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| The Vain Machinations of the Arians and Melitians against St. Athanasius. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XXII.—The Vain
Machinations of the Arians and Melitians against St.
The various calamities which
befell Athanasius were primarily occasioned by Eusebius and
1180Athan. Apol. cont. Arian. 6; Soc. i. 27;
Theod. H. E. i. 26, 27. Soz. works independently from the same
As they possessed great freedom of speech and influence with the
emperor, they strove for the recall of Arius, with whom they were on
terms of concord and friendship, to Alexandria, and at the same time
the expulsion from the Church of him who was opposed to them. They
accused him before Constantine of being the author of all the seditions
and troubles that agitated the Church, and of excluding those who were
desirous of joining the Church; and alleged that unanimity would be
restored were he alone to be removed. The accusations against him were
substantiated by many bishops and clergy who were with John, and who
sedulously obtained access to the emperor; they pretended to great
orthodoxy, and imputed to Athanasius and the bishops of his party all
the bloodshed, bonds, unjust blows, wounds, and conflagrations of
churches. But when Athanasius demonstrated to the emperor the
illegality of the ordination of John’s adherents, their
innovations of the decrees of the Nicæan Council, and the
unsoundness of their faith, and the insults offered to those who held
right opinions about God, Constantine was at a loss to know whom to
believe. Since there were such mutual allegations, and many accusations
were frequently stirred up by each party, and since he was earnestly
anxious to restore the like-mindedness of the people, he wrote to
Athanasius that no one should be shut out. If this should be betrayed
to the last, he would send regardless of consequences, one who should
expel him from the city of Alexandria. If any one should desire to see
this letter of the emperor’s, he will here find the portion of it
relating to this affair: “As you are now acquainted with my will,
which is, that to all who desire to enter the Church you should offer
an unhindered entrance. For should I hear that any who are willing to
join the Church, have been debarred or hindered therefrom by you, I
shall send at once an officer who shall remove you, according to my
command, and shall transfer you to some other place.” Athanasius,
however, wrote to the emperor and convinced him that the Arians ought
not to be received into communion by the Catholic Church; and Eusebius
perceiving that his schemes could never be carried into execution while
Athanasius strove in opposition, determined to resort to any means in
order to get rid of him. But as he could not find a sufficient pretext
for effecting this design, he promised the Melitians to interest the
emperor and those in power in their favor, if they would bring an
accusation against Athanasius. Accordingly, came the first indictment
that he had imposed upon the Egyptians a tax on linen tunics, and that such a tribute had been
exacted from the accusers. Apis1181
1181Soc. i. 27, Alypius; Athan. Apol. cont.
Arian. 60, where a part of the Epistle of the emperor Constantine
is given, and in this Apis and Macarius are mentioned; here is an
instance how Soz. corrects Soc.
and Macarius, presbyters of the Church of Athanasius, who then happened
to be at court, clearly proved the persistent accusation to be false.
On being summoned to answer for the offense, Athanasius was further
accused of having conspired against the emperor, and of having sent,
for this purpose, a casket of gold to one Philumen. The emperor
detected the calumny of his accusers, sent Athanasius home, and wrote
to the people of Alexandria to testify that their bishop possessed
great moderation and a correct faith; that he had gladly met him, and
recognized him to be a man of God; and that, as envy had been the sole
cause of his indictment, he had appeared to better advantage than his
accusers; and having heard that the Arian and Melitian sectarians had
excited dissensions in Egypt, the emperor, in the same epistle,
exhorted the multitude to look to God, to take heed unto his judgments,
to be well disposed toward one another, to prosecute with all their
might those who plotted against their like-mindedness; thus the emperor
wrote to the people, exhorting them all to like-mindedness, and
striving to prevent divisions in the Church.