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28. That He
descended into hell is also evidently foretold in the Psalms, where it
is said, “Thou hast brought Me also into the dust of the
death.”3350 And again,
“What profit is there in my blood, when I shall have descended
into corruption?”3351 And again, “I
descended into the deep mire, where there is no bottom.”3352 Moreover, John says, “Art Thou He
that shall come (into hell, without doubt), or do we look for
another?”3353 Whence also
Peter says that “Christ being put to death in the flesh, but
quickened in the Spirit which dwells in Him, descended to the spirits
who were shut up in prison, who in the days of Noah believed not, to
preach unto them;”3354 where also
what He did in hell is declared. Moreover, the Lord says by the
Prophet, as though speaking of the future, “Thou wilt not leave
my soul in hell, neither wilt Thou suffer Thy Holy One to see
corruption.”3355 Which again, in
prophetic language he speaks of as actually fulfilled, “O Lord,
Thou hast brought my soul out of hell: Thou hast saved me from them
that go down into the pit.”3356 There
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