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| A copy of the letter of Constantius against Athanasius. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
30. A copy of the
letter of Constantius against Athanasius.
Victor Constantius Maximus Augustus to the
Your city, preserving its national character, and
remembering the virtue of its founders, has habitually shewn itself
obedient unto us, as it does at this day; and we on our part should
consider ourselves greatly wanting in our duty, did not our good will
eclipse even that of Alexander himself. For as it belongs to a
temperate mind, to behave itself orderly in all respects, so it is the
part of royalty, on account of virtue, permit me to say, such as yours,
to embrace you above all others; you, who rose up as the first teachers of wisdom who
were the first to acknowledge1370
1370 On
the reading, cf. infr. note 6. | God; who moreover
have chosen for yourselves the most consummate masters; and have
cordially acquiesced in our opinion, justly abominating that impostor
and cheat, and dutifully uniting yourselves to those venerable men who
are beyond all admiration. And yet, who is ignorant, even among those
who live in the ends of the earth, what violent party spirit was
displayed in the late proceedings? with which we know not anything that
has ever happened, worthy to be compared. The majority of the citizens
had their eyes blinded, and a man who had come forth from the lowest
dens of infamy obtained authority among them, entrapping into
falsehood, as under cover of darkness, those who were desirous to know
the truth;—one who never provided for them any fruitful and
edifying discourse, but corrupted their minds with unprofitable
subtleties. His flatterers shouted and applauded him; they were
astonished at his powers, and they still probably murmur secretly;
while the majority of the more simple sort took their cue from them.
And thus all went with the stream, as if a flood had broken in, while
everything was entirely neglected. One of the multitude was in
power;—how can I describe him more truly than by saying, that he
was superior in nothing to the meanest of the people, and that the only
kindness which he shewed to the city was, that he did not thrust her
citizens down into the pit. This noble-minded and illustrious person
did not wait for judgment to proceed against him, but sentenced himself
to banishment, as he deserved. So that now it is for the interest of
the Barbarians to remove him out of the way, lest he lead some of them
into impiety, for he will make his complaint, like distressed
characters in a play, to those who first fall in with him. To him
however we will now bid a long farewell. For yourselves there are few
with whom I can compare you: I am bound rather to honour you separately
above all others, for the great virtue and wisdom which your actions,
that are celebrated almost through the whole world, proclaim you to
possess. Go on in this sober course. I would gladly have repeated to me
a description of your conduct in such terms of praise as it deserves; O
you who have eclipsed your predecessors in the race of glory, and will
be a noble example both to those who are now alive, and to all who
shall come after, and alone have chosen for yourselves the most perfect
of beings as guide for your conduct, both in word and deed, and
hesitated not a moment, but manfully transferred your affections, and
gave yourselves up to the other side, leaving those grovelling1371
1371 τῶν χαμαί, vid. contr. Euseb. H. E. vii. 27. | and earthly teachers, and stretching forth
towards heavenly things, under the guidance of the most venerable
1372 Of
Cappadocia, de Syn. 37, note 3. | , than whom no man is more perfectly
instructed therein. Under him you will continue to have a good hope
respecting the future life, and will pass your time in this present
world, in rest and quietness. Would that all the citizens together
would lay hold on his words, as a sacred anchor, so that we might need
neither knife nor cautery for those whose souls are diseased! Such
persons we most earnestly advise to renounce their zeal in favour of
Athanasius, and not even to remember the foolish things which he spoke
so plentifully among them. Otherwise they will bring themselves before
they are aware into extreme peril, from which we know not any one who
will be skilful enough to deliver such factious persons. For while that
pestilent fellow Athanasius is driven from place to place, being
convicted of the basest crimes, for which he would only suffer the
punishment he deserves, if one were to kill him ten times over, it
would be inconsistent in us to suffer those flatterers and juggling
ministers of his to exult against us; men of such a character as it is
a shame even to speak of, respecting whom orders have long ago been
given to the magistrates, that they should be put to death. But even
now perhaps they shall not die, if they desist from their former
offences, and repent at last. For that most pestilent fellow Athanasius
led them on, and corrupted the whole state, and laid his impious and
polluted hands upon the most holy things.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH