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| Synod at Ephesus against Nestorius. His Deposition. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XXXIV.—Synod
at Ephesus against Nestorius. His Deposition.
Not long time elapsed before a
mandate from the emperor directed the bishops in all places to assemble
at Ephesus.1013
1013This was the third of the Ecumenical or General
Synods; it was convened in 431 and dealt with the Nestorian
controversy. Cf. Hefele, Hist. of the Councils of the Ch. Vol.
III. p. 1; also Evagrius, H. E. I. 2, 3, 4.
Immediately after the festival of Easter therefore Nestorius, escorted
by a great crowd of his adherents, repaired to Ephesus, and found many
of the bishops already there. Cyril bishop of Alexandria making some
delay, did not arrive till near Pentecost. Five days after Pentecost,
Juvenal bishop of Jerusalem arrived. While John of Antioch was still
absent, those who were now congregated entered into the consideration
of the question; and Cyril of Alexandria began a sharp skirmish of
words, with the design of terrifying Nestorius, for he had a strong
dislike for him. When many had declared that Christ was God, Nestorius
said: ‘I cannot term him God who was two and three months old. I
am therefore clear of your blood, and shall in future come no more
among you.’ Having uttered these words he left the assembly, and
afterwards held meetings with the other bishops who entertained
sentiments similar to his own. Accordingly those present were divided
into two factions. That section which supported Cyril, having
constituted themselves a council, summoned Nestorius: but he refused to
meet them, and put them off until the arrival of John of Antioch. The
partisans of Cyril therefore proceeded to the examination of the public
discourses of Nestorius which he had preached on the subject in
dispute; and after deciding from a repeated perusal of them that they
contained distinct blasphemy against the Son of God, they deposed him.
This being done, the partisans of Nestorius constituted themselves
another council apart, and therein deposed Cyril himself, and together
with him Memnon bishop of Ephesus. Not long after these events, John
bishop of Antioch made his appearance; and being informed of what had
taken place, he pronounced unqualified censure on Cyril as the author
of all this confusion, in having so precipitately proceeded to the
deposition of Nestorius. Upon this Cyril combined with Juvenal to
revenge themselves on John, and they deposed him also. When affairs
reached this confused condition, Nestorius saw that the contention
which had been raised was thus tending to the destruction of communion,
in bitter regret he called Mary Theotocos, and cried out:
‘Let Mary be called Theotocos, if you will, and let all
disputing cease.’ But although he made this recantation, no
notice was taken of it; for his deposition was not revoked, and he was
banished to the Oasis, where he still remains.1014
1014After his deposition Nestorius was banished to the
Oasis, as above stated. This Oasis was ‘a miserable place exposed
to the wild nomad tribes; all around were shifting sands, forming a
pathless solitude. He…employed himself in writing a defense of
the opinions for which he had lost all. The Blemmyes at length invaded
the Oasis, and took Nestorius, among others, captive; then, by what he
calls a most unexpected act of compassion, released him, and bade him
hurry away. He thought it best to proceed to Panopolis in the Thebaid,
and voluntarily reported himself to the governor, who, unmoved by his
pathetic entreaty that the imperial authorities would not be less
merciful than the barbarians, ordered some soldiers to convey him to
Elephantine. The journey under such circumstances exhausted the old
man; a fall severely hurt his hand and side; and before he could reach
Elephantine, a mandate came for his return to Panopolis. Two more
compulsory changes of abode were added to sufferings which remind us
perforce of the last days of S. John Chrysostom; and then the unhappy
Nestorius was no more. The exact year of his death cannot be
ascertained.’—W. Bright, Hist.
of the Church from a.d. 313 to 451, p.
371, 372.
Such was the conclusion of this Synod. These things were done on the
28th of June, under the consulate of Bassus and Antiochus.1015
John when he had returned to his bishopric, having convened several
bishops, deposed Cyril, who had also returned to his see: but soon
afterwards, having set aside their enmity and accepting each other as
friends, they mutually reinstated each other in their episcopal chairs.
But after the deposition of Nestorius a mighty agitation prevailed
through the churches of Constantinople. For the people was divided on
account of what we have already called his unfortunate utterances; and
the clergy unanimously anathematized him. For such is the sentence
which we Christians are accustomed to pronounce on those who have
advanced any blasphemous doctrines, when we set up their impiety that
it may be publicly exposed, as it were, on a pillar, to universal