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| Jerome's boast of his teachers, Didymus and the Jew Baranina. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
12. I think very little, indeed, of one reproach which he levels
against me, and think it hardly worthy of a reply; that, namely, in
which, in recounting the various teachers whom he hired, as he says,
from the Jewish synagogue, he says, in order to give me a sharp prick,
“I have not been my own teacher, like some people,” meaning
me of course, for he brings the whole weight of his invective to bear
against me from beginning to end. Indeed, I wonder that he should have
chosen to make a point of this, when he had a greater and easier matter
at hand by which to disparage me, namely this, that, though I stayed
long among many eminent teachers, yet I have nothing to show which is
worthy of their teaching or their training. He indeed, has not in his
whole life stayed more than thirty days at Alexandria where Didymus
lived; yet almost all through his books he boasts, at length and at
large, that he was the pupil of Didymus the seer, that he had Didymus
as his initiator,2959
2959 The word is given in Greek, καθηγητής | that is, his
preceptor in the holy Scriptures; and the material for all this
boasting was acquired in a single month. But I, for the sake of
God’s work, stayed six years, and again after an interval for two
more, where Didymus lived, of whom alone you boast, and where others
lived who were in no way inferior to him, but whom you did not know
even by sight, Serapion and Menites, men who are like brothers in life
and character and learning; and Paul the old man, who had been the
pupil of Peter the Martyr; and, to come to the teachers of the desert,
on whom I attended frequently and earnestly, Macarius the disciple of
Anthony, and the other Macarius, and Isidore and Pambas, all of them
friends of God, who taught me those things which they themselves were
learning from God. What material for boasting should I have from all
these men, if boasting were seemly or expedient! But the truth is, I
blush even while I weave together these past experiences, which I do
with the intention, not of showing you, as you put it, that my masters
did not do justice to my talents, but, what I grieve over far more,
that my talents have not done justice to my masters.
But it is foolish in me to
enumerate these holy Christian men. It is not of them that he is
thinking when he says that he has not like me been his own teacher. It
is of Barabbas2960
2960 The
name of Jerome’s Jewish teacher of Hebrew, which Rufinus here
perverts, was Baranina. Letter lxxxiv. c. 3. | whom, unlike me,
he took as his teacher from the Synagogue, and of Porphyry by whose
introduction he and not I had his introduction into Logic. Pardon me
for this that I have preferred to be thought of as an unskilled and
unlearned man rather than to be called the disciple of Barabbas. For,
when Christ and Barabbas were offered for our choice, I in my
simplicity made choice of Christ. You, it appears, are willing to join
your shouts with those who say,2961 “Not
this man but Barabbas.” And I should like to know what Porphyry,
that friend of yours who wrote his blasphemous books against our
religion, taught you? What good did you get from either of those
masters of whom you boast so much, the one drawing his inspiration
from the
idols which represent demons, the other, as you tell us, from the
Synagogue of Satan. Nothing, as far as I see, but what they knew
themselves. From Porphyry you gained the art of speaking evil of
Christians, to strike at those who live in virginity and continence, at
our deacons and presbyters, and to defame in your published writings,
every order and degree of Christians. From that other friend of yours,
Barabbas, whom you chose out of the synagogue rather than Christ, you
learned to hope for a resurrection not in power but in frailty, to love
the letter which kills and hate the spirit which gives life, and other
more secret things, which, if occasion so require, shall afterwards in
due time be brought to light.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH