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| Faustinus the presbyter. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XVI.
2597 Flourished about 384. | the presbyter
wrote to Queen Flaccilla seven books Against the Arians and
Macedonians, arguing and convicting them by the testimonies of the
very Scriptures which they used, in perverted meaning, for blasphemy.
He wrote also a book which, together with a certain presbyter named
Marcellinus, he addressed to the emperors Valentinianus, Theodosius and
Arcadius, in defence of their fellow Christians. From this it appears
that he acquiesced in the Luciferian schism, in that in this same book
he blames Hilary of Poitiers and Damasus, bishop of Rome, for giving
ill-advised counsel to the church, advising that the apostate2598
2598 Apostate = prevaricatores. | bishops should be received into
communion for the sake of restoring the peace. For it was as
displeasing to the Luciferians to receive the bishops who in the
Ariminian council had communed with Arius, as it was to the Novatians
to receive the penitent apostates.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH