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| Paulus, Bishop of Constantinople. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
IV.—Paulus, Bishop of
, bishop of
Constantinople, who faithfully maintained orthodox doctrines, was
accused by the unsound Arians of exciting seditions, and of such other
crimes as they usually laid to the charge of all those who preached
true piety. The people, who feared the machinations of his enemies,
would not permit him to go to Sardica. The Arians, taking advantage of
the weakness of the emperor, procured from him an edict of banishment
against Paulus, who was, accordingly, sent to Cucusus, a little town
formerly included in Cappadocia, but now in Lesser Armenia. But these
disturbers of the public peace were not satisfied with having driven
the admirable Paulus into a desert. They sent the agents of their
cruelty to despatch him by a violent death. St. Athanasius testifies to
this fact in the defence which he wrote of his own flight. He uses the
following words463
463 Ath. de fug. §3. Cf. Hist. Ar. ad Mon.
7. | : “They
pursued Paulus, bishop of Constantinople, and having seized him at
Cucusus, a city of Cappadocia, they had him strangled, using as their
executioner Philippus the prefect, who was the protector of their
heresy, and the active agent of their most atrocious projects464
464 Flavius Philippus, prætorian præfect of the East, is
described by Socrates (II. 16), as δεύτερος
Paulus was removed from Constantinople in 342, and not slain till 350.
Philippus died in disappointment and misery. Dict. Christ. Biog.
iv. 356. | .”
Such were the murders to which
the blasphemy of Arius gave rise. Their mad rage against the
Only-begotten was matched by cruel deeds against His
servants. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH