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| The Melitians and the Arians agree in Sentiment; Eusebius and Theognis endeavor to inflame anew the Disease of Arius. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XXI.—The
Melitians and the Arians agree in Sentiment; Eusebius and Theognis
endeavor to inflame anew the Disease of Arius.
In the meantime the contention
which had been stirred in the beginning among the Egyptians, could not
be quelled.1177
1177This chapter is also unique with Soz., both as to
the Melitians and Eusebius. The Melitian opposition is evident from
Soc. i. 27.
The Arian heresy had been positively condemned by the council of Nice,
while the followers of Melitius had been admitted into communion under
the stipulations above stated. When Alexander returned to Egypt,
Melitius delivered up to him the churches whose government he had
unlawfully usurped, and returned to Lycus. Not long after, finding his
end approaching, he nominated John, one of his most intimate friends,
as his successor, contrary to the decree of the Nicæan Council,
and thus fresh cause of discord in the churches was produced. When the
Arians perceived that the Melitians were introducing innovations, they
also harassed the churches. For, as frequently occurs in similar
disturbances, some applauded the opinion of Arius, while others
contended that those who had been ordained by Melitius ought to govern
the churches. These two bodies of sectarians had hitherto been opposed
to each other, but on perceiving that the priests of the Catholic
Church were followed by the multitude, they became jealous and formed
an alliance together, and manifested a common enmity to the clergy of
Alexandria. Their measures of attack and defense were so long carried
on in concert, that in process of time the Melitians were generally
called Arians in Egypt, although
they only dissent on questions of the presidency of the churches, while
the Arians hold the same opinions concerning God as Arius. Although
they individually denied one another’s tenets, yet they
dissimulated in contradiction of their own view, in order to attain an
underhanded agreement in the fellowship of their enmity; at the same
time each one expected to prevail easily in what he desired. From this
period, however, the Melitians after the discussion on those topics,
received the Arian doctrines, and held the same opinion as Arius
concerning God. This revived the original controversy concerning Arius,
and some of the laity and clergy seceded from communion with the
others. The dispute concerning the doctrines of Arius was rekindled
once more in other cities, and particularly in Bithynia and
Hellespontus, and in the city of Constantinople. In short, it is said
that Eusebius, bishop of Nicomedia, and Theognis, bishop of Nicæa,
bribed the notary to whom the emperor had intrusted the custody of the
documents of the Nicæan Council, effaced their signatures, and
attempted openly to teach that the Son is not to be considered
consubstantial with the Father. Eusebius was accused of these
irregularities before the emperor, and he replied with great boldness
as he showed part of his clothing. “If this robe,” said he,
“had been cut asunder in my presence, I could not affirm the
fragments to be all of the same substance.” The emperor was much
grieved at these disputes, for he had believed that questions of this
nature had been finally decided by the council of Nicæa, but
contrary to his hopes he saw them again agitated. He more especially
regretted that Eusebius and Theognis had received certain Alexandrians
into communion,1178
1178Soz. has taken this from the Epistle of Constantine
to the Nicomedians against Eusebius and Theognis. This is preserved by
Theodoret, H. E. i. 20. Theodoret gives the full text; he and
Soz. both obtained it from some such collection as that of Sabinus.
although the Synod had recommended them to repent on account of their
heterodox opinions, and although he had himself condemned them to
banishment from their native land, as being the exciters of sedition.1179
1179Cf. Athan. Apol. cont. Arian. 7 (in the
letter of the Alexandrian Synod).
It is asserted by some, that it was for the above reasons that the
emperor in anger exiled Eusebius and Theognis; but as I have already
stated, I have derived my information from those who are intimately
acquainted with these matters.