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| The Arians and Melitians confer Celebrity on Athanasius; concerning Eusebius, and his Request of Athanasius to admit Arius to Communion; concerning the Term “Consubstantial” Eusebius Pamphilus and Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch, create Tumults above all the rest. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XVIII.—The
Arians and Melitians confer Celebrity on Athanasius; concerning
Eusebius, and his Request of Athanasius to admit Arius to Communion;
concerning the Term “Consubstantial”; Eusebius Pamphilus
and Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch, create Tumults above all the
The reputation of Athanasius
was, however, especially increased by the Arians and Melitians;1171
1171Source here is Soc. i. 23, but abridged.
although always plotting, they never appeared rightly to catch and make
him a prisoner. In the first place, Eusebius wrote to urge him to
receive the Arians into communion, and threatened, without writing it,
to ill-treat him should he refuse to do so. But as Athanasius would not
yield to his representation, but maintained that those who had devised
a heresy in innovating upon the truth, and who had been condemned by
the council of Nice, ought not to be received into the Church, Eusebius
contrived to interest the emperor in favor of Arius, and so procured
his return. I shall state a little further on how all these events came
to pass.1172
At this period, the bishops had another tumultuous
dispute among themselves, concerning the precise meaning of the term
1173Soc. again the source, but abridged; the matter is
entirely the fruit of his own research, as Soc. states in this chapter
(chap. i. 23). Cf. Eus. V. C. iii. 23.
Some thought that this term could not be admitted without blasphemy;
that it implied the non-existence of the Son of God; and that it
involved the error of Montanus and Sabellius. Those, on the other hand,
who defended the term, regarded their opponents as Greeks (or pagans),
and considered that their sentiments led to polytheism. Eusebius,
surnamed Pamphilus, and Eustathius, bishop of Antioch, took the lead in
this dispute. They both confessed the Son of God to exist
hypostatically, and yet they contended together as if they had
misunderstood each other. Eustathius accused Eusebius of altering the
doctrines ratified by the council of Nicæa, while the latter
declared that he approved of all the Nicæan doctrines, and
reproached Eustathius for cleaving to the heresy of Sabellius.