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| High Priests of Rome and of Constantinople; Restoration of Paul after Eusebius; the Slaughter of Hermogenes, a General of the Army; Constantius came from Antioch and removed Paul, and was wrathfully disposed toward the City; he allowed Macedonius to be in Doubt, and returned to Antioch. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter VII.—High
Priests of Rome and of Constantinople; Restoration of Paul after
Eusebius; the Slaughter of Hermogenes, a General of the Army;
Constantius came from Antioch and removed Paul, and was wrathfully
disposed toward the City; he allowed Macedonius to be in Doubt, and
returned to Antioch.
Thus were the schemes of those
who upheld various heresies in opposition to truth successfully carried
into execution; and thus did they depose those bishops who strenuously
maintained throughout the East the supremacy of the doctrines of the
Nicæan Council. These heretics had taken possession of the most
important sees, such as Alexandria in Egypt, Antioch in Syria, and the
imperial city of the Hellespont, and they held all the persuaded
bishops in subjection. The ruler of the Church at Rome and all the
priests of the West regarded these deeds as a personal insult; for they
had accorded from the beginning with all the decisions in the vote made
by those convened at Nice, nor did they now cease from that way of
thinking. On the arrival of Athanasius, they received him kindly, and espoused his cause among
themselves. Irritated at this interference, Eusebius wrote to Julius,
exhorting him to constitute himself a judge of the decrees that had
been enacted against Athanasius by the council of Tyre.1236
1236Soc. ii. 11–14; Athan. Apol. cont.
Arian. 22.
But before he had been able to ascertain the sentiments of Julius, and,
indeed, not long after the council of Antioch, Eusebius died.
Immediately upon this event, those citizens of Constantinople who
maintained the doctrines of the Nicæan Council, conducted Paul to
the church. At the same time those of the opposing multitude seized
this occasion and came together in another church, among whom were the
adherents of Theognis, bishop of Nicæa, of Theodore, bishop of
Heraclea, and others of the same party who chanced to be present, and
they ordained Macedonius bishop of Constantinople. This excited
frequent seditions in the city which assumed all the appearance of a
war, for the people fell upon one another, and many perished. The city
was filled with tumult, so that the emperor, who was then at Antioch,
on hearing of what had occurred, was moved to wrath, and issued a
decree for the expulsion of Paul. Hermogenes, general of the cavalry,
endeavored to put this edict of the emperor’s into execution; for
having been sent to Thrace, he had, on the journey, to pass by
Constantinople, and he thought, by means of his army, to eject Paul
from the church by force. But the people, instead of yielding, met him
with open resistance, and while the soldiers, in order to carry out the
orders they had received, attempted still greater violence, the
insurgents entered the house of Hermogenes, set fire to it, killed him,
and attaching a cord to his body, dragged it through the city.1237
1237Cf. Am. Marcel. xiv. 10. 2.
The emperor had no sooner received this intelligence than he took horse
for Constantinople, in order to punish the people. But he spared them
when he saw them coming to meet him with tears and supplications. He
deprived the city of about half of the corn which his father,
Constantine, had granted them annually out of the public treasury from
the tributes of Egypt, probably from the idea that luxury and excess
made the populace idle and disposed to sedition. He turned his anger
against Paul and commanded his expulsion from the city. He manifested
great displeasure against Macedonius also, because he was the occasion
of the murder of the general and of other individuals and also, because
he had been ordained without first obtaining his sanction. He, however,
returned to Antioch, without having either confirmed or dissolved his
ordination. Meanwhile the zealots of the Arian tenets deposed Gregory,
because he was indifferent in the support of their doctrines, and had
moreover incurred the ill-will of the Alexandrians on account of the
calamities which had befallen the city at his entrance, especially the
conflagration of the church. They elected George, a native of
Cappadocia, in his stead;1238
1238Soc. ii. 14. Cf. Philost. iii. 3.
this new bishop was admired on account of his activity and his zeal in
support of the Arian dogma.