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| Of Flavian Bishop of Antioch. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XV.—Of Flavian
Bishop of Antioch.
About the same period, the
following events took place at Antioch in Syria. After the death of
Paulinus, the people who had been under his superintendence refused to
submit to the authority of Flavian, but caused Evagrius to be ordained
bishop of their own party.735
735Theodoret (H. E. V. 23) says that there was a
double violation of order in the ordination of Evagrius; first in that
he was ordained by his predecessor, and secondly in that he was
ordained by one bishop, whereas the canon required that not less than
three should take part in an episcopal ordination.
As he did not survive his ordination long, no other was constituted in
his place, Flavian having brought this about: nevertheless those who
disliked Flavian on account of his having violated his oath, held their
assemblies apart.736
736Cf. VI. 9; also chaps. 5 and 11 of this book.
Meanwhile Flavian ‘left no stone unturned,’ as the phrase
is, to bring these also under his control; and this he soon after
effected, when he appeased the anger of Theophilus, then bishop of
Alexandria, by whose mediation he
conciliated, Damasus bishop of Rome also. For both these had been
greatly displeased with Flavian, as well for the perjury of which he
had been guilty, as for the schism he had occasioned among the
previously united people. Theophilus therefore being pacified, sent
Isidore a presbyter to Rome, and thus reconciled Damasus, who was still
offended; representing to him the propriety of overlooking
Flavian’s past misconduct, for the sake of producing concord
among the people. Communion being in this way restored to Flavian, the
people of Antioch were in the course of a little while induced to
acquiesce in the union secured. Such was the conclusion of this affair
at Antioch. But the Arians of that city being ejected from the
churches, were accustomed to hold their meetings in the suburbs.
Meanwhile Cyril bishop of Jerusalem having died about this time,737
was succeeded by John.