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| Theodoritus the bishop. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter LXXXIX.
2731 Theodoret born about 393, bishop of Cyrrhaus 423, wrote 450, died
457. | 2732
2732 Theodoretus A a e; Theodoritus
31; Theodorus T 25 30. | bishop of Cyrus (for
the city founded by Cyrus king of the Persians preserves until the
present day in Syria the name of its founder) is said to have written
many works. Such as have come to my knowledge are the following: On
the incarnation of the Lord, Against Eutyches the presbyter and
Dioscorus bishop of Alexandria who deny that Christ had human
flesh; strong works by which he confirmed through reason and the
testimony of Scripture that He had real flesh from the maternal
substance which he derived from His Virgin mother just as he had true
deity which he received at birth by eternal generation from God the
Father. There are ten books of the ecclesiastical history which he
wrote in imitation of Eusebius of Cæsarea beginning where Eusebius
ends and extending to his own time, that is from the Vicennalia of
Constantine until the accession of the elder Leo in whose reign he