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| On the Death of Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria, at his Suggestion, Athanasius receives the Throne; and an Account of his Youth; how he was a Self-Taught Priest, and beloved by Antony the Great. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XVII.—On the
Death of Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria, at his Suggestion, Athanasius
receives the Throne; and an Account of his Youth; how he was a
Self-Taught Priest, and beloved by Antony the Great.
About this period1166
1166About five months after the council of Nicæa,
according to a statement of Athan. Apol. cont. Arian. 59.
Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, when about to depart this life, left
Athanasius as his successor, in accordance, I am convinced, with the
Divine will directing the vote upon him. It is said that Athanasius at
first sought to avoid the honor by flight, but that he, although
unwilling, was afterwards constrained by Alexander to accept the
bishopric. This is testified by Apolinarius, the Syrian,1167
1167This quotation is first made by Soz., and is found
nowhere else.
in the following terms: “In all these matters much disturbance
was excited by impiety, but its first effects were felt by the blessed
teacher of this man, who was at hand as an assistant, and behaved as a
son would to his father. Afterwards this holy man himself underwent the
same experience, for when appointed to the episcopal succession he fled
to escape the honor; but he was discovered in his place of concealment
by the help of God, who had forecast by Divine manifestations to his
blessed predecessor, that the succession was to devolve upon him. For
when Alexander was on the point of death, he called upon Athanasius,
who was then absent. One who bore the same name, and who happened to be
present, on hearing him call this way, answered him; but to him
Alexander was silent, since he was not summoning this man. Again he
called, and as it often happens, the one present kept still, and so the
absent one was disclosed. Moreover, the blessed Alexander prophetically
exclaimed, ‘O Athanasius, thou thinkest to escape, but thou wilt
not escape’; meaning that Athanasius would be called to the
conflict.” Such is the account given by Apolinarius respecting
The Arians assert that after the death of Alexander, the
respective followers of that bishop and of Melitius held communion
together, and fifty-four bishops from Thebes, and other parts of Egypt,
assembled together, and agreed by oath to choose by a common vote, the
man who could advantageously administer the Church of Alexandria; but
that seven1168
1168See the refutation of the calumny in Athan. Apol.
cont. Arian. 6, where the acts of the vindicatory synod are given,
3 sqq. Cf. Philost. ii. 11, gives a different account from the Arian
point of view; probably the whole story is from Sabinus.
of the bishops, in violation of their oath, and contrary to the opinion
of all, secretly ordained Athanasius; and that on this account many of
the people and of the Egyptian clergy seceded from communion with him.
For my part, I am convinced that it was by Divine appointment that
Athanasius succeeded to the high-priesthood; for he was eloquent and
intelligent, and capable of opposing plots, and of such a man the times
had the greatest need. He displayed great aptitude in the exercise of
the ecclesiastical functions and fitness for the priesthood, and was,
so to speak, from his earliest years, self-taught. It is said that the
following incident occurred to him in his youth.1169
1169Ruf. H. E. i. 14. Cf. Soc. i. 15, who credits
Ruf. with the story.
It was the custom of the Alexandrians to celebrate with great pomp an
annual festival in honor of one of their bishops named Peter, who had
suffered martyrdom. Alexander, who then conducted the church, engaged
in the celebration of this festival, and after having completed the
worship, he remained on the spot, awaiting the arrival of some guests
whom he expected to breakfast. In the meantime he chanced to cast his
eyes towards the sea, and perceived some children playing on the shore,
and amusing themselves by imitating the bishop and the ceremonies of
the Church. At first he considered the mimicry as innocent, and took
pleasure in witnessing it; but when they touched upon the unutterable,
he was troubled, and communicated the matter to the chief of the
clergy. The children were called together and questioned as to the game
at which they were playing, and as to what they did and said when
engaged in this amusement. At first they through fear denied; but when
Alexander threatened them with torture, they confessed that Athanasius
was their bishop and leader, and that many children who had not been
initiated had been baptized by him. Alexander carefully inquired what
the priest of their play was in the habit of saying or doing, and what
they answered or were taught. On finding that the exact routine of the
Church had been accurately observed by them, he consulted the priests
around him on the subject, and decided that it would he unnecessary to
rebaptize those who, in their simplicity, had been judged worthy of the
Divine grace. He therefore merely performed for them such offices as it
is lawful only for those who are consecrated to initiating the
mysteries. He then took Athanasius and the other children, who had
playfully acted as presbyters and
deacons, to their own relations under God as a witness that they might
be brought up for the Church, and for leadership in what they had
imitated. Not long after, he took Athanasius as his table companion and
secretary. He had been well educated, was versed in grammar and
rhetoric, and already when he came to man’s estate, and before he
attained the bishopric, he gave proof to those conversing with him of
his being a man of wisdom and intellectuality. But when,1170
1170From the Life of Antony, attributed to
Athanasius, which Evagrius, a presbyter of Antioch, translated into
Latin. Ruf. H. E. i. 8, Hieron. de vir. illust. 87, 88,
on the death of Alexander, the succession devolved upon him, his
reputation was greatly increased, and was sustained by his own private
virtues and by the testimony of the monk, Antony the Great. This monk
repaired to him when he requested his presence, visited the cities,
accompanied him to the churches, and agreed with him in opinion
concerning the Godhead. He evinced unlimited friendship towards him,
and avoided the society of his enemies and opponents.