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| In Order that he might not be thought Tyrannical, Julian proceeds artfully against the Christians. Abolition of the Sign of the Cross. He makes the Soldiery sacrifice, although they were Unwilling. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XVII.—In Order
that he might not be thought Tyrannical, Julian proceeds artfully
against the Christians. Abolition of the Sign of the Cross. He makes
the Soldiery sacrifice, although they were Unwilling.
When Julian acted and wrote in
the manner aforesaid, he expected that he would by these means easily
induce his subjects to change their religious opinions.1406
1406Soc. iii. 13; Ruf. H. E. i. 32; Greg. Naz.
cont. Jul. i. 66, 80, 84; Theodoret, H. E. iii. 16,
Although he earnestly desired to abolish the Christian religion, yet he
plainly was ashamed to employ violent measures, lest he should be
accounted tyrannical. He used every means, however, that could possibly
be devised to lead his subjects back to paganism; and he was more
especially urgent with the soldiery, whom he sometimes addressed
individually and sometimes through the medium of their officers. To
habituate them in all things to the worship of the gods, he restored
the ancient form of the standard of the Roman armies,1407
1407Greg. Naz. Or. cont. Jul. i. 66.
which, as we have already stated, Constantine had, at the command of
God, converted into the sign of the cross. Julian also1408
caused to be painted, in juxtaposition with his own figure, on the
public pictures, a representation either of Jupiter coming out of
heaven and presenting to him the symbols of imperial power, a crown or
a purple robe, or else of Mars, or of Mercury, with their eyes intently
fixed upon him, as if to express their admiration of his eloquence and
military skill. He placed the pictures of the gods in juxtaposition
with his own, in order that the people might secretly be led to worship
them under the pretext of rendering due honor to him; he abused ancient
usages, and endeavored to conceal his purpose from his subjects. He
considered that if they would yield obedience on this point, they would
be the more ready to obey him on every other occasion; but that if they
ventured to refuse obedience, he would have reason to punish them, as
infringers of the Roman customs and offenders against the emperor and
the state. There were but very few (and the law had its course against
them) who, seeing through his designs, refused to render the customary
homage to his pictures; but the multitude, through ignorance or
simplicity, conformed as usual to the ancient regulation, and
thoughtlessly paid homage to his image. The emperor derived but little
advantage from this artifice; yet he did not cease from his efforts to
effect a change in religion.
The next machination to which he had recourse was less
subtle and more violent than the former one; and the fortitude of many
soldiers attached to the court was thereby tested. When the stated day
came round for giving money to the troops,1409
1409Greg. Naz. Or. cont. Jul. i. 82–84;
Theodoret, H. E. iii. 17; the variations.
which day generally fell upon the anniversary of some festival among
the Romans, such as that of the birth of the emperor, or the foundation
of some royal city, Julian reflected that soldiers are naturally
thoughtless and simple, and disposed to be covetous of money, and
therefore concluded that it would be a favorable opportunity to seduce
them to the worship of the gods. Accordingly, as each soldier
approached to receive the money, he was commanded to offer sacrifice,
fire and incense having been previously placed for this purpose near
the emperor, according to an ancient Roman custom. Some of the soldiers
had the courage to refuse to offer sacrifice and receive the gold;
others were so habituated to the observance of the law and custom that
they conformed to it, without imagining that they were committing sin.
Others, again, deluded by the luster of the gold, or compelled by fear
and consideration on account of the test which was immediately in
sight, complied with the pagan rite, and suffered themselves to fall
into the temptation from which they ought to have fled.
It is related that, as some of them who had ignorantly
fallen into this sin were seated at table, and drinking to each other,
one among them happened to mention the name of Christ over the cups.
Another of the guests immediately exclaimed: “It is extraordinary
that you should call upon Christ, when, but a short time ago, you
denied him for the sake of the emperor’s gift, by throwing
incense into the fire.” On hearing this observation, they all
became suddenly conscious of the sin they had committed; they rose from
table and rushed into the public streets, where they screamed and wept
and called upon all men to witness that they were and would remain
Christians, and that they had offered incense unawares, and with the
hand alone, and not with the assent of the judgment. They then
presented themselves before the emperor, threw back his gold, and
courageously asked him to take back his own gift, and besought him to
put them to death, protesting that they would never renounce their
sentiments, whatever torments
might, in consequence of the sin committed by their hand, be inflicted
on the other parts of their body for the sake of Christ.
Whatever displeasure the emperor might have felt against
them, he refrained from slaying them, lest they should enjoy the honor
of martyrdom; he therefore merely deprived them of their military
commission and dismissed them from the palace. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH