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| He prohibited the Christians from the Markets and from the Judicial Seats and from Sharing in Greek Education. Resistance of Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and Apolinarius to this Decree. They rapidly translate the Scripture into Greek Modes of Expression. Apolinarius and Gregory Nazianzen do this more than Basil, the one in a Rhetorical Vein, the other in Epic Style and in Imitation of every Poet. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XVIII.—He
prohibited the Christians from the Markets and from the Judicial Seats
and from Sharing in Greek Education. Resistance of Basil the Great,
Gregory the Theologian, and Apolinarius to this Decree. They rapidly
translate the Scripture into Greek Modes of Expression. Apolinarius and
Gregory Nazianzen do this more than Basil, the one in a Rhetorical
Vein, the other in Epic Style and in Imitation of every Poet.
Julian entertained the same
sentiments as those above described towards all Christians, as he
manifested whenever an opportunity was offered. Those who refused to
sacrifice to the gods, although perfectly blameless in other respects,
were deprived of the rights of citizenship,1410
1410Juliani Op. Ep. xlii.; Soc. iii. 13.
and of the privilege of participating in assemblies, and in the forum;
and he would not allow them to be judges or magistrates, or to share in
He forbade the children of Christians from frequenting
the public schools, and from being instructed in the writings of the
Greek poets and authors.1411
1411Greg. Naz. Or. cont. Jul. i. 101–124;
Ruf. H. E. i. 32; Theodoret. H. E. iii. 8.
He entertained great resentment against Apolinarius the Syrian, a man
of manifold knowledge and philological attainments, against Basil and
Gregory, natives of Cappadocia, the most celebrated orators of the
time, and against other learned and eloquent men, of whom some were
attached to the Nicene doctrines, and others to the dogmas of Arius.
His sole motive for excluding the children of Christian parents from
instruction in the learning of the Greeks, was because he considered
such studies conducive to the acquisition of argumentative and
persuasive power. Apolinarius, therefore, employed his great learning
and ingenuity in the production of a heroic epic on the antiquities of
the Hebrews to the reign of Saul, as a substitute for the poem of
Homer. He divided this work into twenty-four parts, to each of which he
appended the name of one of the letters of the Greek alphabet,
according to their number and order. He also wrote comedies in
imitation of Menander, tragedies resembling those of Euripides, and
odes on the model of Pindar. In short, taking themes of the entire
circle of knowledge from the Scriptures, he produced within a very
brief space of time, a set of works which in manner, expression,
character, and arrangement are well approved as similar to the Greek
literatures and which were equal in number and in force. Were it not
for the extreme partiality with which the productions of antiquity are
regarded, I doubt not but that the writings of Apolinarius would be
held in as much estimation as those of the ancients.1412
1412The question about the nature of Christian culture
has Socrates on the side of the humanities, iii. 16, where there is an
extended argument in defense of a return to the study of Greek
literature. Sozomen is somewhat on the fence, but inclining towards the
opposite view.
The comprehensiveness of his intellect is more
especially to be admired; for he excelled in every branch of
literature, whereas ancient writers were proficient only in one. He
wrote a very remarkable work entitled “The Truth”1413
1413Apolinarius (Apollinaris), bishop of Hierapolis,
also wrote a treatise with the same name. See Euseb. H. E. iv.
27, and Phot. Bibl., Cod. 145.
against the emperor and the pagan philosophers, in which he clearly
proved, without any appeal to the authority of Scripture, that they
were far from having attained right opinions of God. The emperor, for
the purpose of casting ridicule on works of this nature, wrote to the
bishops in the following words: “I have read, I have understood,
and I have condemned.”1414
1414Ep.77., formerly falsely ascribed to
To this they sent the following reply, “You have read, but you
have not understood; for, had you understood, you would not have
Some have attributed this letter to Basil, the president
of the church in Cappadocia, and perhaps not without reason; but
whether dictated by him or by another, it fully displays the
magnanimity and learning of the writer. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH