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  • Leo the bishop.

    Chapter LXXI.


    2693 Leo the Great, Bishop (Pope) 440, died 461.


    2694 bishop: A 30 31 e have pontiff.

    of Rome, wrote a letter to Flavianus, bishop of the church at Constantinople, against Eutyches the presbyter, who at that time, on account of his ambition for the episcopate was trying to introduce novelties into the church. In this he advises Flavianus, if Eutyches confesses his error and promises amendment, to receive him, but if he should persist in the course he had entered on, that he should be condemned together with his heresy. He likewise teaches in this epistle and confirms by divine testimony that as the Lord Jesus Christ is to be considered the true son of the Divine Father, so likewise he is to be considered true man with human nature, that is, that he derived a body of flesh from the flesh of the virgin and not as Eutyches asserted, that he showed a body from heaven.2695

    2695 T and 21 add after heaven “and he addressed another letter on this same subject to the Emperor Leo in whose reign also he died.”

    He died in the reign of Leo and Majorianus.


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