life of Flavius 13
- Flavius Book 3 Chapter 15
- Flavius Book 23 Chapter 8
- Flavius Book 10 Chapter 11
- Flavius Vs. Apion 4
- Flavius Book 3 Chapter 2
- Flavius Book 25 Chapter 1
- Flavius Book 13 Chapter 5
- Flavius Book 23 Chapter 5
- Flavius Book 17 Chapter 10
- Flavius Book 7 Chapter 15
- Flavius Book 27 Chapter 11
- Flavius Book 26 Chapter 6
- Flavius Book 25 Chapter 13
- Flavius Book 24 Chapter 9
- Flavius Book 24 Chapter 8
- Flavius Book 22 Chapter 8
- Flavius Book 22 Chapter 20
- Flavius Book 20 Chapter 3
- Flavius Book 15 Chapter 7
- Flavius Book 14 Chapter 16
- Flavius Book 12 Chapter 11
- Flavius Vs. Apion 2
- Flavius Book 6 Chapter 9
- Flavius Book 25 Chapter 4
- Flavius Book 22 Chapter 21
- Flavius Book 22 Chapter 19
- Flavius Book 21 Chapter 21
- Flavius Book 1 Chapter 22
- Flavius Book 1 Chapter 10
- Flavius Book 18 Chapter 5
- Flavius Book 14 Chapter 15
- Flavius Book 13 Chapter 8
- Flavius Book 13 Chapter 6
- Flavius Book 12 Chapter 10
- Flavius Antiquities
- Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 10
- Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 15
- Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 10
- Edersheim The Temple 16b
- Edersheim Book 7 Chapter 4
- Edersheim Book 6 Chapter 3
- Edersheim Book 5 Chapter 12
- Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 16
- Edersheim Book 5 Chapter 2
- Edersheim Book 7 Chapter 3
- Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 12
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- Edersheim Book 5 Chapter 8
- Edersheim Book 5 Chapter 6
- Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 17
- Edersheim Book 7 Chapter 17
- Edersheim Book 5 Chapter 11
- Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 15
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 10
- Edersheim The Temple 1c
- Edersheim Book 7 Chapter 8
- Edersheim Book 6 Chapter 11
- Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 8
- Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 11
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 15
- Edersheim The Temple 11
- Edersheim Book 7 Chapter 13
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- Edersheim Book 5 Chapter 9
- Edersheim Book 5 Chapter 13
- Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 9
- Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 6
- Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 18
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 19
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 18
- Edersheim Book 1 Chapter 12
- Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 1
- Edersheim Book 1 Chapter 21
- Edersheim The Temple 5b
- Edersheim Book 7 Chapter 7
- Edersheim Book 6 Chapter 9
- Edersheim Book 6 Chapter 13
- Edersheim Book 5 Chapter 4
- Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 19
- Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 6
- Edersheim Book 3 Chapter 4
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 17
- Edersheim The Temple 8b
- Sketches of Jewish Life 5b
- Edersheim Book 7 Chapter 15
- Edersheim Book 7 Chapter 11
- Edersheim Book 2 Chapter 20
- Edersheim Book 1 Chapter 14
- Edersheim Book 1 Chapter 11
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 24
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 40
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 7
- Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 11
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Samuel 17
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 10
- Clarke's Commentary Daniel 11
- Clarke's Commentary Numbers 21
- Clarke's Commentary Genesis 25
- Clarke's Commentary Job 39
- Clarke's Commentary Job 38
- Clarke's Commentary Hebrews 3
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Corinthians 9
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 9
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 6
- Clarke's Commentary Luke 16
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 1
- Clarke's Commentary Luke 1
- Clarke's Commentary Judges 1
- Clarke's Commentary Ephesians 6
- Clarke's Commentary Deuteronomy 32
- Clarke's Commentary Daniel 8
- Clarke's Commentary 2 Kings 20
- Clarke's Commentary Joshua 15
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 17
- Clarke's Commentary Judges 3
- Clarke's Commentary Joshua 13
- Clarke's Commentary John 6
- Clarke's Commentary James 1
- Clarke's Commentary Genesis 15
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 8
- Clarke's Commentary Ephesians 3
- Clarke's Commentary Acts 9
- Clarke's Commentary Acts 19
- Clarke's Commentary 2 Corinthians 10
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Kings 8
- Clarke's Commentary Revelation 17
- Clarke's Commentary Judges 21
- Clarke's Commentary Job 42
- Clarke's Commentary Isaiah 2
- Clarke's Commentary Genesis 49
- Clarke's Commentary 2 Samuel 10
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Samuel 9
- Clarke's Commentary Revelation 13
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 109
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 101
- Clarke's Commentary Numbers 33
- Clarke's Commentary Numbers 10
- Clarke's Commentary Matthew 3
- Clarke's Commentary Luke 8
- Clarke's Commentary Isaiah 3
- Clarke's Commentary Galatians 6
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 16
- Clarke's Commentary Exodus 10
- Clarke's Commentary Esther 1
- Clarke's Commentary Deuteronomy 33
- Clarke's Commentary Acts 24
- Clarke's Commentary 2 Timothy 4
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Timothy 1
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Kings 15
- Clarke's Commentary 1 Corinthians 7
- Clarke's Commentary Romans 13
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 78
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 68
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 27
- Clarke's Commentary Psalms 107
- Clarke's Commentary Numbers 1
- Clarke's Commentary Luke 9
- Clarke's Commentary Luke 24
- Wesley's Notes Revelation 6
- Wesley's Notes Exodus 20
- Wesley's Notes Joshua 11
- Wesley's Notes Revelation 8
- Wesley's Notes Revelation 11
- Wesley's Notes Judges 5
- Wesley's Notes Joshua 8
- Wesley's Notes Joshua 10
- Wesley's Notes Ezekiel 40
- Wesley's Notes Exodus 14
- Wesley's Notes Revelation 1
- Wesley's Notes Numbers 21
- Wesley's Notes Ecclesiastes 12
- Wesley's Notes Deuteronomy 32
- Wesley's Notes 1 Chronicles 26
- Wesley's Sermons 51
- Wesley's Sermons 24
- Wesley's Sermons 33
- Wesley's Sermons 9
- Wesley's Sermons 50
- Wesley's Sermons 40
- Wesley's Sermons 12
- Wesley's Sermons 58
- Wesley's Sermons 52
- Wesley's Sermons 13
- Wesley's Sermons 7
- Wesley's Sermons 32
- Wesley's Sermons 26
- Wesley's Sermons 14
- Wesley's Sermons 107
- Wesley's Sermons 11
- Wesley's Sermons 29
- Wesley's Sermons 21
- Wesley's Sermons 42
- Wesley's Sermons 25
- Wesley's Sermons 95
- Wesley's Sermons 88
- Wesley's Sermons 10
- Wesley's Sermons 89
- Wesley's Sermons 85
- Wesley's Sermons 72
- Wesley's Sermons 77
- Wesley's Sermons 66
- Wesley's Sermons 53
- Wesley's Sermons 39
- Wesley's Sermons 18
- Wesley's Sermons 15
- Wesley's Sermons 131
- Wesley's Sermons 96
- Wesley's Sermons 34
- Wesley's Sermons 23
- Wesley's Sermons 116
- Wesley's Sermons 98
- Wesley's Sermons 92
- Wesley's Sermons 75
- Wesley's Sermons 6
- Wesley's Sermons 41
- Wesley's Sermons 130
- Wesley's Sermons 105
- Wesley's Sermons 100
- Wesley's Sermons 36
- Finney's Sermons 9
- Finney's Sermons 30
- Finney's Sermons 20
- Finney's Sermons 19b
- Finney's Sermons 1
- Finney's Sermons 17c
- Finney's Sermons 11
- Finney's Sermons 10c
- Lectures on Theology 19b
- Lectures on Theology 15c
- Lectures on Theology 20b
- Lectures on Theology 15b
- Lectures on Theology 22c
- Systematic Theology 31c
- Systematic Theology 31
- Systematic Theology 50d
- Systematic Theology 21b
- Systematic Theology 8c
- Systematic Theology 9c
- Systematic Theology 8d
- Systematic Theology 31d
- Systematic Theology 33c
- Systematic Theology 21c
- Naves Topical Bible 129
- Naves Topical Bible 205
- Naves Topical Bible 200
- TSK Ezekiel 40
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 119
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 36
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 64
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 23
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 68
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 40
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 10
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 63
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 75
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 38
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 20
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 2
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 94
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 37
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 16
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 66
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 58
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 53
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 99
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 69
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 60
- Eastons Bible Dictionary 105
- NT Word Pictures Matthew 5
- NT Word Pictures Luke 12
- NT Word Pictures 1 Corinthians 9