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| Concerning the Synod held at Nica in Thrace, and the Confession of Faith drawn up there. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XVI.—Concerning the Synod held at Nica554
554 At or
near the modern Hafsa, not far to the S. of Adrianople. | in Thrace, and
the Confession of Faith drawn up there.
After this letter they555 irritated the
emperor, and got the majority of the bishops, against their will, to a
certain town of Thrace, of the name of Nica. Some simple men they
deluded, and others they terrified, into carrying out their old
contrivance for injuring the true religion, by erasing the words
“Substance” and “of one Substance” from the
Creed, and inserting instead of them the word “like.” I
insert their formula in this history, not as being couched in proper
terms, but because it convicts the faction of Arius, for it is not even
accepted by the disaffected of the present time. Now, instead of
“the like” they preach “the unlike556
556 “The Eusebians, little pleased with the growing dogmatism of
members of their own body, fell upon the expedient of confining their
confession to Scripture terms; which, when separated from their
context, were of course inadequate to concentrate and ascertain the
true doctrine. Hence the formula of the Homœon, which was
introduced by Acacius with the express purpose of deceiving or baffling
the semi-Arian members of his party. This measure was the more
necessary for Eusebian interests, inasmuch as a new variety of the
heresy arose in the East at the same time, advocated by Aetius and
Eunomius; who, by professing boldly the pure Arian text, alarmed
Constantius, and threw him back upon Basil, and the other semi-Arians.
This new doctrine, called Anomœan, because it maintained
that the usia or substance of the Son was unlike
(ἀνόμοιος) the Divine usia, was actually adopted by one portion of
the Eusebians, Valens, and his rude occidentals; whose language and
temper, not admitting the refinements of Grecian genius, led them to
rush from orthodoxy into the most hard and undisguised impiety. And
thus the parties stand at the date now before us (a.d. 356–361); Constantius being alternately swayed
by Basil, Acacius, and Valens, that is by the Homousian, the
Homœan, and the Anomœan, the semi-Arian, the Scripturalist,
and the Arian pure” (Newman, Arians, iv. §4). | .”
Unsound Creed put forth at Nica
in Thrace.
“We believe in one only
true God, Father Almighty, of Whom are all things. And in the
only-begotten Son of God, Who before all ages and before every
beginning was begotten of God, through Whom all things were made, both
visible and invisible: alone begotten, only-begotten of the Father
alone, God of God: like the Father that begat Him, according to the
Scriptures, Whose generation no one knoweth except only the Father that
begat Him. This Only-begotten Son of God, sent by His Father, we know
to have come down from heaven, as it is written, for the destruction of
sin and death; begotten of the Holy Ghost and the Virgin Mary, as it is
written, according to the flesh. Who companied with His disciples, and
when the dispensation was fulfilled, according to the Father’s
will, was crucified, dead, and buried, and descended to the world
below, at Whom Hell himself trembled. On the third day He rose from the
dead and companied with His disciples forty days. He was taken up into
Heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of His Father, and is coming at
the last day of the Resurrection, in His Father’s Glory, to
render to every one according to his works. And we believe in the Holy
Ghost, which the Only-begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ, both God and
Lord, promised to send to man, the Comforter, as it is written, the
Spirit of Truth. This Spirit He Himself sent after He had ascended into
Heaven and sat at the right hand of the Father, from thence to come to
judge both quick and dead. But the word ‘the Substance,’
which was too simply inserted by the Fathers, and, not being understood
by the people, was a cause of scandal through its not being found in
the Scriptures, it hath seemed good to us to remove, and that for the
future no mention whatever be permitted of ‘Substance,’ on
account of the sacred Scriptures nowhere making any mention of the
‘Substance’ of the Father and the Son. Nor must one
‘essence557 ’ be named in relation to the
person558 of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. And we
call the Son like the Father, as the Holy Scriptures call Him and
teach; but all the heresies, both those already condemned, and any, if
such there be, which have risen against the document thus put forth,
let them be Anathema.”
This Creed was subscribed by the
bishops, some being frightened and some cajoled, but those who refused
to give in their adhesion were banished to the most remote regions of
the world. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH